Quebec 26 mai
Chs. Fitzpatrick
R 28
[?] [?]
In favor of M. Roche
& [?] Petitions
(Page 2)
26th May/78
My dear Mr. Laurier –
re Supervisorship at Quebec
Referring to the conversation had with you at Quebec respecting the appointment of a person to the position of Supervisor of Culler’s at Quebec I wish to repeat my earnest request that in the event of a change Mr Edward Roche of this City should be appointed –
(Page 2)
Enclosed you will find Petitions signed by the Chief lumber firms of this city & also of Ottawa – If you require anything let me [?] & I will procure it for you Notice among others the name of J. Connolly.
If I have any claims upon you or the party I should wish to use them now Mr Roche is eminently fitted for the position This appointment will [?] [?] satisfaction
Yours truly
Charles Fitzpatrick
P.S. You will be careful not to [?] Petitions mislaid