Annual meeting of the Women’s Auxiliary of Waterloo College and Seminary, 1941

Women’s Auxiliary of the Evangelical Lutheran Seminary of Canada, Organizer of meeting
Zimmerman, Decima
, Secretary
Media Type
Item Type
Handwritten minutes of the tenth annual meeting of the Women’s Auxiliary of Waterloo College and Seminary, held in Waterloo, Ontario on June 18, 1941. Rev. Wittig, Rev. Lotz and Rev. Kalbfleisch were guest speakers. Includes names of elected officers.
Minutes bound in a 23.5 cm x 19 cm dark green, hard cover notebook inscribed "Records". The words "Written minutes of annual meetings from May 1932 to October 16, 1943" are handwritten in ink on a piece of white paper taped to the cover.

The Women's Auxiliary of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary was organized in 1913 to stimulate interest in the programs and needs of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, especially in relation to the training of men and women committed to a Christian ministry.

Waterloo Lutheran Seminary is a seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada affiliated with Wilfrid Laurier University, located in Waterloo, Ontario. It was established in 1911 as the Evangelical Lutheran Seminary of Canada, and changed to its current name in 1960.

Transcribed by Katherine Karpiak in 2013.
Date of Original
June 18, 1941
Local identifier
Women's Auxiliary of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary fonds
Language of Item
Geographic Coverage
  • Ontario, Canada
    Latitude: 43.4668 Longitude: -80.51639
Copyright Statement
Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
Recommended Citation
Wilfrid Laurier University Archives & Special Collections
Reproduction Notes
RG-23.2 Disc3
Wilfrid Laurier University Library
Agency street/mail address:

75 University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON Canada N2L 3C5

Full Text

Waterloo, June 18th 1941

The tenth Annual Meeting of the Women’s Auxiliary of Waterloo College and Seminary was held in St Johns Parish Hall on the afternoon of the above date with 175 members present from St Jacobs, Conestoga, Bridgeport, Elmira, Heidelberg, Erbsville Linwood, Preston, Milverton, Sebastopol Tavistock Stratford, Hamilton Trinity Unionville, Westmount Quebec, St Peters, St Marks, St Mathews Kitchener and St Johns, Waterloo.

Meeting opened with the National Anthem followed by a prayer by Rev. Wittig.

The meeting was told of the passing of one of the most faithful members of the Auxiliary in the person of Mrs Louis Peine and out of respect for Mrs Peine one minute of silence was observed.

Rev Lotz of Kitchener gave us a most interesting address and in his

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remarks said that the work of the Women’s Auxiliary was indispensable. He referred to the work of Mary as told us in the Bible & how she was prompted to do all this work out of love. Love will never die and he asked the Ladies to continue in their work. Any little thing the ladies can do if done out of love will bud forth into something good. The speaker also said that one thing we all are prone to do is to be careful lest we might over work ourselves for the Lord and often say “why should we do so much work while others do nothing. We should not measure ourselves by others & when we do set about to do anything we must do it on time lest we do it when it is too late. What would happen if we would have to close Waterloo College on account of our being too late – not only with our financial but also

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our moral support and moral support is one of the biggest things our auxiliary gives to the College and Seminary.

The cause for which we must labor to continue our college and Seminary is that our children may continue their education under christian influence.

Mrs Huenergard of Unionville brought greetings from the Women’s Missionary Society.

Mrs Collins of Westmount voiced her pleasure at being able to be present at the meeting.

The minutes of the last Annual meeting were read and adopted

Treasurer’s report was read and adopted and showed receipts of $1088.92 as opposed to $1127.76 last year - $38.84 less

Letter of thanks from Miss Gladys Quehl was read thanking the Auxiliary for the scholarship.

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Moved by Mrs Sturm seconded by Mrs K.L. McIntosh that $500.00 be given to the Board of Governors, $100.00 for the scholarship and $500.00 be given to the board specifically for repairs. Cd.

The President here stressed the raising of funds – not by donations made by the Ladies Aids but by the canvassing of all the women of the church. The representatives from various congregations told how they raised their money. Mrs Karl Bornhold of St Peters Kitchener offered on behalf of the Dorcas Society of that church to make quilts for the College and Seminary. This matter will be looked into and if any are needed the St Peters ladies will be advised and their offer thankfully accepted.

The President retired from the chair and Rev Kalbfleisch of Elmira took charge of the meeting.

A letter was read from Mrs Conrad resigning on account of ill health from

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the office of President. This resignation was accepted with regret on motion of Mrs CS Roberts seconded by Mrs KL. MacIntosh – Carried

Mrs Meyer brought in the report of the nominating committee and the election of officers resulted as follows.

Honorary Presidents Dr Clausen & Rev S Roberts

Honorary President for life – Mrs J. Conrad

President – Mrs W Gillespie

1st Vice “ Mrs C.H Doerr

2nd Vice “ Mrs K.L. McIntosh

Secretary DE Zimmerman

Treasurer Mrs L Kalbfleisch

Conference Delegates

Stratford – Miss Clara Wilker

Kitchener – Mrs Karl Bornhold

Hanover – Mrs Stertz

Northern – Mrs E Heimrich

Eastern – Mrs Cronmiller

Hamilton – Mrs Reble

Nova Scotia – Mrs Hall

Auditors – Miss Allemang and

Miss Stockman

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Since the slate of officers included another officer – Honorary President for life – permission must be obtained from the Board of Governors and the Secretary was authorized to procure same.

The two visiting days will again be held this year – arrangements as to date & hostesses to be left to the executive

Before closing Rev Kalbfleisch addressed the meeting and spoke most fittingly of the work of our retiring President and on behalf of the Auxiliary presented Mrs Conrad with a beautiful bible.

This was followed by more words of praise by Rev Wittig who on behalf of the Alumnae of Waterloo Seminary presented Mrs Conrad with a gold cross & chain, the cross bearing the words “from your boys”.

Mrs Conrad thanked everyone for their kindness to her.

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After the repeating of the Lords Prayer and the Doxology the meeting adjourned to the first floor where delicious refreshments were served.

Respectfully submitted

DE Zimmerman

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