D.A.G news Reeve Ollie Chapman came bear- ing good tidings Thursday evening when the Disability Action Group held their November meeting at McCausland Hospital. Members gave whole-hearted ap- plause as she announced council had been notified they would receive a grant of $7,000 toward the snow removal program for seniors and disabled. This sum will be met by council. 1 Of further interest, Reeve Chap- man read an invitation to a Barrier- free Design Workshop to be held at the Ramada Inn, Thunder Bay, on Dec. 4. Town Engineer Doug Baker will be attending. Due to a new job commitment, Cheryl Hodgins will be unable to head the membership committee. A good response has already been reported with the 86-87 member- ships. Simon Hoag, who has replac- ed Linda Cairns on the March of Dimes programme, had been in touch with President Rod Thompson with regard to _ leadership development. Cathie Smith, community resource worker, was the guest speaker for the evening, and she guided the members through a sum- mary of their objectives. These were listed as: i) to increase awareness and understand needs of the disabled; ii) to improve social interaction; iii) to establish a basic Emergency Alerting System; iv) to provide a barrier-free environment; v) to promote a homemaker program; vi) to promote establishment of a _handi-transit system, and vii) to raise funds to. meet these objectives. Cathie Smith will return for the Dec. 18 meeting for a follow-up. The December meeting will con- clude early and a Christmas social will be held. Members can bring samples of their Christmas baking and there will also be a two-dollar Kooky gift exchange only for those who are present. Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, December 3, 1986, page 5 Dear Santa, Hope you are fine. I have been a good boy and so has my brother, Nathan. Please bring me a Centurion and an army gun and a nightshirt. My brother would like a Cen- turion too, and some other toys. Hope you have a nice Christmas. Love, Shane Randle. 104 Laurier Ave. Terrace Bay. Dear Santa, Thank-you for the presents you sent us last year. We have all tried real hard to be good. My sister Michelle would like a get-in-shape girl, Crystal waterfalls and a pound puppy. My sister Lindsey would like a pound puppy and a Fisher Price vacuum cleaner. : Me, "Paul", well, I would like Photon, S.D.F.1. pilot jet, Ace McLoud Centurion and a pound puppy. From Paul, Michelle and Lindsey Dutil, Box 945, Terrace Bay. Dear Santa, I hope you are fine. I am five years old now. Thank-you for the presents you brought me last year. I liked them very much. This year, I would like a race car set, any kind of Go-bot and a computer. I will leave cookies anda pot of tea out for you, and some apples for your reindeer. Taylor Hirt. Dear Santa, Hi! My name is Matthew Mateev and I live at 29 Terrace Heights Dr. in Terrace Bay. etters to Santa I would like a new sleigh for Christmas with brakes on it. I would also like a Centurion with weapons. I would like a big, big truck too. I love-you Santa and I'm going to try and be a really good boy for you. I love you Santa. Matthew Mateev. Dear Santa, My name is Steven Mielke. My lit- tle brother Eric and I are visiting my Grandpa and Grandma Stevens. Thank-you for the gifts you gave us last year. = This year, I would like you to bring me a robot that walks and talks and lots of paper and crayons. Please bring a new pair of scissors for my little brother. Thank-you. Steven Mielke. P.S. There will be lots of yammy cookies for you. Dear Santa, My name is Tyler Mateev and I live at 29 Terrace Heights Dr. in Ter- race Bay. I would like to have a Centurion with some weapons; a new sleigh with brakes because mine is broken. I would also like a robot called MacTracker. I know you are busy Santa, so I won't keep you. See you at Christmas, Santa. Mat- thew and I will have cookies and milk for you and sugar for your reindeer. I'll try really hard to be a good boy. I love you Santa. Tyler Mateev. Attention Boys and Girls This is just to remind you that the News will be looking for your "Letters to Santa'. We will print as many as we can in the newspaper and we will see to it that your letters are sent to Santa himself at the North Pole. Don't forget to include your name so that the readers will know who you are. Send your letters to "Santa Claus, care of The Terrace Bay-Schreiber News,Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ont., POT 2WO. @ TOWNE CINEMA *( & EE THE LOBBY /@*......| C announce % Great Bargains ey \ for 3 Christmas! myo STATE OF THE ART EX ROBOTIC TOYS from v $14.95 to $29.95 ys BIG SCREEN Bonus Packs & ry Video Gift Books now available. *%, Everybody likes to find these in their Christmas A" Stockings! mo BLANK TAPES, HEADCLEANERS « (3 & VCRs also available. i Go IS IS. OD y) * Terrace Bay Robinson's 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. See you there! Robinson's To their Christmas Shopping Party 5% OFF sell a eee (including all sale priced items) Friday December 5th