Rinsings of f7ic War. let- Poctrv u-v The following authentic extract of a a BOSTON. FRIDAY. APRIL '""'-'»'.'/ A i..inr srtfjsra bthe wniiml h t"-e a ter from gentleman in be/2. friend in this village, describes Plattshurgh, to his some of the 16. 181: ( wliich wan broke in 4 pieoea and fished each sole) jun above the cap; and her forctop-si.il yard. A number of men were illofl when the To the Inhabitants ooM MtnnevrfoaF. of ihe town uf late from Cadiz. 1 To Ui'a! had made Upon my In honey to Oelia'M fnCCj ih -part she lard, »it kiss ili'_- war for the conquest of C*nada--Lansingbttrgh Gazette. blessings of a Ami bade l'ha.'d. 1 place: nbry'd, and frnm the bull] llie s . wound : Suck'd el anil I smart The honey on niy lips found, The su'iig Wftul thru' my heart. General Miscellany. SKETCH OF TUR DKBATE, in the Senate of (Y».l'br£j March \1ih, 181 3, on the resolution to loan the fvileinl government half a million of dollars. Mr. Tavlor introduced a resolution for leaning five hundred thousand dollars by the United States, to ntd in carrying on the war. of the A! r. Pl \ tt moved a postponement this state to Harbour, Pike had marched for Sacket's 6th regiwith about 500 men, and that the ment and a company of artillery were soon start probably They will to follow them. tomorrow. They have been detained for " rt-ATTSBURGH, M.lfictl 17, 9 J-|Col. "I informed you in my last, that ' On SHiinViy arrived m it,;, ,,ort the fast wiling ship Milu. Capt. Glover, from C:,.Uv..' wliiull place lie letl March '^i Gflftt. brouglx 'in psper*, ,1 "' *"}'* [ h«re was no iiitcre>'_in!; inFsfmatioii (Him die srmien of Smith and t'fltitignl. J,, BI ie f1)re lie wileit, t Packet arrived from Bn|land, bringing London dates to the Bill Mill-el ij COiltll i>ol |ipou |>nper«, hut was in,i r J any formed lliat tlicir content) were unintcwwnig, with tlie exception UfcU llic Uussinnfi continued to lie suc- H | cessful, want of sleighs to carry them ; as the men, according to the new matters, are to ride. first mode of conducting Many of thoie who Ily llie above arrival, We recc ived the capthin's verbal report, »m! extracts oNettoM to sundry mcrelianU, staling (lint tile ttnglitl] Er>v. el -,,incnt hart jiraeri an order in Council grunting i|| C i' L-liuqi)i*hmeiit of idl ves- tup-must went over and went will) it. The nuinnot exactly known, but conjectured to b live' j two have "been taken up badly hurt, and the other.* it is supposed are sUn taken up, as a boat was astern which must have seen them. The oflieers and crew on board ih^ Chesapeake, are generally very healthy On passing Longwharf she was welcomed by a numerous crowd of citizens, assembled there, with three cheers, and also liy the crew al iheCongress frigate when she passed her, which was returned by ihe crew nfthe Chesapeake. [K. C. //. llo*k*. * It Rnxliun/. i I IT is a fiict more Imtiorable to your cindnr, your >or palrioUsm, ihnn .,,, Bpod sense, ( try, that you have awakened oocurveil io niir just sense of the dangers »ml isa'iimitiei wliirJi have assailed, ami whidi threaten our beloved country. U-t -., I it ;, ' when is now nscertnined that there were 8 men aloft MiemtiintonniaHtnl'trie Olieanpcske »enlover started have perished-- about twenty of to death the second and third They could not be persuaded to get out of the sleighs and walk, but prefer- detained at f-'hi;dtar, kc. &:c. under the Licences of Admiral Sawyer and others, and iliat in future trier will be respected Also, an order (hut tliov liaii ansels -- them froze nulled the order prohihjii.ii; (lie Intuvlcr ot veNfcUtoAtfU/rvW'.