THE WOMEN'S AUXILIARY OF WATERLOO LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY The Annual Meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of W.L.U. was held in the Theatre Auditorium on Campus on September 30, 1970, commencing at 10.00 a.m. Senior Seminarian Thomas Graham led the devotions with the reading of Psalm 133. In his message he said "His word is poetry, his poetry is wisdom: Behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell along in unity, for such is the will of God". The pianist was Mr. Garth Mailman, a first-year Seminarian. Mrs. Hachborn welcomed the members and friends of the Auxiliary, also a representative of the Women's Association, Mrs. L. Schaus. Dr. P. Basil Healey, Vice-president Academic, brought greetings from the University. Greetings from the Seminary were brought by Dr. Delton J. Glebe, Acting Dean of the Seminary. He mentioned that 15 new students entered the Seminary this year; this brings the total enrolment to 37, including one woman. The president, in her report, stated that 67 quilts, 25 sheets, 8 blankets, 25 pre. pillowcases, 2 mats and $25. for the purchase of sheets were received. During the year 7 Executive meetings were held. She presented Gift Certificates to 3 Seminary Graduates. She said "1970 starts a new decade and will be remembered by many different people for many different reasons. For us who are here today, signifying our interest in this learning centre, 1970 will be remembered as the that Willison Hall, the original building of Waterloo College, was demolished. since our last meeting (in 1969) It had provided a familiar landmark on Albert Street for almost 60 years". She said that her four years as president were made easier because of the support of her Executive and University personnel, as well as members of the Auxiliary. Mrs. Hachborn paid tribute to the late Dr. U. S. Leupold who had shown great interest and given assistance to the Women's Auxiliary over the years. The minutes of the annual meeting of September 24, 1969 were accepted as circulated. The secretary read a resume of these minutes. The_ treasurer's report with audit was adopted. The bank balance as of July 1969 was $2,968.72; receipts $4,186.29; expenses $4,039.29 and a bank balance of $3,115.72 as of June 30, 1970. Since this report was audited, $340. had been received. The roll call was answered by 230 persons from 36 congregations. The Promotion Committee Chairman, Mrs. Arthur Welker, reported on the work of her committee. Four mailings were made during the year to contact women or pastors of all congregations. The Committee prepared a pamphlet which was included in the packets of all new students to acquaint them with what the Auxiliary has done on campus in the past and of our projects for the future. Dr. Healey introduced the new Dean of the School of Business and Economics, Dr. John R. Jenkins.