TERRACE BAY! SCHREIBER NEWS ene Feb 14, 1990 Gettin St. Valentine's Day- Getting to =. the Heart of the Matter During the last few weeks, thousands of Regal. representa- tives from across Canada will prepare for one of the hottest and most popular times of the year to purchase' grecting cards- Valentine's Day. Regal Greeting's & Gifts takes this time of year scriously. While Christmas is still their busiest greeting card scason (mainly because customers buy cards in large quantities), Valcntine's Day runs a close second. St. Valentine's Day is one of the oldest holidays cclcbrated in the Western World. Historians have found that the idca of send- ing love letters and incssages to one's Sweetheart on February 14th dates back to Ancient Rome. HAIRDRESSING BUSINESS FOR SALE Serious inquiries only Call: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 825-9340 After 4 p.m. weekdays 825-9459 ~ archives:-- Following is a list a. Stic Valentine's Day. facts from, the... Regal Grectiag' s = oe * Although the day is iaeiad for Valentius, a Christian priest® "-Fowls": who was executed on-February. the 14th, 270 A.D., of the day can be traced back to the days of Ancient Rome * A Roman tcast, called Lupercalia was held annually on February the 15th. It was an important festival held in honor of Pan, a Roman god of {crtility * The British adopted this fes- tival and other Roman customs during the Roman occupation of Britain between the 2nd and Sth Centuries * During the 5th Century, Christian missionarics and priests attempted to do away with such pagan festivals by substituting them for Christian belicfs or Saint days * In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius ordered that February the 14th be celebrated as Ft. Valentine's Day, in honor of Valentius ee Over sthe centuries; St.Valentine's Day took the form of a party and celebration without much thought about its Ancicnt Roman origin or religious conno- tation * As carly as the ! -ili and 15th the festivities. ZAITZEFE-CANCADE ZAITZEFF-CANCADE Law Office are pleased to announce their continuing association with PETER LUCAS and that appointments may. be made at the office of Belluz Realty Ltd. in Terrace Bay ~ 825-3292 fz. AND HARD OF HEARING. Aina it becui ~"ustom-to -- cad lavish presen, .crses and jvottos torone's lover.' Fourteenth _«Sentury poet Gcolfcry Chaucer -yvrote..in.."The Parliament- of For this was on Saint 'Valentine's Day when every fowl "cometh to choose his mate" * Later in the 16th and 17th Century, pocts and song writers wrote profuscly on Saint Valentine's association with birds and lovers. For example, to choose one's Valentine and to make it known was the same as being cnzaged. Shakespeare's Ophelia in Hamlet sang: "Tomorrow is Saint Valentine's Day, All in the morning betime, And:I a iaid at your window, To be Your Valentine" * By ti 18th Century, expen- sive gill~ and trinkets were being replaces! bv hand-written Valenti<'s cards that were embelli-ticd with water colors ~and/or > follicd drastetiggs of hearts, buds and flowers: anor etre Besta Be Bi: ik cards, paper lace frames. silk flowers, flowers.i.arts and birds, intricate licssage. twisted aroung several loops (} sown as "True Love Knot" cds) and small mottoes were giued together to make claboraui and unique grecting curds. * Du:'ug the Victorian era, comme, ially produced Valentin. . cards became popular with the :ntroduction of penny postage. 'he inexpensive postal ratcs ch... 'ed the writing habits of many. -oon several styles and designs +, Valentine's Day cards were pro: ed * By ~ tur of the century, colorful hromolithographed cards frou. 'iermany were wide- ly availabi. and over the next few decades us. custom of young men to the heart of Valentine othe aniphne eee wom: choosing a "Valentine Candidne:. ased.As more and more Brivish, American and Catadian <ard manufacturers evvived, th choice to send your Vaicnline a ..ird seemed endless. "Regul swreetings & Gifts jnveodueed «cir first Valentine's D.. card to Canada nearly sixty ye. . ago. 