-.excepi ihe French. Enemies nights. A caught hy ihe rigging, and were very little injured 4 went overboard, '2 of which were taken up by fishiiig'hoats, much injured, and the other t«o, (a Swede, snd an Ainericnn, numeil Foster) were drowned. The frigate beiug ill the Narrows, nnd it blowing quite fresh, mmk- it impouibtu for her to heove too and she uxrac very peoe going on shore inlnfiilig ; he recorded, that Rnxbury lias iliis year on* infested greater eliauge in political opinion sirtae Hit /,,, r year, than any one town In the Common weal lb i,,,, ri which we have yet received any reim-ns. To mc, ·,,, inhabitant of Ibis most ancient *p»l venerable i,,*, P| ai lacked lo it by every lie, which can render one's ,., of inhabitancy Ueni', i' affords (he most heartfelt i, 1 have beori le*l In inquire into the causatisfaction. ses, which have hitherto rendered ii so Mind to in C nmucdal with the capita I, best and truest interests. noil wilh the success ol commciee more thanany other M.in not Actually a seaport, one would lu»e expected that we should have felt with sensibility nnd greaianxiety nil those measure) which had a lendaney to destroy that cimmeivt on which our individual |irospei'ilj t and tlmt of Hui »» have eoiiriit fatal as Accounts from France. the I'Yenr.h nriicles, given in our last, the following extraordinary paper, ll will immediately strike the reader, that a cause, more potent (linn that of religion, lias produced. in tlie bveavt of Douap.irie, this emancipation of the mother Cliucch. It is not " llie Divinity tliat for thai purpose. well io o"r on.- ui.untry csientiully dcjiends. amscni'ei] to i«ki- .in ouponte couii^ ; a own interests, us to iho*e of red to sit still and freeze. (CTTo udil "Our roads are beset with press-gangs, we Important. resolution tived. till tomotrow, which was nega- pressing all the horses and sleighs, lor the transportation of the troops which arc exThere is scarcely peeled to go tomorrow. WATCHMAN The OFPICE, Wilmington, March 8, 1813. following important intelligence was received this morning by express from Dover. Duval'; 7th Jlpril, 1813following are copies of two Jespjiches received, ihe one al o o'clock aid the oilier al 9 o'clock this miming, by the Governor, from Col. Davis, commanding al Lewis Town. You will no doubt give bein immediate publicity. S, H. BLACK. Mr. Platt then opposed the loan on the ground that the war was unnecessary and inexpedient in its origin ; that it was wantonly waged by our governmont at a time when they knew our country was defence, had conless ; and that the administration ducted the war in such a manner, as could only promise the most ruinous disasters in a person in the neighbourhood, who has not had his sleigh and horses wrested from him by force ; and many of the hoises thus taken have been standing in the camp, with- stirs wiiliin liim," of Russia that slir but the triumphant battalions about him, and demand new liii our beloved nnd parent sUte. I would not in a moment of r°tu.-n, of generous, rniginiiimmts aud liberal return lo a Spirit «t' coimoirl and miflijijnuy, awaken nu^' feclingl which might lend to check that union sodesirflble in all communities. Instead, therefore, of direct crimination* mid reproaches winch would only tend to embitter our party pasions, will you suffer one of yourselves, interested like (ill the re-t nl you, in the welfare of the town, of the slate, and of ihe nation, to put to you a few ques- auxiliaries In prop loitering throne, Dear Sir -- The tions: He said the duty future prosecution. of providing for the common defence belonged to the general government ; and the constitution had vested in our national rulers the correspondent power of declaring war, making peace, raising armies, providi*:t Men out a shelter, for these ten days past. riding on horseback have been made to disthem, away from horses taken mount, their and themselves otherwise ill treated. Travellers on the road, a distance from home, and even such as had women and children in company, have been indiscriminately turned out of their sleighs into the snow, and left to shift for themselves. This government banditti have been the inhabitants, let loose paris, fed. IS Hi.