/ ca'is, record the grateful acknowledgments of Amei*to the Aiitlmr of every "good and peiTn't gift," for the nltiTwgx of the hell government by day, 10 o'clock, avid in the interim eomrrjittcif to MetfriWilliams (of P.} Skinner aud Wade. . fit' IWelnV Lo«ii, Blifs (<>f S.) and William, (ot S) mctt anpniritcd a committee to ennfider whether any alteralion. neccfrary^.Uty.1^^ 1* kilied!-The lof. of the enemy ...Jebeen much greater. pendLr.il/oT the prifoner*. bat army lu. to I^gMt, the brave men whom the /Mr IrAInthefe different affair* doe. stat : fic«i 110 w UicJ, and Amon' Boston. ' fUESDAY, JUNE ; io, i860. -. which fociety has ever been unlud. The Senate receive and reciprocate with grrtt fctisfafticm »e who | e and [inceiity, your Excellency.'* fen- timents upon the fubjtcl of morality and religion. Ou'r Ancestors early rcctignited theurcatand important truth, that religion and good govern- ment or are iiilrtflatcly conr.tiftcd, and miiit. iland fall together. the people nf New -England -have experiI enced great prolperity, or tnanifclted an attachment to the iotcrefts of fciertce, beyond any for- grenadiers, t to Hungarian afliftaQt to the adj. gen. hw to fubieA the owncri and maucrf of *effeJ«, )* (.he.^l-er Chef du Battalion.fought day of whole the «hieh nativei of any foreign cotiittry, lhall btlmpori- Solto^c. wai killed, We the «d, Gen.SoLioNAc wai wuunded. ed into thl* ftate, to their mail" jiniBcc, ifl ovfe thry bearthe wai Gen. OtfDiKOT, chief of the (UlT, who fhall become chargeable to (he CoflnhoMreflOlfc ' ' commander in chief, haj jaft A petition of John RoTneJ for an increafe orthe r a- ,« of drfpai^hcs from the M<a.id 1 am on the height*, of the**'"*" .Idined me. pital ftnclc of the Glouccfler Bank, »ai committed 10 We ipiioinied a cnmniittcc to confidcr the eiped'encv of MefJV, Willian.,f>fr.) LcweirsndlWlT^^'wrre' i&ky»e.*te (ttliH 'humane socijirf. * *^_* AU took prifoners, Nothing it more honorable to this town, than numcroui Inftitutions literary and humane. They are fupported upon liberal fo'inicjalions, and by men, who, though dliTertrig i\\ fentiment as to Relirrion and Polltct, are united in the At 12 o'clocit this day, a caufe of Humanity. its mer example, it it evidently the faint ary rciult of thole ir.ftitutiom nf religiou and learning, which were among the full worst* of their piouj and (anient with deep repatriotic founders. Bro-n (of B.) iiad Btanehan!. " Meffrs Wade. RuflUi, (of N. Y.) and Mclrfc we re*?", pointed the committee on the Pay Roll. ' petition from Benjamin Whitman, for 1e»« t6* ere& a Toll-Bridge over North ttivcr.wM eomtniteed Meflrs. Prefeolt, A to Meifts. Mitchell, Bancroft and Hull. The 104th denii-brigade ha* juft arrived A earc eoine to redouble our otforti for a general and fi S'OOCHM'. cuiv cidfaeV; Gen. from The Chler Cernful has reeoived * letter SoocttrT; Oi'DiNfjT, eonfirBiing the ftjtcmentsof Gen. and aliening, that during the dilTcivnt action* mentionUp,,. fermon will be preached to the Humane of this Commonwealth, at the Church in tle Street. Society We A Bill in addition to ter the AeVeftablifhlnglhe Owtcct "· Bank, wa» read tivicc, and Turfday, 1 1 e'dttt'k, gret, t!ie tiil'pofition of any til our depart frum ihc ancient manners and habits of In .1 govcfaWnl like ours, which out Countryenn be f::j'i -"t-ii ! Kill;, by the virtue and the inteiTrgchcc of (he people, its foundation is eflenapropenfit tally undermined and endangered, by Citizen*) to fignrd for the third reading. Mcli'rs. Blif* (of W.) Coffin and Smith (of W. S ) were