THIS IS WATERLOO Published bi-monthly by the Alumni Association of Waterloo College in the interest of the Association and the College. VOLUME 3 * NOVEMBER 1958 NUMBER 1 UNIVERSITY CHARTER SOUGHT FOR AUTUMN OF '59 '28 VICTORIOUS WE TOOK IT ! ! CLASS OF 1928 STANDING: Dr. H. K. Kalbfleisch, London, (left to right) Ont., head of the German Dept., University of Western Ontario. Patrick Zilliax, Elmira, Ont., Queen's Counsel and practicing barrister. Earle C. Shelley, Ingersoll, Ont., teacher of German and French, Ingersoll Collegiate. Harold 'Ruppel, Kitchener, Ont., retired school teacher, presently employed with the Dept of National Revenue. SEATED: Dr. F. C. Ahrens, Gettysburg, (left to right) Pa., professor of German, Gettysburg College. Dr. J. G. Hagey, Waterloo, Ont., President Waterloo College and Associate Faculties. H. J. Heldmann, Kitchener, Ont., plastics manufacturer. ABSENT: Wilfred Schweitzer, Kitchen- (from picture) er, Ont., teacher of English and History, K-W Collegiate. E. R. Cunningham, Toronto, Ont., teacher of English, Vaughan Rd. Collegiate. Rev. Albert Datars, Tavistock, Ont., Lutheran pastor. SEAGRAM STADIUM IS SITE OF REUNION This year the reunion reception and dinner took place in the Seagram stadium gymnasium instead of the College dining hall and gym as in past years. The switch to the classy new gymnasium was heartily approved. Alumni were particularly pleased with the lack of crowding, din, and stuffiness. The Friendship Circle buffet style banquet was well received by graduates who took the opportunity of renewing a great number of friendships during the banquet. One Alumnus, smacking his lips remarked that he had not been on time for the reception because of the distance he had to travel, but that he had still been able to meet all his friends, gathered together in a circle during the banquet. Congratulations are due to Paul Wagner '57 and staff for the excellent facilities and comfort at the stadium! We can thank our Re-union chairman for the successful re-union, fun and fellowship that excellent planning and attention to detail made possible. College to Fill Central Position President Hagey announced to the alumni assembled at the reunion dinner, that formal application for a degree-granting charter would be made this spring. Should the provincial government accept the application (and there's little reason to think that it won't). then the University of Wat- erloo will first open its doors next September. The new university will have as its arts college, the existing Waterloo College, parent and founding institution of the Associate Faculties and university. Unlike most of its sister institutions, the University of Waterloo will have no university college. The functions of such a college will be fulfilled by Waterloo College. St. Jerome's College to Join St. Jerome's College, also of the Twin Cities, will probably break its affiliation with the University of Ottawa in order to join with the University of Waterloo. Eventually this college will relocate on the new 200-acre campus purchased last year by the Associate Faculties. 0 0 BULLETIN BITS by DICK CAPLING Nineteen Buildings are planned for the Campus over the next six years. One, the new Chemistry building, has been completed. The 18 remaining will have the following functions: Arts (more than one), Residences (more than one), Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Administration, Auditorium, Womens' Gymnasium, Library, Dining Hall, Maths and Physics. Sod turning for the Maths and Physics building will take place within several days of this writing. Premier Frost will do the honours, and his presence demands real appreciation, for his own personal interest in higher education, and as a reminder of the continuing concern displayed by the Ontario provincial government. Sign in the chemistry building: "ANY STUDENT CHARGED BY WATERLOO POLICE WILL BE EXPELLED. Signed: B. Kelly, Acting Dean". Wow! But why just "Waterloo Police"? Does Chief Otto have an electric chair in his kitchen ? Congratulations to the faculty member who believes in "locking the barn door before the beer is consumed" so to speak.