Page 9, News, Tuesday, May 5, 1992 Martel says that provincial budget is good for the north Northern Development and Mines Minister Shelley Martel said that Ontario's 1992 budget is good for the province and good for Northern Ontario. "Creating jobs is this gov- emment's first priority," Martel is quoted as saying in a press release dated May 1. "Northern Ontario will share in the innovative Jobs Ontario program which will help Ontarians upgrade their skills. It will support the economy's transition into a more produc- tive, higher-value economy, create new, non-profit housing, and improve schools, roads, homes for the aged and other public facilities." Apprenticeship programs will be expanded in 1992-93 to assist groups who are under- represented in apprenticeship training, including Franco- phones and aboriginal people. Labour adjustment programs and services will support abo- riginal people and others who are experiencing job loss or long periods of unemployment. Another measure geared to stabilizing Northern Ontario communities is the confirma- tion of public service job trans- fers to Elliot Lake and Hailey- bury. The Northern Ontario Her- itage Fund, an important diver- sification tool for the north, continues to work for northern- and trucks that are perfect for All are priced to clear. For a limited time only. buy a play truck and $|30 worth of Mountain 2 Gear fleecewear or Levis® Jeans, free. See your Northwestern Ontario GM Dealer. Marks Wearhouse GomMc Gi on 4 Os | OE ae ers at a full $30 million every year. The government is also pro- viding $11 million to comput- erize the Ministry's geoscience records and maps. This will improve the effectiveness of mineral exploration and devel- opment. "By building a more com- prehensive, accessible database, Ontario will be better ""The reduction in the corporate tax rate' will encourage more investment. Mining and logging com- panies, many of them in Northern Ontario, will bene- fit."? equipped to compete for investment dollars," she said. The government will also be working with the mining industry and Northern Com- munities to review incentives for mineral exploration and development. The government is also working to open new markets to Ontario forestry products in Europe. In the traditional United States market, the gov- ernment has fought to overturn the latest attempts to impose a duty on softwood lumber. play. receive Work $13,499 plus freight or Chevy Tahoe Extended Cab from participating dealer inventory only while quantities last and for a limited time only. Dealer may sell for less. See dealer for details. "Changes to corporate taxa- tion sends a strong, positive signal to businesses throughout the province," said Martel. "The one percentage point reduction in the corporate tax rate will encourage more investment. Mining and log- ging companies, many of them in Northern Ontario, will bene- ee" The increase in the Capital Cost Allowance rate from 30 to 40. per cent for freight-haul- ing trucks and tractors will benefit mining and logging operation through faster write- offs on hauling equipment. Northern firms will be able to tap into the Sector Partner- ship Fund, a three year, $150 million fund to help industry associations and groups of firms within a sector adopt new technology, collectively promote and market their goods and services, innovate and raise skill levels. "In formulating this budget, it is apparent the government listened to citizens across the North and the rest of the province," said Martel. "As the treasurer said, that is why this government is tak- ing concrete steps to create jobs, train workers, increase business investment and sus- tain the public services that are the hallmark of a decent and caring society." VOLUNTEERS WANTED The Township of Schreiber, is in need of a volunteer to serve on the McCausland Hospital Board, in the capacity of Council representative to the Board. The term of appointment is for one year. [f you are interested in serving on the Board, please apply in writing to: Reeve and Council Township of Schreiber P.O. Box 40 Schreiber, Ontario POT 2S0 GMC Sonoma SLE Extended Cab Chevy Tahoe Extended Cab These trucks have the features and comforts you need. Perfect for families who love to get away on weekends. * 2.8 Litre V6 Engine ¢ 5 Speed with Overdrive * AM/FM Stereo Cassette * Rally Wheels Tyr SAn oe e Rear Step Bumper ¢ Rear Slider Window * Jump Seat ¢ 2 Tone Paint