The Waterloo Scroll A Publication of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary Waterloo, Ontario Editor Harold Brill Assistant Editor Del Resmer Faculty Advisor Rev. G. F. Durst Circulation Mrs. Joan Orr We see our purpose: To aid in maintaining a bond of fellowship in Christ among students, faculty and pastors; To set forth views of individuals of this institution; To present to our readers a picture of the life, personalities and aspirations of Waterloo Seminary. To this task we joyfully dedicate ourselves. The Graduation Service will be a part of the graduating exercises of Waterloo Lutheran University. These exercises will be held in the Mutual Life Auditorium on May 20th at 3 p.m. The historic Rite of Ordination, will take place in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Preston, June 7th, during the meeting of Synod. The preacher for this day will be Dr. J. Ray Houser, president of the Seminary. The annual Summer School for Parish Workers will be held the week of August 20th-25th, at Waterloo University College and the Seminary. The Summer School offers a unique opportunity for instruction and inspiration to members of organizations, choir directors, organists and to all others who take an active part in the life of the congregation. To all those who presented articles, we acknowledge gratefully their contributions and help. Our thanks is also expressed to Rev. Durst for his guidance as faculty advisor and to Mrs. Orr for circulating this issue. The Seminary continues to progress towards accreditation. The Seminary Library had added its 7,000th volume. The required number of volumes for accreditation is 15,000. Rev. Teigen, returning from studies at Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary, has now completed his residence work for his Doctorate. Rev. Glebe in September 1961 will lecture in the Department of Practical Theology. The editorial board humbly dedicates this Waterloo Seminary Scroll to the first graduating class of students from British Guiana.