Waterloo, Ont.,
April 28, 1919.
Dear Mother:
As I only got home to-day at noon I had no opportunity to write to you until to-night. I left home Saturday directly after dinner for Hamilton going all the way by trolley, about 65 or 70 miles. I had a very pleasant trip but also a very busy day yesterday. I preached Sunday morning and last night. I delivered an address before the Sunday School in the afternoon and another address on the Seminary before the Luther League after the service last night. In spite of the fact that I had practically no time for preparation I am happy to say that I made a very favorable impression upon the Hamilton people. The collection at the two services for the day amounted to over $75.00. They also paid me $10 and my travelling expenses which amounted to $2.50 more. I expect to get down there again in the summer in the interest of the Seminary and College in my campaign for students. The Seminary Board met last week and as was expected made some considerable
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changes in the faculty of the institution. Dr. E. Hoffmann of Toronto was called as the President of the whole institution. Rev. Prof. Holm was dismissed as instructor and Prof. Zinck was called as full college professor. Dr. Hoffmann is a fine man and a very able man and I shall deem it a pleasure to work under him. The Board found it necessary to call Dr. Hoffmann in order to secure the full support of the German Canada Synod on which we are dependent for three-fourths of our income. If they had not called him they would not have been able to call Prof. Zinck or another English Professor. While the Board at this meeting took no action on the salary question I have been assured by members of the Board that my present salary of $1400 will be continued. Dr. Hoffmann is also to act as financial agent for the institution in the matter of raising an endowment and will have great influence in this matter in the Canada Synod. He is able to handle both languages with ease and is a good theologian. With the work divided among three professors in the Seminary instead of two, my work should be much easier next year. Profs Willison and Zinck
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will be able to handle the College department with the exception of German and French. Either Dr. Hoffmann or Prof. Lincke will take the German and I will take the French in the College. With our fuller teaching force we ought to make things go next year. The Board asks all the professors to do canvassing for students through the summer, which should result in vastly increasing the attendance. Dr. Bieber’s name was not seriously considered in the Board. The Board accepted my MS on the catalogue without change and approved it as very good. Of course, however, I will have to rearrange the Seminary Curriculum in case Dr. Hoffmann accepts the call, which I think he will likely do. They will build him a home this summer on the lot adjoining mine. One of Dr. Hoffmann’s members in Toronto has already put a clause in his will bequeathing property valued at from 20 to 30 thousand dollars to the Seminary and I believe he is the proper man to raise a large endowment for our institution. I will be relieved of a lot of responsibility and am very well satisfied with the action taken, though I would not have been if they had called Dr. Bieber. We had Pastor Bermon with us during the Board and Executive meetings from
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Tuesday until Thursday evening and enjoyed his visit very much. Pastor Weaver of Halifax was with us Friday and again this evening. He leaves to-morrow morning for Pa. where he is going on a visit, taking an early spring vacation of four weeks. I had him to make a short address to the students at chapel this evening. Enclosed I am sending you a couple snap shots of the baby and several other members of the family. The two oldest boys were not around when it was taken and so did not get on it. Thank Herbert for me for the splendid pictures of his two girls which he sent me and which I received last week. I am enclosing also the Hamilton Church’s Anniversary invitation. I will have to stop for this time as I am feeling rather tired to-night yet. With lover and all good wishes, I am
Most Sincerely yours,
[signed] Carroll H. Little