'throughout the years the = have produced Valentine's cui. > that replicate Victorian and Ex. .rdian images as well.as con- te; rary-and fun themes J acics fon of contcinpo- Titi entine'> --» - cards or sug- ge gifts :o buy your. Vii inc, contact your local Ry represe!) live. For over sik .cars, Re. sl Greetings & Gifts has sold greeting cards, gift wrap, gifts and household itcms to Canadian's through an attrac- tive catalogue mailed to thou- sands of Regal sales representa- tives across Canada. World day of prayer World Day of Prayer This past full, the world watched as peoples of Eastern' Europe in Sovict-controlled coun- THE CANADIAN HEARING SOCIETY 9 PROVIDING SERVICES TO THE DEAF : For more information, call us at (416) 964-9595, (TDD) 416-964-0023, or write to us at -*271 Spadina Road, Toronto, Ontario MSR 2V3 THE LAKE SUPERIOR BOARD OF EDUCATION ~PARENTS!. tries struggled toward greater political and personal freedom. For many, that meant leaving their homeland of East Germany, Czechoslovakia, or Poland, For others, it meant working on reforms at home, or simply the pain of seeing loved oncs leave. In the light of these events, the theme for this year's World Day of Prayer, written by Christian women of Czechuoslovakia, takes on greater urgency. That theme- INCOME TAX RETURNS Prepared Contact ~-. DAVID FALZETTA in Terrace Bay 825-9471 "A Better Tomorrow: Justice for All"- is a hope which will be shared and expressed by those preparing for the: World Day of Prayer, March 2, 1990, in 170 countries around tlic globe. In Canada, the service, which comes through the International Committee of the World Day of Prayer, is printed and distributed by Women's Intcr-Church Council-of Canada, Ecumenical groups across the country meet to organize local scrviccs. Proceeds from the annual oficring go to provide study,and. .worship resources for women's sroups and others, to cover costs w! distribut- ing the World Day ot |'rayer scr- vice, and to support ecumenical projects in Canada and «broad. Everyone is invited to share in this 103 year old tradition of Christians uniting for prayer and guidance in struggling with major , issues facing us today. The service will !c held at 7:30 P.M. on Friday, March 2nd in Holy Angel's Church in + Schreiber. -EONSIDER YOUR OPTIONS f-- Starting or Expanding a Small Business It's Registration Time FOR JUNIOR & SENIOR KINDERG ARTEN Bide NORTH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTRE "We will assist you to develop a business plan We will support you with financial and technical services Loans, guarantees and equity Advice on seeking other forms of financing Self-employment incentives The week of February 26 to March 2 each day from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p,m. ae "DEVELOPMENT CENTRE For information call Bob Maclver 825-9688 or visit our office at 13 Simcoe Plaza, Terrace Bay, Ontario r= Visit TERRACE BAY or SCHREIBER PUBLIC SCHOOLS during that week Ang your child's birth or Baptismal certificate for proof of age .. If you are unable = si the school, please Call - Telephon will Who is eligible to attend SS _ The Corporation of the -}~ Township of Terrace Bay NOTICE TO: RESIDENTS 2 mamma Bison DOG LICENCES JK: Children born in 1986 * SK: Children born in 1985 ; Children currently attending JK classes are not required to register for SK. Parent meetings and classroom visitations will mn: be arranged by each schoo! during the month of May. Owners, harbourers or possessors of dogs are reminded that dogs must be registered, described and licenced for 1990. Dog lags.cue NOW available. at thMunicipal Office. +> z Male Dog $15.00 Female Dog Jor $15.00 (Veterinary: Filia Rei) ony ron Stains : -- -- z le Dog be =O: ae ~epesibere: ak W.L; Mitchell, A.M.<.T (A. oe For further information, please contact your local public school: Sone sent tilts is ns seats ale Terrace Bay Public School, Mr. D. Davey, Principal- 825-3253 a ---Gehreiber Public School, Mrs.G. Conrad Davey, Principal 8 824-2082 =P Richardson ~ Chairman sacinlget D.!,. McQuarrie eee «eee sie Director-ef-Education 5