appointed a committee ro revife the law regubtiHg weights and mearorei, and to confidcr (be eipediency of repealing To much as dirieAi the feversl -enuit- ty to innovation coivfidcr it and the Ircentioufiiefa. firft We fhall among duties of thelegiflaturc tio to be provided with a bufhcl meafore. A Bill in addition to the ae\ prefcrthing the mode of takina dcpofitions and admini tie ring oaths, was read, and i'utfdiy, J o'clock, afltgned for the feconrl reading. MlSntSA in pcrfon took 6100 pri Tuners includiug' one General, two Colonel*, fevcral Mnjon, 100 otlur Officers, feven llandards and 6 pieces of cannon. Oen. Scuctjct took 1600 prifoiicrs and one flaudard. All our papers lay, ncwi h2i arrived, that the Army Of the Rhine is engaged. LONDON, APRIL 14. The French are adtfvelv relnfdrcing their armytff /ra /y-.wh«rc it is thought BoNrtrAniE will march with the army of refer vc ; and make it the principal theatre oftheivar. Gen. MoaSAU it \t fatd will attempt to ed. Britbenevolent are invited to attend to 'mcreafe the 011 this occallon, not t^ give, but itock of their own good feelingi, by, approving the excellent, and b-y going and doing llketYife. The At ginia, lilting at the Circuit Court for the DIllricTl of VirRichmond* the infamous Ja^Mes Thompson Callfspfr, has been indicted frjr the libellous publicatiim entitled "The Pro/pea Through the exertion of his friends, before us." (i'ur to the dtfgtaec of our country fitch fcllowa to endciwwur, by every rational and conllUutionk1 method, to check it* alprining progrtfa ; and The report of the committee appointed to COnCder when the General Court may have a recti;., was received from tbe Senate, where it had been accepted. It recommends un adjournment on Saturday ncit. The H'lufc concurred. providing for the meeting of ihc LegilLiurc on the fecund Tucfday of November nciL Sunii: The MiJiUrraacan Expedition n faid to be ed and that Gen. Sruaax is going to lake pcneiralc lilto al> .induc- -- have their friends) the Marfhall experienced fome difficulty in finding him j but, it is fatd, he a! length fucceeded. command 1 «x (he iv-MI fetl a fiiicere pr'i ciplet ttttd unfeigned gratification, that at Jamaica with Sir. frelli ttoopt. and exapifric of your Excellency Arm C. 30. A drawn Itvp merchant in A'rew-T'or/ is faid to have npt only have a tendency to fnpport and encourage the fiicnds of religion) but alfo to re- Hamilton, from for Dijm. frjntt, fays, Bo\,Uaktf claim di ludid enemies. The Salem Marine Infurrnce MONDAY, JUKE Company Incorporation g. Bill, hat left Paru Aahoh Putnam, VltNSA, APult to. and in favor at P*terffor a 30,0001. prize in the Englifh Lottery. Efq. is elected Reprefenta- Charlejlcwn, vice the Hon. JOSIAM SuwABiowfeetni k"g. to be alive ' T-Ht good riftcl* of our ancient religious infAitutions have been fo long and fo amply experienced that iv. ardently hope the legiflnture will ronfider their llippoit and encouragement, among the firft objeet>. of its carr ; and that the people at Ipi'-ge, will be enabled to form a jult tftimate of their nature and excellence. V»ur Excellency will be pleafed to accept the afTurances of the Senate, of their cordial wiflies iot the Tuccefs of your adminillr.it ion Join w»ih ; tvaipafTed to be enafled. Bartlitt, chofen to the Senate. The Eighth Turnpike tional Bill addi- _ __^rr^ = was patted to be enaftea. MefTrs. Smith (of D.) and Montague, were appointed a Committee to revife the Laws regulating the inspection of beef and bu(ter. Bill for repealing part of the a£\ for the due regulation of weight* and