-- JIU Serene IIiglv>ef* the Prinre Arch Chancellor of ihe F.mpiie (Cambaceres) (his day lonk his seat bs President of ihe Senwe ; and directed one of (he Secrelaries to re;id ihe foil wins Concordat, which was signed atFonlanhtiiu the ?5ih January, helneen hi* Majesty t lit Lmperor and King;, nnd hit. Holiness Pius, Vll. ii Ihive we not too much indulged a spiiit of party ? Are (here not on both sides, many gnoil men whoin wc love, I boni-i, mid respect mul esteem, who are good neighgood fnciuls, good citizens ? of strong pas- Have we not permitted some men sionslo take llie lend in our affairs? somtiiniL-s listened to their calumnies, CONCORDAT. His Mnjcsly the Kinperor and King, and hislLiline^s, desirous In terminate the diQerenf et « hi eh bnve c*is!ed between hem, and in remove llie difi Ikwl-Qu triers, at Lrmit, Jlpril 6, 1813. Sir This evening llie Belvidera and 2 small vessels came close into Ltwii, and commenced an attack by firing several 32 lb, shot into the Have we not -- ami reproaches against honest and virtuous .' men whom nnd slanders, ue know to be town, which have been picked up ; after which a Hag was sent, in which the following reply was returned. Sir In reply to the renewal of your demand, with the addition for a "supp'y of water," I have tn inform you, that neither can be complied with. This, sir, you must be sensible of; therefore I must insist the attack on the inhabitants of this Hate not snme of these rtctive and violent men appuareilto Le. actuated or inlliieuced by personal rinbitinn trust, > ricullies it hie It arisen in several affairs of I ho Chnrrh, have agreed l« (liefollowiDg articles, to upon ing a navy, and levying taxes. To ihcir constitutional authority and requirements,, we ought to yield a cheerful armed for the purpose of serve as Ihe basis of a definitive arrangement. Aiif. I Mi* Hoiinets shall exercise ihe L'nnli- -- Hare they not ihr.isl themselves intoall and confide nee ond profit > Are we sure, that they have had always offices of at heait, obedience 1 but he was unwilling to lavi.-h the treasures of this state by volunteering such a loan. He said the conduct of our rulers in re: gard to the present war, exhibit a compound of rashness and imbecility truly characteiThe only foundation istlc of its authors. of public credit is revenue and as the government of the U. States were plunging ; headlong into expenditures at the rate of of dollars a year, without providing any revenue, he was un willing to loan half a millioo, without better security lhan FORTY MILLIONS Mr. Gallatin now c!F;red. in our na nor did he believe that such applied to be an unqualified loan would wards the defence of New- York, which is now destitute of essential munitions of mar. He said he had no confidence tional rulers ; This state has yielded her immense im post revenue to the national treasury ; and she is now left to defend herself. He therefore considered it an in dii peristole duty to impressment. A gentleman, the other day, pistol put to his breast by a ruffian soldier, (an officer in company) and made to deliver up his sleigh and horses ; and another of them, named James Dougherty, lately shot a lad of the name of Ethan Bradley, about 17 years of age, who happened to drive past him in a sleigh, in open day. He presented his gun very deliberate ly, and lodged a ball and two or three buck shot in the lad's body, which soon terminDougherty has been ated his existence. surrendered to the civil authority, and is Our friend confined in goal in this town. 's sleigh and horses have been carried off, and his wife and family abused ; and for these outrages no satisfaction can be obtained, as the whole business is countenanced by the officers." [We shall certsiuly require much higher evidence lhan lliat of letter, the name of whose writer we do not know, before we credit these shocking imputations upon the character of ihe officers of our army. Ed. mid in (lie kingdom of Italy, in Ihe same manner, ami willj Ihe tame iorntt a.