Page 2, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, July 9, 1986 Large lake trout too contaminated to consume Besides being on the first place Bedknobs and Broom- sticks team representing the housewives of Terrace Bay, Barb Hopper also took home the Best Dressed plaque and is shown here accepting the award with Best Dressed Birth Announcement Anne and Kerry Powell wish to announce the safe arrival of their first child Sara Louise who was born on June 28, 1986. Proud grand- parents are Mr. & Mrs. J.S. Ross of Ottawa and Mr. & Mirs. A.W. Powell of Lakehurst, Ont. Bits and Bit akiss from town Reeve Ollie Chapman. The first place trophy is being held proudly at right by one of Barb's team-mates, and was awarded following the annual Canada Day Bed Race, held this year on June 29. continued from page 1 level answer. '*On a professional level they have been advised to treat this problem in a low key manner, the main reas- on for this being the poss- ible threat to tourism,"' he noted. '*But on a personal level they are very concerned,"' the man added. "No one knows the results of long- term exposure to low level contamination, but some examples of short term ex- posure are skin rashes, an increase in birth defects, and a shorter life span"' He then contacted the MOE office, also located in Thunder Bay, and was told that each individual should use his or her own judge- ment when consuming fish taken from waters showing restrictive contamination levels. ""No effort has been made by either Ministry to determine the source of contamination, so I will not do any finger pointing,"' the Schreiber man said, ad- ding that *'one point of in- terest is that mercury, a primary contaminant, is four of our residents riding By Helene Ballard in a beautiful red convert- Good morning! Well, it NOTICE Janice Liebrock, formerly of Jody's Hairstyling, would like to thank all her clientele in the last 2% years for their patronage, and would like to have. them join her in Schreiber at her new location at Lynne's Hairstyling. Sorry for any inconvenience. ' For appointments, Cait 824-3399 sure is a nice day, so let's make the most of it and all go outside today and enjoy the sunshine. Last Saturday, June 28, our town enjoyed a very nice parade and a weekend of Canada Day celebrat- ions. Birchwood Terrace was well represented with ible with a mountie walk- ing smartly behind it. I think our RCMP of- ficers are the smartest- looking police officers in the world. Of course, all policemen look good, and if you are in trouble, they look even better. On Sunday afternoon, 4 Lloydy Lloydy Guess who's 40 HAPPY! HAPPY! BIRTHDAY! D.C.D.A. The community physicians announce the resumption of regular office hours. This return is to ensure continuity of .medical care to our patients. We will however continue to support the OMA's stand against Bill 94 as we feel it is an infringement on profes- sional freedom and will lead' to a deterioration of the quality of medical care in Ontario. Major Appliance Repairs Servicing done. in your own home to ranges, washers, dryers, dishwashers, fridges, electric hot water tanks and elec- tric heating units. Parts on hand for most makes and models. Bill Campbell Electric 824-2743 or 824-2574 Servicing Jackfish, Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Rossport and Pays Plat. few of our residents enjoy- ed a game of horseshoes, and the top winners were John Hache, Michael Glav- ota, and Stewart Anderson. We would like to thank all of those who worked to make this weekend a fun time for the town. Birchwood Terrace wel- comed a new resident this month, Mr. August Geg- gen from Red Rock, and we hope he will enjoy his stay with us. By the way, it's not too early to be thinking of the Fall Fair. I know what you will say: "Please let us have some summer,"' and I agree, but just the same, it's a good idea to at least start to plan this event. We now have students working here at Birchwood for the summer, helping out in different departments where they are needed. I belive this is a government project and a very worth- while one. I worked for two days last week making flowers, and the girls seem to get along very nicely with our seniors here. Proof again produced naturally and ex- ists in varying levels in all water."' A source with the MOE in Toronto was then con- tacted, and he explained that women of child-bear- ing age and children under the age of 15 should be esp- ecially careful. '*All of this would seem pretty scary to those of us who enjoy the occasional meal of freshly caught lake trout, but let's put every- thing into perspective," the man noted in a written art- icle prepared for the News. He pointed out first of all that contamination is dir- ectly proportional to size, meaning the larger the fish of a selected species, the more likely it is to have more contamination. 