meafures, was read twice, and to-nionow, 1 1 o'clock, aiTigned for A (VIRC.) 27. furEStcrday morning, geon of the U. S. frigate Congrrfj, was found dead in his birth. £J9aiL ®v MAY YKORFOLK, Mr. Thokndick, t'fjc noticed in your pa* 1 MefTrs. Youno and Minns per an application to (he Lcgiflaturc for the Introduction of the Vibrating Steelyard, which I hope will lake place, ai this town has been taxed loog enough -- by the ufc of the old Steelyard. A PnAtUtr, and we the third reading. you in the folemn fupplicat'njn, thai the "Almighty may filtered our united endeavour* to render the people of the Commonwealth profpeiOLS a.'.d happy." iyorr.v/'--TuosfDAT.jvvt s- THE SjVm 10 be Marine frr.m (nftjzaaec Company bill psficd enijoKri petition miLADELPHIA, i UNE 4', dated to have arrived at Porto .Xico ' three days before Capt. Jones failed, dire.fl from CtHtltnun of'the Senile, and France, in lS days, reported, that by an arrt'e of Gentlemen of the Houfe of Re/>re/entdlivej, " I tranimit to you a letter from the Hon.; the French Republic all privateers in the "WellSamuel Lyman, Efq. in which he' declines to Indies were Jhortly to be called in ; and the (Irongeft appearance of the conclufion of a peace, ferve as a CoiBniifDoncr for afccrtaining the bounwas vjfiblc dary line between this State and the State of between the United Statci and France, The Secretary delivered the following IvlWage from th« Governor: A. letter On Tucfday lafl Mr. Nathaniel Bowen, fon of the Rev. Pcnucl Bown, formerly of thli town, »as ordained in Trinity Church, by the Rt. Rev. Brfliop Bafs, to the Order of a Deacon in the Pr«tc(Y*n,( £pifcopal Church. A pathetic DifcourJe »a« dalivc-rcd by ihe- Rev, Dr. Walter, on the occauon. late · Cj*1n advertifmg the moll important of the "Collections of the Hillorical Society for 1799," Dtwe accidentally omitted to mention "A feripiien nnd Hijjory of Salem, ly tbt Rev. William Bentley." 'A and Slonc,~/or 3 divifion of the U.r'i given for 11 ^nlnmon Freeman and SiIvaou» Wwp of Harwich, wai read, to be The additional Eighth withdraws. Turnpike Corporation of good Bill, be engrnlTed. An additions! Bill for the promotion cation, war read twice, and to-morrow, fi^ned for ilir third ;.-!>.' paflitl to I edu- u o'clork, af- Meflrs. i,'. {el U ) Miicbell and Blifi, were appoioird a commiltee for the rtvifion and correction of billi in the third reading. An order of notification wa» reported on the pelttton from Coiliall, and neeepied. The Conuniitee of .Election! reported, that the reprelentativci Trom WiUian^itwii, were conflituiionally which fervice he was appointed by an Ac! paired on the 8th of March.iyt)!At * later period I was appointed a CommifAlthough fcveral fioner for the fame purpofe. attempt3 have been made to commence the bulinefs, fome accident has, in ever)' inftance, prevented a meeting of the Com miffi oners of the two btatet, and I am now under the neceffity of deCoiiiu8'kuI, to from all their proceeding*. leltir ZxlraB of a frvw, Caft.-i* TaIBOT, ef tbt oftb -"J, ole Cnnftitution, to tit Secretary U- S.ftigJ..i .' ]-" In tii!. ; . town, Mr. Jonathan Mead, to Mr;. Ruthy · May, 1800. Jenkins. : clining the fervice. CALEB STRONG- Council-Chamber, 'June 9, [800. ThcHoufe to affigncd Thurfday next, 1 1 oMocJ:, come to the choice of two Comraiflieneis, to jnd entitled to thttr feals. Accepted. petition from the Court of SelTious for WurtrPir Coujlty, for a grant to build a Coiirl-Houfe, together 'vith the petit 10 iu for j division of ihe County, were fomnuiteJ to Miifrs. Ward (nt