Evangelical Lutheran Seminary of Canada
Waterloo - Ontario
Feb’y 5, 1928.
Dear Mother:
Your kind letter was received sometime last week and was highly enjoyed. As I am at home alone tonight, except for the company of Florence, I will make use of the opportunity and write you a few lines. I wasn’t away preaching anywhere over this Sunday, it being the first Sunday I have had off for months. I appreciated it in a way, though if I had many such Sundays I couldn’t make a living. However I am booked for next Sunday at Unionville-Sherwood, the following Sunday at Brant, and the next at Bridgeport. So I will probably be able to get along for a time anyway. Carolus is paying his own way now as far as his clothes and other expenses are concerned. He paid a little board when he was at the Globe, but as he is not getting as much now, I let him off with buying his clothes and things. He is getting along fine at his new job and finds it very interesting. He gets $10 a week the first year, and $20 more a month the second year, $10 of this going for his Educational expenses, his net gain being $10 a month. He is in a good firm, the only local firm of Accountants in Kitchener; and they are kept very busy. They also have businesses in outlying cities and towns. An opening for a new man occurs only once every four or five years. So Carolus was quite lucky in a way to get this job; although I would
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much have preferred his going into the ministry. But I was not in position to see him through and so I did not press the matter. I was sorry to hear of the death of Lawyer Joel Mauser. I enjoyed meeting him at Lincolnton when I was down there the other summer. I am not surprised, however, that his heart gave way after his operation. I am rather surprised that the came out of it at all, considering his avoirdupois. But I am sorry to hear of his passing as well as that of Dr. Coon, both of them being of about my age. I expect to be down in Phil’a again on Ash Wednesday. I think we will finish up our work as a Theological Commission at that time and will not need to meet again before the next convention of the U.L.C.A. I may stay a day or two in Phil’a on this trip; but that depends on how far advanced I am with my work here. To-day Prof Henkel preached in St. John’s on the subject of Min. Pensions and Relief. He demolished nearly all arguments against it, but whether it will have any effect or not I don’t know. In fact I am rather doubtful in view of the following press the Church Messenger, Pastor Roberts’ parish paper: “The plan of the U.L.C.A was to hold a canvass the following week and to interview every member personally. But this was decided against, due to the fact that many members intimated it would not go well with any canvasser who called at their house.” This was quite frank to say the least. Prudence accordingly decided them to issue a letter to each member instead and enclose an envelope and card. Pastor Roberts is already having trouble with his parish hall before it is opened. At the annual meeting they decided to open it to card playing, which he doesn’t approve of.
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We had some pretty cold weather the first of last week or thereabouts. The thermometer one night was down to 20° below zero. A soft spell followed for a day or two, but to-day was bright and cold again. We still have considerable snow and the skating is good again. Some of the children have had colds, but all are on the mend. Last week the College School had their annual skating party. I was on the ice with them for awhile, but didn’t go in for the eats. Marion had a fellow to take her to the party and made her debut. She thinks she is quite grown up now. Well, I think I will have to stop for this time. With love to you all, I am
Most Sincerely yours,
[signed] Carroll H. Little.