THIS IS WATERLOO ..",1221 Published bi-monthly by the Alumni Association of Waterloo University College in the interest of the Association and the College VOLUME 5 * MAY, 1961 NUMBER 3 WATERLOO'S FIRST CONVOCATION EXPANSION WORK NOW STARTED Waterloo Lutheran University concluded the first year of its new status as a degree-granting university on Saturday, May 20, when Waterloo University College granted degrees to 75 bachelor of arts candidates and Waterloo Lutheran Seminary made awards to nine seminarians. Ceremonies took place at the Mutual Life Auditorium, Waterloo. Highlight of the afternoon's impressive ceremonies and academic ritual was the installation of Senator William Daum Euler to the Office of Chancellor of the University. The appointment of Senator Euler had been announced at the Alumni Homecoming last January. Senator Euler was Minister of National Revenue from 1926 to 1930 and Minister of Trade and Commerce from 1935 to 1940. He was first elected to the House of Commons in 1917 and served with distinction in that house until 1940 when he was appointed to the Senate. Senator Euler is President of the Economical Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Kitchener and a director of several insurance and trust companies. Rev. John Zimmerman, President of the Board of Governors, conducted the installation, assisted by Rev. Paul Eydt, Vice-President of the Board; Mr. Gregor Lund, Secretary of the Board; and Dean Lloyd H. Schaus, Secretary of the Senate. Honorary Degrees Of special interest on this first convocation were the Honorary Doctor of Law Degrees granted to three outstanding Canadians: Ronald Alexander Allen, George Harris Hees and Henry Absjorn Larsen. Dr. Allen, Vice-President of the University of Western Ontario and Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, was honoured as the representative of the University of Western Ontario. Dean Schaus commented that this was Waterloo's method of expressing appreciation for 35 years of successful affiliation because Dr. Allen has been symbolic of all of the finest qualities in that affiliation. Mr. Hees, Minister of Trade and Commerce in our Federal Government, was selected for his outstanding contribution to Canadian business and trade endeavours and in appreciation of the interest shown by his Department in helping the Departments of Business Administration and Economics develop a special programme in Export Trade. Mr. Hees also addressed the Convocation upon the problems of trade in the modern world and the challenges that face the graduates of today. Mr. Larsen is a retired Superintendant of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He was honoured especially for his contribution to geographical studies in Canada. Superintendant Larsen commanded the St. Roch, the first vessel to navigate the North-West Passage. Sunday, May 21, College and Seminary graduates attended the Baccalaureate Service at St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Kitchener. The Rev. Warren C. Johnson, D.D., Pictured above, surveying the architects' plans for the new Waterloo Lutheran University Campus, are, left to right, the Rev John Zimmerman, President of the Board of Governors; Welf Heick, Alumni Executive member and recently appointed faculty member; and Dean Lloyd H. Schaus. The plans were unveiled at the Alumni Homecoming last January and the expansion programme reached its concrete stages at the end of May when contractors began breaking ground for the new Women's Residence planned to accommodate 100 women students. Dean Lloyd H. Schaus commented that the building will be of a two-wing, split level design. The plans have been prepared by Krushen and Dailey, Architects, Oakville, who are in charge of the full planning and development of Waterloo Lutheran University Campus. New York City (Secretary, Board of Foreign Missions, ULCA) presented the Baccalaureate sermon. Following is a complete list of the graduates. Waterloo University College Honours Degrees -- Robert Barnett (Economics), Robert Murdie (Geography), John Offenbeck (History), Betty Lou Ramberg (English and History), Alfred Spricenieks (Geography), Mary Isabel Terry (English and History), Karl Weber (French and German), Lawrence Wildfong (French (Cont'd. on Page 3) The execution of the expansion plan does not stop here. This summer two buildings, very important in the development of a full college atmosphere, will be begun. These are the combination gymnasium-auditorium and the long-planned Student Union Building. The Gymnasium-auditorium will include full stage facilities for university theatrical productions, regulation basketball court, full dressing room facilities, and bleacher space for approximately 350 spectators. The erection of a Student Union Building will mark the fruition of plans begun by the 1957-58 Student Council of Waterloo College. A referendum carried to the student voters in the spring of 1958 led to a ten-dollar annual Student Union Fee collected from students at registration time each succeeding year. So far $17,000 has been collected, with another $7,000 expected this fall. The remainder of the cost of the 65,000 cubic foot building will be raised through loans. Student Union Building In the Student Union Building there will be a book store, lounges, offices for the Student Government, Board of Publications, and Athletic Association and most important to the Alumni, a permanent Alumni office. The Student Union should be completed by the first of October, Dean Schaus said. The final building planned for construction in the immediate future is a Men's Residence to accommodate 100 students. Work will begin on this in the fall.