'Strictly carnivorous species, like lake trout, are more likely to have high levels than species which augment their diets with flies and vegetation, like speckled trout and wall- eye," he added. The man also said the Ministry guidelines are just that--guidelines. He also that youth and old age can work together given the chance. So even if you are not yet seniors and you need work done around the home or a babysitter, or for whatever reason, Hire A Student gives them a chance. Encourage our young people whenever you can. Not much else new, so I will close now for this week with this bit of non- sense: Pete talking to his friend Joe, "Have you seen my new dog?"' "*Yes, I have, what kind of dog is it?" 'I don't know, its father was a traveller and its mother was carless."' Adios! CARD OF THANKS The family of the late James (Curly) Hale wish to express our gratitude for the compassion shown to us during the loss of a loving father and husband. Thank you to our relatives, neighbours and friends for the flood of sympathy cards, phone calls, flowers, food and baking. A very special thank you to my brother-in-law, B. Wallin and niece Charlene for being there at the crucial times. Thank you also to those who sent donations to the Cancer Society Hospital and Mass Cards in his memory. Our sincere appreciation to the Pallbearers and Honorary Pallbearers and altar servers. A very special thank you to Rev. Bernard Campbell for his beautiful and meaningful service; to Rev. E.A. Gallagher and Rev. Donnelly for their ministrations. Thank you to Dave Harris and Jenkins Funeral Home for con- ducting the service in a dignified manner. Special appreciation to B. Hanley and choir members, C. Lavalee for their hymns of reverence; to the C.W.L./members for their lovely luncheon served. Grateful thanks to nurses of McKellar Hospital; Drs. Perales, Batay-Csorba, Weeks and Dr. Hiscox. A special thank you to Dr. A.B. Adey for his care over the years. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to those kind and compas- sionate people who shared our sorrow. Thank You, The Hale Family ST. JUDE OHOLY ST. JUDE. Apostle and Martyr, great in vir- tue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage, in time of need, to you | have recourse from the depths of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present urgent position, in return | promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. Say Three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and Glorias. Publica- tion must be promised. St. Jude pray for us and all who invoke your aid. This Novena has never been known to fail. This Novena must be said for nine consecutive days. K.T. did not want to sound like he is advised people to stop eating fish or to continue consuming them, as the ult- imate decision rests with the individual. It is also up to the in- dividual, he said, to look into the matter further if they are concerned. "T am not an expert in the subject and cannot give any further insight," the Schreiber man admitted, adding *'I...(don't) want to tell people what to do, but rather to bring to their at- tention that our govern- ment has made an effort to enlighten us on the current status of contamination levels in our fish."' According to the booklet in question, lake trout in the Rossport area were sur- veyed for the guide. Even those as small as 18 inches and over showed some signs of contamination. All area fish collected for test- ing were analysed for the presence of mercury, PCB, mirex, and pesticides. PCBs, or Polychlorinat- ed Biphenyls are a group of chlorinated organic chem- iclas not of natural origin and are considered cancer causing. Mirex is a chlor- inated carbon compound used as a pesticide which is also considered as a poss- ible cause of cancer. Whitefish was also test- ed for the guide, and the largest specimens (18 in- ches and over) were found to have minor concentrat- ions of contaminants. As for fish which were caught and tested from Terrace Bay, lake trout over 30 inches in length were indeed considered not fit for consumption, but fish in the same species which were 18 inches long and over did show some signs of contamination as well. Rainbow trout, which were tested for PCB, mir- ex, and pesticides only, all came out with no real signs of contamination, even in the larger, 30 inch sizes. The same held true for pink salmon and whitefish. Minor concentrations of contaminations were found in larger lake trout caught in Jackfish Bay. Whitefish and cisco lake herring pre- sented no real problems. However, in Peninsula Harbour east of Terrace Bay near Marathon, long- nose and redhorse suckers as small as eight to ten in- ches in length were found to have some contaminat- ion. Redhorse suckers 14 inches and over were de- clared unfit for human con- sumption due to high levels of mercury contamination present. Contamination problems were also found in Penin- sula Harbour lake trout, whitefish and white sucker. "The Guide to Eating Sport Fish"' is available at Ministry of Natural Re- sources offices and most Liquor Control Board out- lets. CARD OF THANKS Thanks to all friends, relatives, who sent cards, flowers, cooked, visited, or helped any way while in hospital. Special thanks to the staff of McCausland Hospital, Dr. Wilkes for their special care. Claire Madge BEBE REA Heart & Stroke Foundation In Memoriam cards available_from Anna McKie 825-3840 Hazel Lang 825-3605 Beth McAdam 824-2854