* his fliMle in Frfiiye had a predecessors. '2. The Ambassadors, Mtni^ierg, Charge rt'jrf- fatrs of [inw.e'r* near ihe Holy Father, uiuliaisade-rs, ininisifrs or charge rVtiffoira Mid ibe of llie town is both Wanton and cruel. X have llie honor to be, ymiv obedient servant, S. 11, the public good, to the exclusion of their own 1 Hnve we not seen some extra ordinary changes iu our town, and have we not perceived that, some men anil some families whom wc formerly respeeleil and valued, are now treated with improper and unbecoming slight iVhy should Ren. > I DAVIS, Col. Coiiidl. leath and his family be proscri- Pope with nities ;inrt Fn/eigri ftnwerVtbnll e ".i"y >be immuprivileges which arc enjoyed by oiher llie VO'pi titplomnliqnz. which were posseiisod by (he Holv Fnilier.and which have nol been alleuaied, of impost j shall be ejemu' fr-nn every species and -kail he administered by his agcnll Or charge d'aDAin. Those nhich have been alienated shall be reslored. paying a composition of iwn millinns memher" 3. of The dntnioiofls Jlvud Quarter/, ui Leu-it, 6c/t .tiprit, 1813. Since llie ftply in Coir. Beresfori's letSir ter wljicb I communicated to you bv express, I received llie following about 5 o'clock. -- became be was one of the earliest ai.d most dLsiinguithciJ [iruriots ol the revolution i or bwause he Is, I believe, the nnlj Major Genertl of th« revolubed '. l< it llunary army whom I Of >. it lias plcasert God to spare ! lortiid". grat:litdK l'o-bid it reuubihan; ism! Forbid Sir -- No dishonor can in Jletvideru, off the village of Jit-aii, £tfc. be attached in comply- fif full-wing Ihe usual nnthe nominuiion by ihe Empeiur, of the Arch bishops and Bishops of the Km pi re and of ihe kingdom of Italy, the Pope hall ordain hem, agreeably to the Concordat*, and in virtue Previous iiifnrinatinu of of the piemen! iiiduli. which thull be given by the Metropolitan Archbishop. If at the etpiralion of si k months, the Pope shall not have given the oidioation, ihe Metropolitan, sbtill proceed to (he ordinal ion of the 4. frank* revenue. Wilhiiisix mnnih«. lification of i John Beresford, to consideration of his superior force. refusal to supply ihe squadron with water, and the callle that the neighbourhood affords, most cruel upon your I grieve for the distress part, to its inhabitants. the women and children are rutluced to, Uv your they may be inand earnestly desire conduct, ing with the stem and of Sir Lewis, I must therefore consider your the sucred principles of liberty! because, with »truly republican rrcudom, he has dared to exc.eise his own judgment, and lo oilier from us in sonie ol our opinions Waving pui (hese mieries, I will now relate to you something io which 1 whs nil ear witness, and to the truth of which many of you can attest. I cite it asa proof of an nnli-re publican siiiiii a spirit which- would iui>[ircss tree inquiry a spirit hostile, inimical lo our '. k -- -- liberties. stantly removed. I have the honor Ac to be, Sir, your most obedient servant, tt. UYRON, Capt. N. B. S. B. The I cattle will be honorably paid for. Col. Comm,,ndai:t. Bishop named, in the usual rt The Pope shall 5. Italy, to ten bishoprics, as grecd upon 6. in manner. nominate, io France or shall DAVIS, Esq. in ultimately be are-e^- To which verbally conceit, b -- " That Colonel have returned ihe following reply Davis is agilhmt man Mess.] The six suburbicairf, skopria are llie 'and has already taken care of the ladies." pre^rve onr own state. Mr. Taylor answered in a very inflammatory speech in which he said, " the gentleman from the westarn district, and the party to which he belonged, felt a stronger attachment to Gtea*t liriiain, than to this country : and he alluded to the whig : RUSSIAN DOCUMENT. Order of the Day, of the \2th ("2*MJ Oct. 1812. It is hereby commanded, to all the generals of corps, all the chiefs of Cossack regiments, and also, all the partisans, who act Pope. labliehcd : They shall be Dominated hy Their remaining effects sh.ill be reslured ; and iheyshall lake measures respecting those which have been sold. On (he death of the bishops of d'Anagne and Itieri, (heir diorcucs shall be united Io the sin bishoprics, agreeably to an agreement bctweeo his Majesty and llie Huly Father. 7. In regard (o Ihe bishops of Ihe Roman Slates, iibient from Iheir dioceses from circumKtanccs, the Holy Father shall exercise in their favor (he privilege he has a right (o bestow on bibhu|itfit partibus. He shall beslow on themsclaries equal to ibose which Ihey have fiinueily enjoyed, and they shall be nominated to places as Ihey become vacant in the Empire or in (lie kingdom of Italy. S. Hi- Majesty and his Holiness shall concert measures ai a suitable lime, f.