*. % $ fed Page 9, News, Tuesday, November 5 1991 Student graduates are taught all of the do's and don'ts of responsible babysitting They also reveived a talk from a mother and child (this time, Judy St.Don and her daughter Catherine), to give the students an idea of how a mother wants them to care for the child they are babysitting. The students also received basic first aid instruction, and were taught what to do in case of an emergency. = Proper types of play when babysitting a healthy or sick child is covered, as is what to do when a child misbehaves when they' re in charge. To pass the course, the stu- dents had to pass a final exami- nation which grilled them on the practical knowledge they had learned while in the class- room. <> eS Floral 5 tial IND ODENING ¢ ' The graduating class (above). The course is sponsored by the Terrace Bay Police, and Chief Wes Fenton (bottom left), and instructor Debbie Corrigan (centre) gave out the certificates. by Darren MacDonald The News -- Twenty-two people, aged 11 November 7, 8, 9 (6 0 aaten'e brake, don' fix 0. That's another way of saying "don't meddle with things" but we don't buy that philosophy. Our advertising department always looks for ways that can improve your advertising. We take our client's successful ads and then find ways to make them even more successful. If you're a business owner or manager and want to get the maximum benefits from your adver- tising, give us a call. We'll show you how to really % get "the most" out of your advertising dollars. Call 825-3747 Terrace Bay-Schreiber News ee eae and up, have graduated from a babysitting course at the Ter- race Bay Recreation Centre. The Babysitting Course, put on at the Terrace Bay Recreation Centre and spon- sored by the Terrace Bay Police, teaches young people how to become responsible babysitters. The course teaches children about the rights and responsi- bilities of babysitting, and how development of children' between the ages of zero to 10. Guest speakers from the Police and Fire Departments to encourage the growth and . gave the students safety tips. Schreiber Winer ractey would like toa thank everyone who helped in any way te make our oe = Bottle Drive a success. ws, Veank You jor +» your support! NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate of WILLIAM STACHIW late of the Township of Terrace Bay in the District of Thunder Bay, who died on or about the 10th day of October, 1991, must be filed with the under- signed on or before the 19th day of November, 1991, after which date the undersigned will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated at Thunder Bay, Ontario this 22nd day of October 1991. MURRAY & COURTIS Barristers and Solicitors #410-101 Syndicate Avenue Thunder Bay, Ontario P7C 3V4 THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 223 TERRACE BAY Requires A PART-TIME BAR & CLEANING PERSON Applications can be submitted in person at the Legion or sent to: P.O. Box 520 Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2WO fs, TRAVEL 'samen: Air line ticketing and all % aso hotels world wide 824-3418 Joe Mykietyn (Agent) The Laprade Travel Shop Ltd. P.O. Box 925 Schreiber, Ont.; POT 2S0 IATA 15% OFF all in-stock plants Daily Draw - Gift Certificate worth $25 Free Carnation to first 25 ladies each day CUT FLOWERS IN STORE VASE 12 Ig. roses -$ 38 or $3.5 each 12 Ig. roses -§ 46 12. sw. roses - $28 or $2.5 each SPECIALS 12. sw. roses - $38 12. carnations - $18 or $150 each 12. carnations -$25 TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR YOUR POINSETTIA Don't miss out! Order Thurs., F'ri., or Gat and receive 10% off. "Come in and j join us for coffee and donuts 825-4545 ( 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 apt OFFICE SHOW Come & See Us At The VALHALLA INN See the new technology and office products available. ¢ Office Equipment * Office Supplies * Computers * Telephones * Copiers * Typewriters * Office Fumiture Cash Registers * Stamping Equipment ¢ Adding Machines and more... plus hourly attendance prizes 4 Win a trip for two to Winnipeg to see the Winnipeg Jets, courtesy of Thunder Bay Travel Wednesday & Thursday November 13 & 14 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM at the Valhalla Inn Ye