W.) Motion (of D.) and Hum A Refolutttwi v-(» received from the Senate directing Ih^t thiEketor. of Frcudtnl and Vice Prtfidenl fliouIJ appointed by the Senate and Houfe in Conventioti" Read and ic-inorron', 10 'clock, affivned for ehofeii A between this State and the State of ConaeSieuty in the room of the Hon. Samuel Lyman, Efq. and his Excellency C'ALl^U Efq. who have declined ferving. afcerlai'n the line STRONG, 1 W tlSlATUM -in vim lalL lute but two ol bVfl anfwer of the Houfe of Rcprefentoti^e-. tc "ic Governor's Speech, In our lafl, for netfidnal'tti* dcavors read mutual endeavors. -- the confideratioa. ram»Y,jWKt 6. A surer Committi; wai apperintcd to into fettle with the Trea- jforeign 3lnteIIigertcc». By tit ; Active, orriflirf at Philadelphia *9 iiyi/rom The Houfe took conftderatinn the Refolotion Lnndnn. in-.m thtSenate, re ip tiling ihe appniotutent of Etectorsof PrriiJtut, fit. and after an animsted debate on French Succetle* <jii,'jl in Italy^ IARI], AFRlt 21- "I hive now 16 acquaint ^-ou, fir, that I have for fome fince, been meditating an cntcrprixe againft a French armed fbip, lying at Art Plato, protected by her own guns, and a fort of three heavy cannon. It was my firit intention to have gone with the Cpajlituihn and to have lilenced the fort and fhip.which had all her guns nn one fide to en-operate with the fort la dcfinding «But after the belt information gainlt any huflile force. 1 could gaur.I found it to he fomewhac dangerous to approach the entrance of the Harbour with a fliipof the draught of water of the Cottflitutim. Having detained he lloop Salty, which had left iVr Ptatt hut a Tew days before, and which wa» to have returned there again previous to her failing for the U.S. I cocccived.this lloop Id bt a furtable vejl'cl tor a difguife ; I therefore m.inaiid her at let, frog) the ConRitutkn, with about ninety Bravt teamen »nA nuiinni pft« W»cr »tn «« be conttnandccl by Capt. Cabmick and Lt. Amo«v, when on'fhore; but the entire command of the .detachment I gave to Mr. Hall, my firft Lieut, who entered ihe harbourof^'or/.r'/nrf ytflcrday in open day.lipd^njircraejied the fort and Ihip with his men in the hold of the They ran a(loop, cicept five or fix 10 work her in. long fide of the fliip. and boarded her fw.rd in hand, without the !.!- ot a man killed or wounded. At the moment the fhip wai boarded, and agreeabty to my plan Capt.CaRMiCK and Licui^aioiiv landed with the ma-' rin*s In this town, Mr. John Coff. aged OJ. $*Jem, Mrs. Sufannah Walpcy, aged 40.-- Was weeding in the garden feeling unwell, entered the At -- houfe, and expired in "·- ten minutes -- Mif» Mary Rca, aged 10, and was buried with military honor*. Gen. Lamb, a diftingui£hed officer in the Revolutiona- At Nt-.B-Yerli, ry Army. ." , At the Hwarmab, Mr. John Cornwall, merchant, of this town. At Tfwtjbury, Eliph, Hunt, aged 36.-- At Sea, Mr. AHcn Breed, of Danvtn --At M*rtt,ht*J, Mr. Sylvefter Stevens.-- At SelluaU, Mr. Elifha Randall, aged 83. "fl©crcutE's» a3&arii,e 3©iarp. FainAV, JOKt 6. * Ar/ivcd leh. Polly and Harriot,, Kobtc, Liverpool, 46 dav*. Satohdav. Arrived iu Quarantine Road, feh. Ti» Sailed under contcran. Miller, Havanuah, y day*. voy of the Warren. SuNOAy. Ship Eagle, Thomas, for N. York from , MuM'AV. Same SebaftiaWi 6 y d 7 short of proviGons Arrived, fchooncr Hannah, Blanchard, day. Sch, Dolphin, Havannah, 16 days. inning, JamaicA. Brig Aths, Kimball.OportO, 44 days. on a cruise from this harbour, the 0. S Brig Pickering. Lt. Hillar. The U. S. frigate ElTei, capt. Preble, arrived fafe at the conftiiutionality a;iJ eapeJicncy of the mcafute, the Houfe concurred with ihe lunate. The Yeas and Iijuj ivere. SOTC U IT, tuutmtf of th Ji'-i-r-""'"' gi<\trat U tbtf, U Gonfit Kufrtlltol 1)) Smith, (of B.) Cobb, Lowell, (uf,B)l'arkmaH, V.