>r llie reduction to he made, if necessary, jo. the bishoprics io Tuscany and (lie Genoese countries, as also for die bishoprics to be established in Holland and the Haoseaiic iteparimenls. 9. The Propag rmdt and Psiicfeiicme.and the Arrhieves shall he established iu (he ;»lace where Ihe Holy Father shall siyourn. immediately commenced and continued till near 10 o'clock. The fire from our battery silenced one of their most dangerous gun boats, against which I directed the fire from our 18 puinuier, for which I request you will immediately send me asupply of snot and powder, and The atta-.k At our late town meeting, I was attracted lo a co!where I heaid a very leading man, ol high rcmk, of college education, enlarging, with a very audible voice, on the jusiicn present war. and necessity of the He appealed to all the passions of the people. He whs vcrv bold in his assertions and arguments, and no man dared to interrupt him. He spoke asif he had been an oracle. Solomon himself could not have been more wise than be seemed to be, al least not more confident. When he had finished, another of our citizens wilh some hesitation, and after asking whether he had a right in speak which he seemed to doubt because the other had assumed so high aud bold a lone, ventured lo make some reply. he was constantly interrupted Ly 1 listened to it the other great man, and in place of an argument the great man talked of lories aud enemies of Ibe country. I thought to mvself 1 should rather have heard hint lection of people in the town ball, -- -- it is uncer'.ain in continue. round the remains of the French grand army, under the orders of the Emperor Na- bombs how long ihe bombardment will They have not succeeded with their reaching ihe town. And the damage caniiisler and toiy distinctions of 1776. Mr. Platt replied : " The gentleman from the eastern district has thrown a. firebrand amongst us ; and in his usual manner has attempted to rouse the passions and prejudices of revolutionary times, in order to (an the flame of party spirit in this house. The man is an enemy to his country, and attention who after the lapse of thirty years, now en- deavors to revive the bitter passions which raged during the storm of a civil war ; or who seeks to visit upon honest men of the present day, the political sins of their fathers now 1 sleeping in the dust. But ask, what foundation of ? is there fur influencs this foul insinuation! British ar,d toryisni not a federalist in this house who has one drop of lory blood in his veins. For myself, 1 will only say, that I was born a republican ; and in whiggism did There is my 1 was rocked in mother conceive me. tie cradle of the revolution; and fciy mosweeter to my taste, was not milk ther's I than the principles of republicanism which Republicanism! the sound I ihen imbibed. still dwells with rapture on my ear ; but my understanding is almost convinced it is ! vox et pre/erea nihil. When I see the poleon in person, to redouble their activity in the execution of their duty, that nothing may escape of the ruins of that army. After the immense losses which it has sustained for more than six weeks, during which our light troopshave taken from one to six thousand men a day; after having seen a great part of their cavalry destroyed i and above all, after the glorious day of the Oth (iSth) of this month, when Gen. Benningsen completely defeated the King of Naples, with the loss of part of his artillery, and such ruin to his cavalry that shew itself bett has since never dared so fore us ; it would be a shame to our army and our light troops, if a single man of the enemy was ever to return to France, and not pay with his life, or Ills captivity, the guilty insolence of having dared to follow, into the heart of the Russian provinces, the black -iggressor who makes a sport of the blood of his people. The reinforcements of cavalry, that have lately come up, amount to 20,000 men, among whom are 26 regiments of Cossacks of the Don, who every day take a number of pieces of cannon