Reports cont'd. In March, the executive prepared and served refreshments following the memorial service for Dr. J. Ray Houser, a former Seminary Principal. The executive met 5 times during the past year to carry on the business of the Auxiliary. We had to accept with regret the resignation of two of our executive members, for personal reasons. Mrs. Rose Moore, 1st Vice-Pres. and Mrs. Esther Ruppenthal, assistant Promotion Chairman. We appreciate very much the time and effort given by Esther as she worked two years on promotion with Rose. Rose Moore's second term as Promotion Chairman ends with today's meeting and we are looking for an Assistant Promotion Chairman. Also we would like to fill the office of 2nd Vice-Pres. If anyone is willing and able to serve in this capacity we would be delighted to hear from them. At this time the president honoured the faithful and dedicated service given by Mrs. Rose Moore to the Auxiliary; having served on the executive in many capacities, namely: Ass't. Secretary, Secretary for two terms, then Ass't. Promotion Chairman, and Promotion Chairman, 2nd Vice-Pres. and for a short time 1st Vice-Pres. Rose has always been a willing worker, ready to do whatever she was asked. She has now consented to continue as adviser and consultant to the new Promotion Committee Chairman. The meeting then showed its appreciation to Rose by a round of applause. The president then introduced the new members of the executive: -Mrs. Isabel Dotzenroth of St. Stephen's Church, Kitchener, who will serve as 1st Vice-President. -Mrs. Ethel Gastmeier of Christ Lutheran Church, Waterloo, who will serve as Promotion Chairman. -Duties to commence after September 30, 1981. We are pleased with the response of the Auxiliary members who provide the lovely quilts. This year we received 25 quilts, 1 pr. of pillow cases and $50.00. This money was used to purchase material which the women of St. Luke's, Kitchener, made into a quilt on display in the sanctuary. As of now our Auxiliary is responsible for quilts only, no other bedding is needed. In March the president had the privilege of presenting Gift Certificates to 13 graduates, 1 part time and 2 other seminarians who will not be in the area at graduating time. The president thanked everyone for their work and support during the year -- without this there could be no Auxiliary. THE SECRETARY, Mrs. Eva Hamel, read a resume of the minutes for the 1980 annual meeting.