Mahone Bay, N. S.,
Dec. 20, 1909.
Dear Dr. Weidner:
Your very welcome note came to hand the other day. I was pleased to hear from you after so long a period of silence. I am sorry I have not greater progress to report. I have read, I think, only three books on strictly theological lines since I wrote you last. They are Dr. M. Loy’s Exposition of the Augsburg Confession, a most excellent work to strengthen one’s Lutheranism; Broadus on Preaching, which I think is the most suggestive, helpful and stimulating work I have read along the line of Homiletics; and Virret’s Pastoral Theology. For some time I have been occupying what little spare time I have in reading an informative secular work Greene’s history of the English People. When I finish that I will go back to something more nearly along my line. But I have had very little time for reading. After Rev. Murray resigned here I was called to Mahone Bay and entered on the work Oct, 3, ’09. My successor at New Germany is the Rev. J. F. Bermon of the Seminary at Phila. Wishing you the blessings of this Christmas season, I am Sincerely yours,
[signed] C. H. Little