The Rev. Dr. C.H. Little
(Page 2)
Toronto, Ont.
Dec. 5. 1916.
The Rev. Dr. Little
Morrisburg, Ont.
Dear Bro:-
I have just mailed a copy of the “Jubiläums - büchlein” of the Canada Synod to you. But please do use the favor and keep it; don’t return it.
I sincerely thank you for the noble sentiments expressed in your letter. I can hardly tell you how much I appreciate them. We hear so much of the opposite sort, that we are brought near to loosing our selfrespect. The worst is that our Seminary cause is actually suffering in consequence of the unwise & uncharitable attitude of some. I have been looking and working for a union of the Com. Luth. forces at least those of the Gen. Council but are afraid, a deep chasm has been created.
Best wishes: Fraternally E. Hoffmann