341 Garrison Street, Bethlehem, Pa.
Dear Doctor Little,
Our letters crossed again, but no matter, your letter is important. You ought to be on hand the first week in September. There is only college work but it will afford you an excellent opportunity to get your bearings. We will devote that time chiefly to the languages. Greek, Latin, English & German. If Prof. Lincke refuses to teach Greek in English you will take some of that work. Also some of the classes in English.
Our courses can be outlined when we meet in Waterloo. Not all the subjects in Practical Theology must be taught this year. But Liturgies, Hymnology, Architecture, the subjects formerly taught by Rev. Voelker, but dropped when he became objectionable on account of the feeling of the boys against him, must be taken up this year. S.S. need not be taught this year. I will take care of Pedagogy under Psychology. Homiletics & Catechetics must be provided for. Missions & Comparative Religions I will take, especially the latter, if your hours are all taken.
Rev. Sorensen, no doubt told you all. He is generally reliable. The present system is positively inadequate to heat the building. But a new system will make the rooms habitable & comfortable, unless the wind is too high. Then you must seek ‘shelter’ in that part of the house not effected by the wind. Ask for a radiator in the kitchen.
If we had not put up a coal stove in the study which became a living room in cold weather, the family could not have survived. Insist on adequate heating facilities before you accept, for it is hard to get those comforts when you are on the ground.
Hoping you will see your way clear to accept the call, I remain, with hearty good wishes to all,
[signed] Preston A. Laury.
P.S. Be sure to ask any questions.
The Celebration Medal
Quadricentennal of the Reformation
The Philadelphia Committee
3120 Park Avenue, Philadelphia
The Rev. C.H. Little, D.D,
Morrisburg, Ont