from the rear of the enemy, which, weakened, harrassed and worn down, is now reduced to the most deplora- from their 32 pounders and ascertained till day light. cannot be trie argue. he did This other Ciiizen would not he put down not proles* to be as learned, or to have bad all the means the other had enjoyed, hut slid bespoke in " strain of plain good sense, s'icli as the farmers compre- -- hended. I hope, Sir, in this affair, you. will find or of t..e Stale has not been tarnished. I hon- They came king to a contest on two points. _ The one have the honor to be N. B. While writing the above the enemy has Sir, (tc. was whether there wcreSOUO seamen now impressed by Great Briiniu. The great man wbois id most a mid recommenced firing. S. B. DAVIS, Col. Cumdt. JOSEPH HASLET iacenmpained the above despaicli A says, that the governor had that moment left DjQuarters, lo superintend the moveHead ycr for ments of llic mtlilia, all of whom were determined io sacrifice every thing rather than treasonably submit to the demands of ihe enemy. The Uelvidera lies within less than iwo miles of the ~ town. The Russian mediation, about which so much is s..id and so little known, we have all along beHowever, there is one lieved to lie a deception. point of view in which our present system of policy may be considered, which we think peculiarNot Willi standing the edily worthy of notice. letter that among os said there wei-H. The common eurzert lhat the Rev. Mr. Tngsurt had proved there were not above S13. The great man >uid Mr. Taggart had told a lie and he bad lold him so. I went home and, to»k This exulted Oif cmiiisity up Mr. T.ij,'i{«i"l'» book, and 1 found, that be had not asserted a single thing but what be collected from (he figures and returns of (he povemnicnt of the United buiies and on llic same authority upon which ihe -- grc.it rnau relied. I then like all otlicrplnin farmers apt to tions cm tins dispute as 1 made such do in reflec- am like eases in His Majesty granlsafiec pardon to all Ihe Cardinal-, Bishops, Priests, Lata, who have incurred censure in consequence of events. It. The Holy Father agrees to ibe foregoing dispositions io consequence of (he existing slate of the Chnrrh ; and iu llie confidence which his Majesty Inspires io him, hut he will give poiverf«l protection in ihe numerous wants n| Iteltgion 10. i -- the common affairs ofhTe. Thinks 1 government l'aggai l in myself, what authority belter lhan the itself! Figures [-«»oof lie. I found Mr. fuund a mistake in the addition of TOO I found that be discovered ibe same men named over and over -- in the limes in uhicb we live. NAPOLKOK, PIUS Vll. lo myself, it is much fiJdi iggart ircr I'm- our great leader to pr< gures wrong than to call him a liar, and certainly it is more civil and neighbourly. 1 thought then that on again, 3> -iauil S limes. Thinks I Foutwbkau, Jan. 'llie 25. H»I3. Chesapeake Frigate, tor of the National Intelligencer is so strenuous in his conviction in the sincerity of Alexander's overture, and of our acceptance, he plainly and emphatically admits, that there is io be no ar- this point our plain private citizen had the advantage fraud awd peculation, the injustice and oppression, the tyranny and persecution, daily practised under ihe name of republicanism ; my heart sickens with disgust. There is a hollow heat ted hypocricy, a kind of political s'jrcerv, in such conduct; which 1 thank God my soul abhors. But, sir, such artifices and impostures are the mere excrescences of a free government. 