-aiier, Cay, Beekford, Pickrun, rr.fcott,Ffp»tr, Page, Wade, Swnzey, CogfwclJ, Tiieombj Cnombt, Catltr, Bartlcit, Ruhinfoti, Holt, Brmvn.Stejjhrns, Todd, March. How ( Hajl, Puffell, lllunchard, ( uthr, (ol H > Hunt, Jackfnn, Bancroft, ·Whitney, W^rw, Halt (ufM.) Mcllen, Bbfs, (of S.) Halj *' Mtkf, 16 Ciimifijl, April ib. General, OR to* day* the army of tttly has been engaged with the encany. Finding myfclf detached from the army of the commander in chief Maiiina, and having an opportunity of being able 10 give you intelligence of the army, I think it my duty to do fo directly. B8l*,(ofWOTaytni^(ofN. &E.) Wondbtidge, Mou- On the t6th Germinal Gen. Milas attacked io perfon la^ur, Smith, (nf G J Taylor, (of W.) Walet, I'earcc. Lieut. Gen. Soucuit, who comthe heights of J-ivn Mjikivtat'her, Phelp*, Brotvn, Ahercromhif, Porter, manded them, withflood during the whole day; ihe atHunt.M'J-illan.Nifh, Smcad, I'om.rny. r-i.tltr, («fB. tack of the enemy on Caditumj and Mtntmtli, in order and !·) "faylof,inl B.)Sncll, Coodwio, Turnctj Vhil- that he might be aVile to fend the fort of 5<mr what lipi, Mitchell, Wilder, Uug^ln,(t<f R.J Csihing, Whitwas net diary for ii* defence, and to eficdtdtil retreat man, Hn)-cit», shcnii.m, LnJrifh, t'IUCnar,Mayo,Ncw> toGctiej; for at the commencement of the day he could romb, Scan, Titlin;;h aft, W.ire, Spnoner, BragJon, Fereattly pcrecivc that the taciny had fuch a fupcrprity rulo, SffJWj Ftflm, I'erk'il t,\Uyhe<v. ( l B.) MlyhcW, ot i"o,te, ihw he could not hope fo ewereon (u( C Paine, Ward, Air.niiA.wr», Cuf»r, (<K B ) 1)*He thn^» a janifon uf 700 men into (he fori or .C,vmj, iii,"\v.' idbury, Fayc, Howe, Kimli-U, Hrhun, Walkand in the evening effecVdhii retreat loAloiff-k. The k r. 11 Hin^», DoWt, M.irfli, Nnrti.ii, CwdJ^rcr, Slone, fame day Cen. MiOLI-IS was attacked mnhe ffiourt J? VarkVr, Vmiiii.. ( Tuft*, Hpwe*, tUchwdron, I.cventi ; he was at tirlt obliged to fall back hut oil J.onglrv, I.c«i-. ittwer, kuiftll, (ofN.Y.) Enicrftin, the 17th Gen. Massina advanced thither in petfon, Dver, Cols, Allen, Vayfon, Dewty, Ktllngg, PrifleH, heat the Aultrijns, and toqk from them ijco prifouWbceUr, fofStW.) Wheeler, (of 1..AN. A.} Wil- crr>. an»ng ivhomarcGen. Batun d'Asvm. r>atu, (.if P.) Williams (01 s ) Canttcli, Stone, Sargent, the ictb, Gen. Masitka attacked the enemy at Bruce, Tli*yti, Loud, baiter, t'airhauk), Uakmau Safilio and Aik'Jf !·. Hie alTur continued the whole day, and on the lift. Gen. Masiina brilkly repulled .V,,,-- LIttlc,r cntir)(.,rMOHill.W;:iir,^-.n,Ciiandthe enemy, and U'a'i from them a number nfprifpncri lcr, WceVf, Maynatd, Simnnd", Ailarai, Kire, Oak«, On the 13d, 14th. and ijtli. Gen. (VT^jitNA hid ?hcphcrd, Fletcher, buidetfim, He.ild, Cunpbcll, HHd(harp ciijag'incnts, the rtfult of which wai ennJVantly i-etb, Broosn, How, PttcR, ftcrvea, Smith, {pi W. s.j He took from the enemy 4JO0 r^rifonin our favrar. Maynaid, 5inilhi [ot P Purfem, Knoft, Hobare,Green, crs, 7 &> tf ids, anil 6 piece* ot cannon. Rye, Drown, Mafon, olocum, Clnp, Morton, [ufF.] On t> 13th, however, I had evacuated the ppfi'.ion Dean, Cr^.n^.Boweti, Cut:t., Bradbury, ( offio, Town, of Si. r jjio.u?i, and had advanced to tdcline of Bmgtttt. Druiv, W;ilk«r, Marcan, Ji>l.lyn, Stunt, t'lilTui-v.. FarThe MfJtra Jt U A'av^wnt taken and re rakrn several