Mrs. Bitzer brought in the following Slate of Officers - Rev. A. Buehl Honorary President Honorary Vice Pres. Honorary President for Life President Mrs. C. H. Musselman Mrs. U. Leupold Secretary Assistant Secretary Treasurer Miss Decima Zimmerman Mrs. A. Datars was in charge of the election. Conference Delegates - Hamilton Stratford Kitchener then introduced Miss Eidth Merner of the Athenaeum Society. She told of the school spirit and happy atmosphere fostered by this society. Miss Marjorie Bryden told of the functions of the Students Legislative Executive. The Student Christian Movement organization raised money for a Memorial Piano in the gymnasium. The speakers were thanked by Mrs. Gillespie. Mrs. C. S. Roberts introduced Sister Florence Weicker and Miss Bertha Becker. Sister Florence brought greetings from the Baltimore Motherhouse. She told us of the need for Deaconesses and Parish Workers. She also said that a five-year plan has been introduced 2 years at college, 2 years at the Motherhouse and 1 year at college again. She also asked us to read Matthew 9:37-38. Miss Bertha Becker gave a talk on preparing for a Parish Waorker at the College. They were thanked by Mrs. Gillespie. Mrs Gillespie gave a report on the furnishings for the girls' dormitory, the men's dormitory for veterans and the partially furnished recreation room for the boys and a gas stove for the kitchen. She also announced that the Auxiliary hoped to sponsor a concert by St. Olaf's Choir of Northfield, Minn., in the early fall in aid of the dormitory fund. It was moved by Mrs. Doerr and seconded by Mrs. Conrad that $2000.00 be put in bonds. It was moved and seconded that we continue with the banquets and that the meetings he held in St. John's Parish Hall. Nominating Committee for 1948 are as follows -- Geo. Vogt, Mrs. C. S. Roberts, Mrs. Harry Greb, Mrs. C. Heipel. Mrs. Otto Dannecker and Mrs. Norman Dreger were appointed as auditors. Dr. H. T. Lehmann Mrs. J. Conrad First vice President Second Vice President Mrs. Wm. Gillespie Mrs. L. Doerr Miss Emma Schorten Ass't to Treasurer Mrs. M. Schatz Hanover Mrs. Wilker Mrs. K. Bornhold Mrs. A. Huehn