1 love my native country, and 1 glory in her republican institutions." Mr. Liwis spoke in favor of the resolu tion, and Mr. Kadciipfk against it, Mr. Itot'T spoke in favor of the resolu tion ; and employs all its efforts to evade our vigilance, and escape our attacks. With these decided advantages, we repeat that no Frenchman shall ever see his country again ; but we lay it more than all upon the responsibility of the commandants of the Cossack regiments, and all our detached parties so to watchi round the French army, ble situation, pleasure we announce the safe arriour harbor of the U. S. frigate Chesapeake, (Japi. Evans, from a cruise (if 115 days. Prom Button she run dawn by the Madeiras, thence down on Canaries, and Cape de Vurils the equator, between Ijn. 16 ami 25, (where she thence down the coast of S. cruised 6 weeks] ; America, passing; within 15 leagues of Burriimm, Hornet sunk the Pca(was in the same place Hie cbek the day after she left) d.rwn by Barbadoes, Windward West India of the Antigua und must Islands, thence on the Coast of the U. Stales, between llermuda and the Capes of Virginia, b) the Capes iil'ihe Delaware Within 12 leagues, by New-Voik within 2U leagues, thence through ihe East Channel lu Ih'm port. The Chesapeake bus tjken during the cruise, is Willi U val in This is no random opinion thrown out mistice. opinion of the governit is the by an editor ; gf the great man This plain. neighbour of ours secondly remarked, that as bi< opponent had Cited Mr. Monroe at verg AljA authority, he could not do better iIihii to say, that he could not conceive a war just or expedient ment. gation, left [C. * G "= Mr. Swerichkofl', the llussian Secretary of Le- Monwhich was carried o-i torn principle which roe, the very high authority cited, and our Secretary Of Slate tuiddcclared would have been settled on terms lionornbte Mr -, Washington last Sunday morning, «n a second visit to Admiral Warren, in the ChesaJJ ° tC v peake Bay. aud udvimtageoua paused and held for us. O r£ - Here leading I my breath tosee what onr - - He to this. first answered, thnt.Mr- Monroe man would say wrote that when of the Chesapeake and Delaware has had the effect lo drive into this port most of ihe neutral, as well as American, vessels bound to southern ports. This apparently lus given a little life to business fur a tew days past; but we are mortified to see neutrals running' The Dlecknde he was tmgty tnth ihe government aud out ol employ. Thinks 1 lo myself-- 1 do not think this any compliment to Mr. Monroe's honesty if he will advance assertions which ace not true, merely lo gratify bis spleen, -- I would not give much for him, Finally, our leading man said he had six copies of Monroe's louk at home, and he hud said no such and said " the member Jroin the wes- tern district has derided [he majesty of the people." Mr. Pl itt replied ; " I respect the ma- jesty of the people, as much as any man. nuxim is, the people arc sovereign in My and obedient to the laws. The people should always act thro' the medium elections, Emperor Napoleon may not personally escape. For this purpose, we add his description to this order of the day. This description is equally to be acted upon by all the chiefs of districts, all authorities, civil or military, all post masters, &c. If this order is strictly executed, artillery, ammunition, equipage, every thing must fall into our hands. We shaV also recover, as we have already done in pan, the consecrated spoils, which this sacriligious piofaner, renewing the vandalism of the revolution, has plundeied from our temples. that the Lisbon for Buslon, with an English licence [arrived al Boston aud condemned ;j U.i'.isli ship Volunteer, fid the American brig Jitlia.tfoni Liverjiuol lu Bra/.ila [itljj'ived at Puitsmuutli, N. II. i] Hiuisli brig Liverpool Hero, fovm Liverpool of election expressed, to ; and when 1 bow voice is thus with submissive reverence their '.heir real majesty. The gentleman Item die middle district I detkle and dehns misrepresented me. and impudent usurtest the mock majMty, paijnn.of (he ruling pat liots, who crowd a titvet firMf room.HtidcaHthemselvfsthepenple. ]i»t, sir, ii any thing could lessen tiff resf>ec i people, for ihe rut) majesty of ihe be, the it Description of the Emperor Napoleon. The ligure; s'-iort and compact ; the hair black, flat and short ; the bcanl black ami strong, shaved up towards the ear ; thi' eyv brows strongly arullud, but coaihe hobo a*. (ijctcil towards the nose (iniliite, .