ley, rucKfi SJsinner, Young, Goodwin, Bidwell, Beats, times. The Hungarian grenadier* fullered vonhdcrably ti.) Howe, M«(tm,(o£ Howlnnj, Brown, Seaver .Heath, at Mthgnt, where they were vj^uroully repulled. The fiulhrd, $harp, IVlorfe, Boydj White, Bomii, Sherwin, -- BoMarAarr F up to their necks in water, and fpiked up the cannon in the fort, before the commanding officer in the caftlc had time to recoiled or prepare himfclf for defence. Perhaps no enterprise of the fame moment was ever better executed ; and and 1 feel myftlf under great ob!igiiroo»io l,t. HuiL.Cpt. Car hick, and Lt- Amohi for their avidity in undertaking M Same. day, Ycflerdav failed , -t to exeeutc this entcrpriae, and for the handfome manner in which they per* formed this bold and daring undertaking. The Prire Ihip mounts tour fixes and two nines die wai formerly the Brhifh 1'acket Saniwitb, and Irom the hoafting publication* at the Capt, and from the declaration* of the officers, it appear* that fhe i» the faded filler that fwiini; and that (lie ran three or four years, if I forget not, as a privateer out of Frame, and n>itn greater fuccefs than amy other that ever failed out of their peru. She is a beautiful copper-bottomed fhip ; her cargo confifb principally of fugar and coffee. ; the Cape nf Good Hope. Officers and crew in hialtb. The ElTcx made her paflage to the Cape of GoodHope in 66 days and prove; an excellent failcr. She was watering, and (jpl. Pnblc intended waitiug there for the Congrcfs; being iguoiant 'of the misfortune ; which happened to her. , A it is letter from Maryland, nEW.TQa.st, ;unr 2. mentions, that the Arrived at the Cape of Good Hope, March 14, a very final] copper bottomed Bolton Brig, with a lung maiumalt, frum the N. Ccafl and Canton. letter from Bombay mentions that in Dec. l.ifl, four American vellcl* were captured iu the Strcight* of Sunda. Brig Ellen, 46 days from Cadix for Porifmnuth, wai fpoken May 19, lat. 41, 40. Corvette, which brought Bonaparte's agent* from Swue to GuaJaUauc.hiM captured fcveral Americao A W A vefftl*. t W) Heflian Fly has effected faid, fpare ; there in a melancholy degree. what fs of wheat however, called early wheat. tlie dcftrtiftion They, " HEW-HATtX, (COM.) JUNE 9. May 3, lat. 41, long. 6j, wai fpoken brig Rambler, day* from Bcvcily. Ihe Induflry, Bodwcll, from Portfmouth for Deistrara and Commerce, Jonc*, from Portland for Barbadi.'iarc taken by the l-rmch. .)·< Motely, of Portland, w» onboard the Brinfh ; . 1 1 1 > Mr. Webftcr of this city, we underhand, is engaged in completing the fyftem for theinfUtict ion of youth, which he began in the year 1 783He hat in hand a Didionary of American Language, a work long fmce projefted, but which other occupations have delayed till this time. The plan contemplated extends to a fmall Dictionary for fchools, one for the cOOjrtinghoufc, and a large one for men of fcience. Tlie frigate Retaliation, May 7. t>ehboucr Hope, from Jamaica all - for Boflon, was fpok- n . May io, her ctcw dead, except the captain and ^ , j At Hope, ^ 8( br ; L dia \_ f Wifcaffef, feh. j of Portfmouth, recaptured { firft is PiltebrOwn, Htnitk, C It indler, Dudley-- t. The RmifeliJl'oied for the choree ..1 a Senatot -/.. ihc Hon, Mr. Deiter", whenihi Hon DWIGI-TT FOS 1 j',k wai ..'