Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, August 6, 1986, page 3 2./ million to projects If you have a woodlot on your property, or if you want to establish a forest at your home, farm or cot- tage, then you might be in- terested in private land forestry projects funded by the Canada-Ontario Forest Resources Development Agreement (COFRDA). COFRDA has allocated $1.5 million to provide ad- vice, assistance and educa- tional services to the public on a wide range of forest management practices, such as planting, tending, harvesting and creating wildlife habitat. This is one of four forestry improvement in- itiatives, worth $2.7 million, announced recent- ly by Gerald Merrithew, federal Minister of State (Forestry and Mines) and Vincent Kerrio, Ontario Minister of Natural Resources. The Projects are as follows: The $1.5 million project mentioned above includes extra funding for the Ministry of Natural Resources' Woodlands Im- provement Act (WIA) agreements. Under these agreements, MNR helps private landowners establish and improve woodlots on their proper- ties. The funding will also enable MNR to conduct surveys of selected townships to determine areas of greatest forest pro- ductivity and potential. And it will cover the cost of brochures, publications, slide shows and displays on private land forest management. continued on page 6 He may not be Ernie Witt, but this Chapleau team player did his share as his team eventually won its game against Manitouwadge by a final score of 12-7 Hey batter! on July 26 during the fourth annual Terrace Bay Slow Pitch Tournament. Teams also came from elsewhere along the North Shore, including Marathon and Wawa. Summer programs windup Summer Programs Are you bored? Got nothing to do? Well come to the Schreiber Youth Drop In located in the Schreiber Arena. Bring your badminton rackets or bring your hockey sticks-or sit down and play cards or the various board games available. Come up and check out future special events on your Youth Calender. Youth ages 8 and up are welcome Mon- day to Friday from 10 a.m. to4p.m. -- Tot Drop In Tot Drop In too has a wide range of activities for children. Bring your tots up to enjoy coloring, pain- ting, other crafts and games. Check the Tot Calender at the arena for special events. The Tot Program is open Tuesday and Thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m. for children ages 4 to 8 years. The Youth Drop In will be closed during the Tot Drop in hours. Both programs suc- cessfully completed the month of July at the High School. Youth and Tots en- joyed sports activities. The Youth participated in dress up days, a hike to Schreiber Beach, a camp- ing trip to Rainbow Falls and Water Fun Day. The Tots had numerous craft days, a movie day and a Water Fun Day. Everyone is encouraged to attend the second half of the program at the arena. The program will end on August 19. A special event for children ages 8 to 12 years is a Fun Day in Geralton on August 13. Children must be able to swim. For consent forms or more information feel free to visit the Youth/Tot Drop In office in the arena or call the recreation of- fice. Only the first twenty children to sign up will be able to go. Hope to see you! Schreiber Slowpitch Mixed The Mixed Slowpitch League is into it's final few games and all teams are gearing up for the Cham- | pionship Tournament scheduled for the week of August 11 to 17. The stan- dings as of July 21 are as follows: Numbers stand for (Games Playes, wins, losses, ties and points): Dead Heads: 10, 9, 1, 0, 18. Heinz 57: 10, 9, 1, 0, 18. Texaco: 10, 9, 1, 0, 18. Catch..22:340,-7 ; 3:20: 14. Stray Cats: 10, 7, 3, 0, 14. Pistols: 10, 5, 4, 1, 11. Misfits: 10, 4, 5, 1, 9. Birch's: 10, 4, 6; 0, 8. Odd Balls: 10, 4, 6, 0, 8. Steel Wheels: 10, 4, 6, 05358: Recreation: 10, 3, 7, 0, "A-Team: 10, 2, 8, 0, 4. Leftovers: 10, 2, 8, 0, 4. Help your Heart Fund ROSSPORT INN '""Overlooking Rossport . Harbour" a ea Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner Licenced dining in the charming atmosphere of a 100 year old Railroad Inn Comfortable overnight accomodations 824-3213 Rossport, Ont. Help your Heart FUN IN THE FOG MIXED SLOW PITCH TOURNEY DANCE Saturday, August 9th, 9 p.m. - 1.a.m. Schreiber Rec Complex $5.00 per person Music by Nick DeShane Cold Plate Lunch Free Bus Service - leaves Terrace Bay Rec Centre at 8 & 9 p.m. for Schreiber - leaves from dance at 12:30 and 1:30 for Terrace Bay. AGE OF MAJORITY CARDS ONLY - No Exceptions Ball games at Texaco & High School Fields all weekend. Fog Repellent also available at Masonci Hall Blue Room. Friday evening and Saturday & Sunday. @HO white mode / IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT evry 5 Sight Ez Sound is your new dealer for the Terrace Bay - Schreiber Area as an Introduction to the OUR VHS VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDERS START AS LOW AS $549.95 For a 4 head remote control front load unit @ Luminance signal comb filter @ Newly de- veloped chassis @4-head system for opti- mum picture quality in either standard or EP tunerwith random-access channel selection VIDEO MEMBERSHIP INCLUDED WITH ALL PURCHASES OF JVC VHS UNITS JVC JVC... picture quality "with a 20% higher clip level and detail enhancer @14-day/4-event programmable -- timer @ Totally automated playback @Play memroy @Comprehensive fluorescent dis- play @Full-function infrared remote control with 10-digit keypad D: 435(W) x 95(H) 341(D)mm W: 7.0kg @111-channel cable-compatible