Wednesday, Feb 7, 1990 TERRACE BAY/SCHREIBER NEWS Page 5 GYMNASTICS The registration deadline for the next session is Friday, March %uh. However, due to the increas- ing number of participants with cich session and a limited amount of gym time available, we vill have to sct limits on the uumber of participants in each g:oup. We thercfore advise any- one that wishes to register their child for the session beginning March 19, 1990 that they do so early, FIRST AID AND CPR COURSE The 8-hour Emergency First Aid Course will be held on Saturday, April 21st from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The CPR Course will be held on Saturday, April 28th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. These programs have maxi- mum registrations. We advise anyone wishing to register for either one of these programs do so immediately as space is filling up quickly. AEROBICS We are now accepting registra- tions for our afternoon and evening Aerobic programs. The next session is scheduled to begin Tuesday, March 6th. Deadline for registrations is Friday, March 2nd. We are still accepting names for persons interested in an "Over 40" aerobic program. If you are interested contact the recreation office at 824-2317 ADULT DANCE This exciting program has been rescheduled to April 7th and 8th. Classes will be held from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. on both days. Delores Niskannen of Thunder Bay will provide instruction in a variety of dances in a fun and enjoyable setting. BALLROOM BABYSITTING COURSE We are now accepting registra- "Safety is no accident, so PLAYSAFE!" th A The War Amps of Canada tions for a Canada Safety Council Babysitting Course. This pro- gram is offered to children in grades 6 and over. Space in this program is limited so we advise early registration to ensure you get into the program. WINTER CARNIVAL A handful of Jocal residents are working their tails off in order io provide an exciting program for this years Winter Carnival. Television and radio coverage has already been arranged. The pro- gram has been carefully put together and offers something for everyone in the family. The only thing the Organizing Committee Talk 'not to bite. By Alice Scott Once a cat has developed a clawing or biting habit, he must be made to change. This can be done quite easily if you are persistent and do not give in to him. Like training a puppy, you . must consistently follow the same methods. If your cats claws are in you, relax and calmly remove them by first pushing the feet a bit for- ward. Always stay calm when training any animal. They are very susceptible to any change in your feelings. If your cat bites you, press your arm toward the tceth, this will confuse the cat and he should release his grip. Then put the cat away from you with a gentle but firm mes- sage of disapproval. Don't look at him or talk to him for twenty minutes. If he comes towards you leave the room. A few repetitions is usually all that is needed to teach your cat cannot guarantee is the weathcr and participation by the commu- nity. With the varicty and quanti- ty of events available, the Carnival could be the biggest and best on the North Shore. So fara number of the events advertised that require pre-registration are not receiving a good response. The committce requires pre-regis- tration so we can arrange for the television and radio coverage. If you are planning to enter the Ice Sculpturcs, Talent Show, Dart Tournament or wish to attend the Family Slcigh Ride or Downhill Tip to Thunder Bay, we ask that you contact the recreation office When ever you must give your cat medicine wrap him in a towel or pillow case. Have your vet teach you the correct method of holding a cat. Teach children not to pick up a cat, unless they are trained in handling them properly. Cats are not traincd the same way as dogs. They have a very independent nature; but you can shape their behavior in desirable directions. Never yell, scold or strike your cat. This will only cause fear in your pet and he will avoid you. You must train him with affec- tion, understanding and consis- tency. If your cat likes walking on your counter tops use a spray bot- tlc with water. Each time he jumps on the counter, spray him and tell him firmly "No." Praise him after when he stays of the counter. Next week "house breaking your new puppy." Thank you Special thank you to all of the citizens of Terrace Bay travelling west of Pays Plat that helped us in our accident; to the O.P.P. officer that drove us to the hospital in Terrace Bay. Also thank you to Dr. Woldnik and the nurses for the excellent care we received at the hospital. Anne Rowe and Debbie Chamberlain, Marathon For Men Only! Why not give that special someone a gift of lingerie for Valentine's Day. On display at Styles & Trends and Hamilton's. PRENATAL CLASSES The Thunder Bay be holding a series of prenatal classes commencing February 28th, 1990. If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy please call 824-2413 to register now. District Health Unit will now so the information can be passed on the the organizing Committee. : The Schreiber Figure Skate Club has an exciting "Wild Wild West" program planned for the entertainment at the opening cere- monics. The Community Band will entertain the crowd during the intcrmission. Opening ccre- monics will include Crowning of chreiber rec notes the Carnival King, Queen, Prince, and Princess and the introduction of the mascot, slogan and name contest winners as well as the winners of the beard growing contest. Plan to attend this years carnival, participate and ensure that Schrciber has the biggest and best wintcr carnival of 1990. No one deserves it more than Schreiber. _-&@ Invites applications for the following Seasonal Contracted Postions: GROUNDS/GREENSKEEPER & CONCESSIONAIRE Specific details available upon request A one bedroom apart- ment is available on site Forward Applications & Resume To: Mr. T. Neil Seagris P.O. Box 48 Red Rock, Ontario POT 2P0 No Later than March 1, 1990 HNICAL DRAFTING SERVICES Expression of Interest are requested from drafting firms interested in providing services, Thunder Bay District Office. The Ministry of Government Services, Thunder Bay District, owns and manages a wide range of facilities and properties throughout Northwestern Ontario. Included are residential, commercial and insti- tutional occupancies. The Thunder Bay District is comprised of two areas: Thunder Bay, which encompasses the arca between Longlac to Atikokan, and Kenora, which extends from Ignace to the Manitoba border. Under the direction of the Technical Services Section, drafting firms are needed to prepare Contract Documents, generally for repairs, alterations and retrofits in architectural, mechanical, electrical and/or civil disciplines. The work involves any or all of the following: - Working Drawings - Specifications - Visit project sites to gather project data (which may include out-of-town travel) Drafting firms shall preferably possess: CADD capability using Autocad software; drawing, specification and design cxpericnces; understanding of and experience with the usc of the Ontario Building Code and other related regulations; $500,000.00 third party liability insurance for on-site work when required, and contact person avail- able during regular daytime working hours. Submissions shall be in duplicate and should include: - Types of service offered and arca(s) of expertise. - Areas within Northwestern Ontario where services are offered. - Qualifications and expericnce of owner/individuals of firm offering services. - List of references for which similar services have becn provided. Firms with less qualifications and experience will be considered for work. Please address inquiries and submissions by Feb. 20/90, 1990 to: _ Julie Matheson Technical Services Supervisor Ministry of Government Services Thunder Bay District Office 500 Algoma Street, North P.O. Box 3020, THUNDER BAY, Ontario P7B 5G5 Telephone: (807) 475-1285