THE OFFERTORY ANTHEM -- 0 LORD BE GRACIOUS A. W. LEUPOLD Waterloo College Male Chorus THE ANNOUNCEMENTS AND THE OFFERING THE GENERAL PRAYER, THE LORD'S PRAYER, THE BENEDICTION THE RECESSIONAL HYMN Lord of the lands, beneath Thy bending skies, On field and flood, where'er our banner flies, Thy people lift their hearts to Thee, Their grateful voices raise: May our Dominion ever be A temple to Thy praise. Thy will alone let all enthrone. Lord of the lands, make Canada Thine own ! Lord of the lands, make Canada Thine own ! Lord of the worlds, with strong eternal hand, Hold us in honor, truth and self-command; The loyal heart, the constant mind, The courage to be true, Our wide extending Empire bind, And all the earth renew. Thy Name be known through ev'ry zone; Lord of the worlds, make all the lands Thine own Lord of the worlds, make all the lands Thine own I Aggerholm, Gordon Anderson, David Baetz, Lloyd Bauer, Paul Binhammer, Robert Bitzer, Paul Bucholtz, Leslie Burgoyne, Roseville Byron, Leonard Esau, John Firth, Gordon Fischer, Paul Gillespie, Ann Hagey, Robert Hedrich, Patricia The Class of 1953 Heick, Welf Himmelman, Donald Hodgins, Bruce Honey, Don Janzen, Waldemar Jarosz, Alfreda Kanold, Donald Klassen, Benjamin Lange, Emil Lindeman, Harold Merkley, Virgie Metzger, David Morscher, Arthur Mosig, Margaret McCombie, Neil Schoderbock, Anna Schultz, Gregory Scott, Alan Seebach, Bruce Stock, Grace Sutherland, Robert Walters, Dorothyann Weber, Eric Wichert, George Wilson, Ronald Wittenberg, John Woods, Peter Zalman, Wilfrid