Annual Meeting 1978 THE WOMEN'S AUXILIARY OF WATERLOO LUTHERAN SEMINARY The Annual Meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary was held at St. John's Lutheran Church, Waterloo, on Wednesday, September 27, 1978. The meeting began at 10:00 a.m. in the nave of the church, with a welcome extended to all by the President, Mrs. Harold Vogt. Opening devotions were in charge of Seminarian Bruce Schenk whose scripture reading was from Genesis 1 about creation and the wonders of the earth. The hymns "Morning Has Broken" and "For the Beauty of the Earth" were sung with piano accompaniment by Miss Nancy Messerschmidt. The responsive reading of Psalm 148 was followed by some thoughts about the beauty of the earth. Pastor Arnold L. Conrad of St. John's Church extended his welcome to the ladies, and brought greetings on behalf of the host church. Dr. Delton Glebe, Dean of the Seminary, in his greetings, mentioned how thankful they were that St. John's would accommodate the Auxiliary this year, in view of the construction presently taking place at Wilfrid Laurier University. He went on to say he was especially glad to see all the ladies here in living color in this beautiful sanctuary which truly is a picturesque autumn scene. The President, Mrs. Harold Vogt, in her report stated there had been five executive meetings to conduct the business of the Auxiliary. In the spring the Auxiliary assisted at "Youth Ministry" day at the Seminary. Also she attended the senior graduation party at which fourteen $50.00 gift certificates were presented to the graduating seminarians. The Auxiliary has been asked by Seminarian George Wawin to assist them in a project of updating their picture gallery of graduates. Letters have been sent to the people whose photographs are missing. Hopefully, when the job is completed, we will have photographs in yearly classes of all graduates who have passed through the Seminary since its beginning. During the year we have received 32 quilts, 10 blankets, 4 pr. pillowcases, .4 pr. sheets, 2 bedspreads and $50. in donations. We are most grateful for these donations and assure you that the seminarians appreciate the warmth and beauty of of the quilts. Mrs. Vogt thanked all for their excellent support during the year and to the Executive who served with her and were faithful in carrying out the _work of the Auxiliary. The Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Hamel, read a resume of the minutes of the 1977 Annual Meeting. The Treasurer, Mrs. Paul Weber, presented the annual financial report from April 30, 1.977 to May 31, 1978: Balance on hand April 30, 1977 $4,371.67 Receipts $5,191.78 Expenditures $8,156.57 Balance on hand, May 31, 1978 $2,731.88 This report was adopted on a motion by Mrs. Paul Weber, seconded by Mrs. Becker. Promotion Committee chairman, Mrs. D. Grant Moore, reported sending out three mailings to the contact women during the year. Also the film "The Auxiliary, the Seminary and You" has been used by interested groups who requested it to show at their meetings. Mrs. Moore thanked everyone for attending, and for their interest in the Seminary and the work of the Auxiliary, and with their help we will be able to complete the projects undertaken.