-.ii.!. pu'pciual marks of snull (lio countenance glvouiy and violnn ; the chin i:\ireimly projecting ; always in a little uiiifianii wtitioutoriiiiiBunt generally wrap; ; , Urnaib, cargo dry goods, hard ware and jew elry, caigo t^ken mil, and vessel bunUi ruidbiig fiarl Percy, from (Jape de Verds, with a;tll, lur She has on Uracils, ash»re at lying lsbud. board 53 It'll, prisoner-. Jun I, off ihe Western Lalaui.1*, discovered 2 large sail io windward , up[mi'tihi ly men of wur, bearing down, la/ loo for them, and when near enuugh tu lufcei'tuin that, ihey were a 7-1 :tnd a frigate, made all sail and ·.-' About IU dnys since olf the Capes of <_* ^Hhia, gave dtase l<i a aluup of w»r, and cnTtmuucil clnisiiig for two days, when she finalThese are the only ly escaped in the night. ships of war she has seen during the ei'ldsC. April 7, un ihe N. K. part ol George's Bank, lo i . away with our carrying trade, which, if U had not been for the bad management of Ihe present party in power, we might h .«e enjoyed ourselves. Our own shipping are rotting at our wharves, while neutrals have full and profitable employment. t'6 new-york, april 10.-- Our Ph. ladelphi* correspondent informs us, that the ship Neptune, of that port, is purchased by government tt. carry out Mr. GALLATIN. It is said that she will sail ' , , , thing. The simple citizen replied he bad but one, and in that one he certainly asserted it I have seen the book may wc since, nnd I find our private citiseti was right not hope then, lo do some good by discussing thasc things in a plain simple republican manner, and nol by taking every thing which we hear as law and gospel i peace and pros1 wish only for union iu ihe town -- -- -- perity to our country. A KOXBURY FARMER. in a fortnight. to bring The is to purchased, and ca, ship Perseverance is also proceed as a cartel to Jamaiprisoners delast VIRGINIA KLECTfOjY. tion home the American tained there. Poulsoii'a paper of yesterday (received Idler from Virginia says, " Tall taferro's elecis gone-- be is outvoted in lu* e»'i coimiy. Itis eounty has elected a federalist, which it IllM nut done for manyjeais. General Hu.ifrerfurJ _·* A letter from Wilmington, stales, night) says-- tiial .lames A. Bayard, of the state of Delaware, and Wm, H. Crawford, of the state of Georgia, are to join Albert Gallatin, hi bis mission lo Kus- "A certainly olecied. From Northampton We are infoimed thai Byre will have a large majority over Uasseu- Eyre is a federal til," AJ,J\Uj\\ICK. his family, arrived here yesterday Halcyon, Capt. lteed, from Cadiz. Col (.ear, late American Consul at Tunis, wilh in the ship imd. ApatL. 16 Kriday, 17 Saturday, 18 Sunday, O Rises. 5 a Sets, llife'ii j elective franchise, [pointtime* abuse 'heir Koot.j n g at Mr. J, mid manner in which they some- lied in iiit; a, liulu zr,-y sonrlout, ; rtfiunrlti'd uiicj avoid UecoiiliniMlly attended by to with schooner yalei'iun, at Uullowell. caral lumber, in possession of 5 men, who said they had cut her out of T«i'P»'din Cove, by a smack, fitted by ibe prtvaieer brig John C Slier, She had no papers on buard, and the brook. man who called dim*. II prize-mastevhad nocomniission, or any document whatever. l» shew by what authority he. ba,l possession of her look tliein will ami put a crrw on board, aud ordered her lor Kusiun. The Valerius had been boardeu ihe d.v before from the lUinilies, r-l, Wymph the enfrig lie, uuiash.ip if war in oo.jilil at fell in 32 5 SI 6 36 39! Water morn 27 1 go British 74, aud a frigate were visible in the Alarm guns were fired, aloffing yesterday. though they made no attempt lo caine inside the A Bar We are glad to see the effect produced by an 5 5 5 19 Monday, 5 2U Tuesday, :M Wednesday, 5 20 IU 5 17 It > i i 11 to -- 42 4J 4-i 1 5? 2 44 35 2. 3 1 ucuiu^ -- OS fe -- * ; ; livery man is immediately at his post, alarm. and prepared to act, With such promptness wc We shall always cannot betaken by supriae. be prepared for the worst. 32 Thursday, j ll 4t| % 5 3 WliJiKLY Mi-;ssi,NGE!i, fob rim coi/Jf't'tir. rUULtSHtlJ KVEBJf FllIOAV, the Union tavern, Georgetown, in consequence of the late llusmil A dinner is to be given at Uv M.VIKS UUILKU. , a Manu'lulte. trance uf the Na-mw.i, blowing very fresh al S. nit fj£ca..nw,ikj oarru-d away Iwp in.i"m-Kip-oi*«t, uccetuev-