.. cl.i 1 n, ii [ l he Senate eoneJHtct] r ,.:>i Ninth Turnpilw fStrpwaiion mgfullld. i?lh, and the ,TMTL-n:.4jeri of the .Ijth, diOinguiflied ihemfehjes in a particular manner. Obferving that tlte eiumy weft enile.ivouimg to turn me, I determined to advance tfl the line of Btrtllte, Dunn- this time. Gen. Z\si.osnu)Ki complcn-ly beat the divifton "f the ene- nearly ready for the prefs the fecond tind third will require the labor of fome years. It is fonnd that a work of this kind is abfnlutcly neceffary, -- Bill, wns palled my, which wai dch tiNi-hing by to lie MuTri, l.o-.-til, Brown, (of B.) and Prcrcott.were appmnted a committee tnrcwife thelaw./eutife 10 ihc ol Cbi nid hcopa , An order "*» rereived [ri'm ihc Semite appointing !'<'· !.-. ·· l> and 1 ' '< b thi the Hon. Mi di J nfidrp when Hun.Houfemayji.ii], 1 .. . i th atocl Cin>n m;v ha.v« a.reccff. added MclTn Pi 'I lie Hbitfe c ·ncurreiJ ft. ulteady arrived *·. P.toj. H\ niuk from tlicrri C0o prifoncn, On the 19th, having received wrderj from Gen. MassVHA to .itrack the enemy. 1 marched en the loth. Tin tremps t,nA:liy iIT;iuli and luiyantl ihe lower aial redoubt »f .Xltl-$no, with 400 prifoiicrf, ivof whom 1w.11 niliv'n The chief of the haitilion of Vid-.l. £ to the J<lh demi Sri^ade, was ihclirl »ii < ·*..·< ,.1 1...1 on account of confiderahlc ferences between the American and Englilh guagc. !%ew cireumllanees, new mode* of In the account of the polite treatment experienced by the lloop DifpatcU, rapt. Worthmgton, from a ftench Privateer, publilhcd iu yefteid.iy'n Cbrtni.ti, it Utms that tlie writer forgot to mention that the rrtnehmen very Unity took from the veflVl two barrels of lugar;, and for nn thai their btloveti Americans fliould furftit tlicmfelvcs with oranges and tama- -- dif- rind*, very geueroully deprived them of thofe perni- Ianlife, j I cious articles. Hew laws, new ideal of vaiious kinds give rife to' new words, and have already made many material differences ! c3* The HiKKLtv, America. between the language *>f England and Some ne<y words are introduced in it f Capt. Letter Bag of the for Lonthm, will be taken from the Poll-Office this evening, at 9 o'clock. . GALEN, .. | -- = -- =^ =rr-! S-- -i , annexed to words, which i, ;s r 11 iliiaj An order On Hon ^dJ, j 1 wm . rccc'rti I fidi ith fin ppoiutinj M ) [on itbc [I f hi nj 1 li iter Fl'.[. i<l to ,!., '! from B tin ! 1 in; ffln, :" ' u L. - 1 "-'./> I:-, 1 1. B I'urnpi iw tind in 1I1 · A Bill for cftahMlilng a new nrarioi was waJ liv*i;c,ordtred for a third teaJiujj on lucl- probable ttmt the alterations in the tenures lhe «eofcUiilfciI polity, will diftoift ,.l,t, ,,t ,w.,.; wt r: lakcn on i ..1, CiMi'i... .!, n tt of lhe'-7th light l-irom tne Ungoaae 10 America fevcril huttdcrd p'onU which hclony to the Knghfii.. The dill'erfi :. i:if ...u,.. ,..,1 ,1 1! rjTtl my, a ok j elites in the language of the two countrh will '"' " " "od-cl Jhe cantfiraeio multiply, and rendcv it neccflarV thai '...'.'.. .,1,1 ,,.:. v.: ' ,1.1 *,,., di ,.., n ,.] ( !,_..,. n, o;,,_.,;,, , e ,l,, a , w'. ' worifihtoc Dultmaru* tith* jlmtncgn Ian.,,,,, ity ! 1. QtAlUti ftfonta r. init. heui ....!.. Mr liatiO>,'Uie mo "tol 9 ..cw,U« £uagc. iled among the reft li.ivui . Hud into the entrenchment Hie Is neceffary to explain. Co!, ol the Axif, wtt kd . 1 V* Bid AN ; Ran aw.tyfrom ber'* Bulincfs the Subfcribcr, jf i indented Apprentice to the Barnamed Conftant Adam, a Black. Boy had on when he went away, a fhorl blue coat and white tnmki >-, a large mouili. pouting lipi, and a fhorl cue. 17 year* olo, (hurt in (tutu C Whoever returns faid buy to Qil matter, at Head of Homotl't wharf, QiaJIjtceir* one Dulln ...1 All [>«rfutu are fw> 1,1 1 l 1 1 l I «» 11 1 . 1 m i' : 1 harboring faid 10. ruj» away, ii they will, t«i .-jJ I l, liit pi nalty «f the \a\i. ruvks. June SAMUEL I'ETER.