4 THE CANADA LUTHERAN. REPORTS OF CONVENTIONS WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY CONVENTION. The fourth annual convention of the Women's Missionary Society of Central Canada was held in Holy Trinity Church, Humber-stone, Ont., the Rev. W. H. Knauff, pastor, Sunday evening, May 25th, and Monday morning and afternoon, May 26th. At the rally on Sunday evening, the Rev. W. H. C. Lauer, of Montreal, conducted Vespers. Excellent addresses of unusual interest were given by Missionary Kuder, of Rahjamundry, India, and the Rev. A. L. Ramer, Ph.D., Superintndent [ Superintendent ] of Slav Missions. The business session opened Monday morning at 9.30, the pastor-loci conducting Matins. The roll showed that twenty delegates, representing thirteen societies, were in attendance. Three new societies were admitted into the Synodical Society--St. Peter's, Preston; First English Lutheran Church, Berlin, and the Junior Missionary Society, of St. Peter's, Williamsburg. Mrs. F. E. Jensen, of Buffalo, extended the greetings of the Western Conference Society of the New York and New England Synod. Mrs. W. H. Knauff, President of the Humberstone Society, welcomed the delegates and friends most heartily. Mrs. J. C. Casselman, of Montreal, responded in a very pleasing manner. The President, Mrs. M. J. Bieber, read her report, which was referred to a Committee on President's Report, who offered the following resolutions, which were adopted: First, "That all societies endeavor to raise the $1 per member, for Special Home Mission Fund, by July 1st. Second. "That we continue to ask those societies, which have not already done so, to take out a life membership. Third. "That we continue to raise funds for the Lutheran Hospice in Montreal. Fourth. "That this society raise $100.00 toward the education of a young woman for a worker on the India field. Fifth. "That all monies raised for Porto Rico be used for the church in San Juan. Sixth. "That Slav mission work be taken up by this society and that a committee on the same be established. Seven. "That our Church literature he carefully studied and that Mission Study Classes be formed." The Treasurer, Mrs. F. Frisby, reported as follows: Total receipts $509.38 Total expenditures 361.44 Balance on hand $147.84 Among other things recommended by the Executive Committee, and adopted by the society, was that the offering of the rally be devoted to the Lutheran Hospice at Montreal, and that the name of the society be changed from the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society, of the Synod of Central Canada, to the Women's Missionary Society of Central Canada. The following officers were elected: President--Mrs. M. J. Bieber, Berlin. Vice-President--Mrs. W. H. C. Lauer. Montreal. Recording Secretary--Mrs. C. A. Dennig, Williamsburg. Corresponding Secretary--Mrs. C. Ludolph, Toronto. Treasurer--Mrs. J. J. Clemens, Ottawa. The following are the delegates to the General Council Society Convention, to be held at Toledo, Ohio, September 16, 17: The President, Mrs. M. J. Bieber, Mrs. W. H. Knauff, Mrs. J. C. Casselman, and Mrs. Fred Stahlschmidt. Two very edifying papers, "Home Missions; Our Opportunities and Responsibilities," by Mrs. F. E. Jensen, of Buffalo, and "Medical Missions," by Mrs. F. F. Fry ,of Rochester, N.Y.. were read, and a round-table conducted by Rev. Kuder, were some of the good things of the afternoon session. MRS. C. A. DENNIG, Secretary. LAYMEN'S CONVENTION. The fifth annual convention of the Laymen's Missionary Movement of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Central Canada, was held in Holy Trinity Church, Humberstone, Rev. W. H. Knauff, pastor, Sunday, May 25th, 1913, at 2.30 p.m. The devotional service was conducted by Mr. N. Willison, of Waterloo. The chair was taken by the President, Mr. C. H. Stiver, Unionville, who presided at both afternoon and evening sessions. Addresses were made by Mr. C. G. Grauer, Buffalo, N.Y., and Dr. C. J. Johannes, Hamilton. Reports were received from the President, Treasurer and Committees, also of delegates from local movements.