{The Evangelical Lutheran Synod
of Nova Scotia
Office of the President}
Bridgewater, N.S.,
Feb’y 12, 1914.
The Rev. R. F. Weidner, D.D.,
Lutheran Theol. Seminary,
Maywood, Ill.
Dear Doctor Weidner:
Your kind letter inquiring as to my work was received a few days ago. In reply I will say that owing to my many duties as President of Synod, Editor of our Synodical organ The Nova Scotia Lutheran, and Housefather and Financial Agent of the Bethany Orphans’ Home, and supply preacher for our vacant parishes, I have not been able to do anything like the amount of systematic study that I would have liked to do. I do not remember when I wrote you last but will give you a list of what I have done from 12 months or so back. I have read the Book of Concord (Vols. I & II Jacobs ed.), The Confessional Principles – Schmauk, Life of Dr. [?], The Divine Art of Preaching – Pierson, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome – Chiniquy, Lenski’s Eisenach Gospels, Vol. I & II, besides tracts like The Fundamentals, Pieper’s Conversion and Election, The Lutheran Church Review and the like. Besides I read the Greek Testament through once a year, the English Bible once a year and the New Testament from 4 to 5 times a year. I am sorry I cannot make a better report, but my circumstances are not favourable for a great amount of
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reading and study. I organized a pastoral association two years ago which meets once a month at which papers are read and discussions are held. We have so far covered about half of the Articles of the Augsburg Confession and have also had many papers on Practical Subjects and along exegetical and homiletical lines.
Now another matter. We have at present two vacant parishes. There is some prospect of filling one of them; but the other, The Midville Parish, has as yet no prospect of securing a pastor. The Parish is a country parish with 5 congregations and several preaching points. The sermonizing is not difficult, but considerable driving is required. It has just been vacated by Pastor D.K. Fetterly who has gone to Rose Bay. The Parish pays a salary of $700 and parsonage. It might possibly pay $800, I do no know. But it is a parish opportunity. According to Government Census Report there are within the bounds of that parish 1100 people who call themselves Lutheran. Do you have a member of your graduating class to recommend, who would consider a call to this parish? If so, I would be glad to hear from you immediately.
Sincerely yours,
[signed] C.H. Little.