{Lutheran Theological Seminary and Waterloo College
Waterloo, Ontario}
Aug. 6, 1922.
Dear Mother:-
It is a rainy day to-day, has been raining all afternoon and the prospects are not good for its clearing up in time for service to-night, which means that Church will not be very largely attended. I preached this morning and got through very well, though the attendance was small. Making a rough count I judged that there were about sixty out – a rather poor representation for a Church of some 400 members. The weather was ideal this morning too, neither too hot nor too cool, but to parody a popular proverb, "When the pastor’s away the members will play." In First English, contrary to our bi-lingual churches, the evening attendance is usually the larger.
I received your nice letter together with Mabel’s handkerchiefs for Bonnie and me yesterday. The handkerchiefs are lovely and we both appreciate them very highly. Bonnie intended writing Mabel to-day but didn’t get around to it. Hence I hereby thank her for us both. I have now 6 fine linen handkerchiefs from Mabel and will be well supplied for a long time. As to sending a "shower" you may do as you like about that though I think you have already done quite enough for us. The duty would be about 30% on the valuation of the goods.
I took the measurements of the family to-day and will send you the same for comparison. They are as follows: Carroll 5 ft. 10 in, Bonnie 5 ft. 5 ¾ in, Carolus 4 ft. 11 in, Herman 4 ft. 9 in., Arthur 4 ft. ¼ in, Robert 3 ft. 9 in, Eileen 3 ft. ½ in, Marion 4 ft. 7 in., Ruth 2 ft. 6 ½ in.
Yesterday evening an automobile ran over Dr. Hoffman’s little dog and it died a few minutes later on the Seminary campus near his house. The dog was a very friendly little thing and cost $30.00. He had had it about a year. Our Professor-elect of Science, Prof. Lubavitch, was around yesterday to call on Dr. Hoffman. I met him. He is a Russian and a Jew, though he has been attending the Protestant Churches in Toronto, and appears
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very friendly. He is an M.A. of Toronto University and is highly recommended by the University authorities. He speaks English quite well, but with a somewhat decided accent. His native tongue is Russian. He is married and has one child, a boy of about 8 or 9 years of age.
I see from the local Kitchener paper, the Record, that there are over 600 licensed Home Brewers in Kitchener alone and the paper says they make an excellent quality of beer, superior to the English brew.
We have heard nothing more from Bonnie’s people since I wrote to Mabel the other day. Mrs. I.B. did not say what she received except that she had a half interest in the business, but Meda wrote that she had received $5000 in a lump sum in addition to the house and home place in which she lives. We do not know what the others received, but it is likely that Don received the home in which he lives and the other half of the business and probably enough money to carry on his part of the business with. Meda did not say what Lynton received, but said that in case of his death his part was to be divided among the rest, which would indicate that he received quite a considerable sum. Neither one said what Max was given. He also was probably paid off in money, though I did not think that Father DeLong had so much ready cash. Mrs. I.B. was careful to state that Father DeLong was particularly bright the day the lawyer was up to draw up his waitings and that he seemed quite relieved after it was over. There may be a reason. I suppose she said that in order to forestall any attempt to upset the will. But she can rest easy along that line. We wouldn’t do that even if Bonnie had received absolutely nothing. Out of an estate of upwards of $60000, $500 is next to nothing and I am sure Father DeLong would never have cut his girls off like that if influence had not been brought to bear upon him. However, it is done and there is no use in worrying over it.
The Tattoo Friday passed off with great success. They fired off $1000 worth of fire works. It was estimated that there were 1000 automobiles in the Park and upwards of 10000 people in attendance. Bonnie has gone into moderate mourning. She had her Taffeta dress dyed and all the stiffening come out and made it look like China silk and spoiled it, so she says. She is quite worn out and ought to have a rest but has no place now to which she would like to go. Well I must close and get ready for Church. Love to all
[signed] Carroll.