Young musicians to visit area Chalumeau --_ (string quartet and clarinet), tour- ing under the auspices of Youth & Music/Jeunesses musicales du Canada will appear in concert at the Terrace Bay High School on Wednesday, March 19 at 8:00 p.m. This unique ensemble composed of a string quartet with clarinet derives its name from an ancient reed instrument, the "chalumeau', known to- day as the clarinet. The group displays mastery of the classical and romantic. repertoire. In- dividually, the artists-have received numerous scholarships and have per- formed in such orchestras as the Toronto Symphony , Hamilton Philharmonic, Kitchener-Waterloo Sym- phony, the National Ballet Orchestra, and the National Youth Orchestra. In November 1984, the group was recorded for CJBC, Radio-Canada. The Members: Anne Massiocotte, clarinet: Native of Trois- Rivieres, Que., she graduated from the Conser- vatoire de Quebec with a First Prize in Chamber Music. Anne has perform- ed in the National Youth Orchestra, the Royal Con- servatory Orchestra, 'Or- chestre des Jeunes du Quebec and the Ukrainian Opera Orchestra. Most recently, she received a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Bachelor of Education from York University in Toronto. Marie Berard, violin. Native of Trois-Rivieres, Que., and graduate of the Conservatoire de Trois- Rivieres, she also holds an Artist Diploma from the University of Toronto>She is the assistant concert- mistress of the National Ballet Orchestra and has played with the Toronto Symphony, ' Hamilton Philharmonic, Kitchener- Waterloo Symphony and Symphony Nova Scotia. She has performed as soloist with the . Toronto Symphony, has won_ the Remenyi Violin Competi- tion and the Quebec string section of the Camadian Music Competition. Michael Sproule, violin. Violinist Michael Sproule, is presently completing a Bachelor of Music degree in performance at the University of Toronto as a student of Lorane Fenyves. He has studied at the Banff School of Fine Arts and also was a student of Rodney Friend at the Or- ford Arts Centre. Winner of the 1984 Remenyi Com- petition for violin in Toron- to, he is concertmaster of the University of Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Valerie Kuinka, viola. A graduate of the University of Toronto, with a Bachelor of Music in Per- formance, Miss Kuinka worked with Terence Helmer (Orford String Quartet member) and Rivka Golani. She graduated from the Univer- sity of Michigan with a Master of Music in Perfor- mance where she was a stu- dent of Donald McInnes. She has played with - numerous symphony or- chestras in Canada and the U.S. including Nova Scotia, Hamilton, Thunder Bay and National Ballet of Canada Orchestra... Miss Kuinka has been the reci- pient of several awards in- cluding University of Michigan scholarship, Jean A. Chalmers Award and Elie Spivak award from the University of Toronto. John Helmers, cello. John Helmers began musical training in Ann Ar- bor, Michigan and is a graduate of both Queen's University in Kingston and Indiana University. His principal teachers were Robert Dodson and Janos Starker. He has been prin- cipal cellist of the National Youth Orchestra and for two consecutive years was awarded Canada Council grants for his studies with Mr. Starker. His public performances -- include chamber concerts from the St. Lawrence Centre in Toronto, the University of Guelph and Queen's University as well as solo appearances with the Hamilton and Calgary Philharmonics. Mr. Helmer is currently in this third year as principal cellist of the National Ballet Orchestra. Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, March 12, 1986, page 3 ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NOTICE Commencing 12:01 a.m. on Monday, March 17, 1986, all trucks will be limited to reduced loads on the following Highways, Secondary Roads and Tertiary Roads in Thunder Bay District. Highway Number Description 130. - From Hwy. 61, Northerly to Kaministi- quia River Bridge_ - 516 All of Hwy. 516 (Marchington Lake Road) B27 From 48 km North of Hwy. 17 Nor- therly to end of Hwy. 527 580 All of Hwy. 580 582 All of Hwy. 582 585 All of Hwy. 585 586 All of Hwy. 586 587 All of Hwy. 587 588 * From 1.6 km South of Hwy. 17 Westerly to end of Hwy. 588 589 From Jct. Hwy. 591 Northerly to end of Hwy. 589 593 All of Hwy. 593 595 All of Hwy. 595 597 All of Hwy. 597 599 From 62. km North of Hwy. 17, North to end of Hwy. 599 608 From 1 km West of Hwy. 61 Westerly to Hwy. 595 622 All of Hwy. 622 625 All of Hwy. 625 643 All of Hwy. 643 801 All of Hwy. 801 802 From Hwy. 11 North to end of Hwy. 802 811 All of Hwy. 811 Reduced Load Regulations will also go into effect on Local Roads in the following Local Roads Boards Areas: Dawson Road - Goldie, Forbes, Fowler, Gorham Inwood, Jac- ques, Lybster, Lyons, Marks, Stirling, Upsala, and Ware. The above date is dependent upon weather conditions and is subject to change. Reduced loads will be in effect when signing is placed. Ministry of Transportation and Communications Young group Chalumeau, a string quartet and clarinet, which is touring the country under the auspices of Youth and Music of Canada, will appear in concert in Terrace Bay at the high school on Wednesday, March 19 at 8 p.m. For further information and for advance tickets, contact Anne Wilkes at 825-3692 or Alison Stewart at 825-9151. ARTHRITIS SOCIETY FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT YOUR ARTHRITIS SOCIETY. THE DD + DD ++ DH ++ DH ++ DH ++ PH ++ H++H++H+> To accomodate our move, Monday March 17 Tuesday March 18 Terry's Sight & Sound e're moving! The Petal Patch will soon be moving to it's new location. CLOSED REOPEN at our new location in