"Feed my Lambs"
The Bethany Orphans' Home of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Nova Scotia (incorporated 1902.) The Rev. W. H. Little, Superintendent.
Executive Committee
The Rev. L. M. McCreery, President
The Rev. C. H. Little, Secretary, The Rev. W. H. Little, Superintendent
Mr. A. V. Conrad, Park's Creek.
Mr. Simeon Ernest, Bridgewater.
Mr. Henry Mosher, Lunenburg
Bridgewater, N.S., May 7, 1908
Dear Mother:
As you can see from the letter head I am now at Bridgewater at the Orphan’s Home. Bonnie and I came down here Tuesday evening, driving down after supper. We arrived at about a quarter after 10 and found them all in bed, but soon aroused them and received a royal welcome. All are well here and Herbert has been doing a great work in shaping up the financial affairs of the Orphan’s Home preparatory to his departure which will take place in a couple weeks time. I am sorry for the interest of the Home as well as for personal reasons that he is going away. What he has accomplished in the short time he has been here is remarkable. The Bridgewater parish problem is simplifying itself. The probability at present is that the congregation or rather parish will not accept his resignation and that he will reconsider the same and stay. This is due to his wife who is a very nervous, hysterical individual as some wives are. She was highly elated over the prospect of going away until he offered his resignation. Then she reversed the position and was well nigh wild over the notion of leaving, and is now more anxious to remain than she was before to stay. He had the same experience a few years ago. He had a call to Moscow, Pa. and
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had actually accepted it when she took such a spell that her health was endangered and he had to telegraph a declination. I am glad that the situation is as it is, in as much as I am not in a position to leave New Germany just now and I might be in the course of a year or two, in which event I would rather go to Bridgewater than to any other place up here. My people would think very hard of it if I should leave there just now, and as I have been getting along very well up there, I have no desire to do so at present. Bonnie and I have been having a very pleasant visit down here this time. We were over at Bridgewater both yesterday and today and attended to some necessary shopping. I didn’t see McCreery as he is out of town looking after a church he is building out in the country. But I saw Mrs. McCreery and feel satisfied as to how the matter will be adjusted. In the unsettled state of affairs, we could hardly afford to lose McCreery just at present. We are having fine weather now, but it is still quite cold. The grain is beginning to show itself in spots now, but no leaves have yet appeared on the trees. Bonnie and I are going to return home this evening. We will have a fine moon light drive.
I had an easy time last Sunday and didn’t preach at all or go away from home. It rained
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very hard all Sunday forenoon, so that no one came out at New Germany and as the smallpox quarantine was not raised at Newburn I could not go back there or to Woodstock Sunday afternoon. It was more or less rainy all day any way. I made some visits around New Germany that day and in order not to waste the day altogether I baptized a baby for one of my New Germany parishioners. Monday I put in working and writing for the paper. Tuesday I had the funeral of a little child up at North River. Since then I have been down here, but am getting anxious to get back in order to get up my sermon for Sunday. As we will have choir practice tomorrow afternoon, it is not going to give me much time, but I hope to get through with it some how or other. Mr. Stevens wants me to exchange with him and preach down here on the third Sunday, but I want to get out of it if I can, as I have other work requiring my attention and will be obliged to come down here on an Executive Committee meeting the following week any way. I guess I will not have time to write any more this time.
With love to you all and best wishes,
I am
Most Sincerely yours
[signed] Carroll H. Little