The minutes of the Annual Meeting of THE WOMEN'S AUXILIARY OF WATERLOO LUTHERAN SEMINARY The annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary was held at St. John's Lutheran Church, Waterloo, on Wednesday, September 30, 1981, commencing at 10:00 a.m. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Dorothy Schaefer. Opening devotions were conducted by Mr. Jeff. Smith, Seminarian and field worker at Mt. Zion Church, Waterloo. He had the audience participate by singing a song with him "Praise to the Lord" while he accompanied on the guitar. Jeff shared an article with us entitled "Bits and Pieces" which reminded us that we are all servants of the Lord and as we touch each other's lives, we leave a lasting impression and we should also therefore he thankful to God for all who touch our lives. He concluded with the singing of Psalm 100, leading all to join him as he played the guitar. In her welcome to all assembled, the president Mrs. Dorothy Schaefer extended a special welcome to past presidents, Mrs. Ruth Gillespie of Waterloo, and Mrs. Marie Ireland from Stratford. Greetings were extended to the assembly by the Rev. Eric Weber, Co-pastor at St. John's, Waterloo. He reminded us that the Women's Auxiliary is now serving the fourth generation of Seminary students, a record of which we should be justly proud. Dr. Delton Glebe, Dean, brought greetings from the Seminary. He wondered if a "comforter" were the same as a quilt. He was assured there was a difference, but continued to remind us that the word "comforter" could well be the symbol of the Women's Auxiliary, because for almost 70 years members have worked together to strengthen, to invigorate and to cheer the seminarians. He also told us he recently received a letter from a former student, Harold Sherk, who expressed his thanks to the Auxiliary, in his words "I will never forget them, being a Mennonite they treated me just the same." REPORTS THE PRESIDENT, Mrs. Dorothy Schaefer, began her report by telling, us that on October 20, 1981, the Waterloo Lutheran Seminary will observe the 70th anniversary of its dedication. The original number of 4 students in its first year, has increased through the years to 90 or more, full and part time students. The Auxiliary will have to wait another two years before it can celebrate its 70th birthday. While the personal touches to Seminarians have disappeared, the needs of Seminarians are still being filled by the Auxiliary by way of financial assistance for clinical training and gift certificates at the time of graduation. The Auxiliary executive provided and served refreshments at the reception following the opening of Seminary in Sept. and also supervised the serving of lunch on Youth Day in January.