Page 12, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, March 5, 1986 Personal money management sessions now scheduled Terrace Bay Recreation News: for the week of March 5, 1986: PROGRAMS: Personal Money Management: Anil Kripalani will be presenting another session of Personal Money Management. This course will be held at the High School commencing on March 18 until April 28. Each Wednesday evening from 7 to 9:30 p.m. We must have a minimum of 15 registra- tions in order to present this program. The course will cover the following topics: a) savings & investment - investment vs speculation - setting objectives, b) principals of financial management: leverage, risk and return, 1970 Pontiac diversification, c) vehicles of investment: RHOSP, GIC, Shares, Bonds, Mutual Funds, etc., d) planning RRSP, e) building investment (evaluation and planning), f) tax planning. Intermediate Aerobics: Jacquie Snider We still have a few more openings for registration in this Intermediate Aerobics class. This class is held Mondays in the Conference Room and Tuesday and Thursdays at the Public School from, 8 to 9 p.m. each night. Body Basics: Wendy Landry There are a few more openings in this class for women/men who enjoy aerobics, resistance, stret- ching and relaxation techniques as a way of ex- Lemans Convertible *3,800 1980 Chev Suburban 4 X 4 1978 V.W. Rabbit Diesel 1978 Dodge 4 X 4 Half Ton V8 auto $2,800 1980 Pontiac *2,800 Phoenix 4 cylinder auto 1973 Pontiac Lemans 6 cylinder auto ercising. This course is held Tuesday and Thursdays from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the Con- ference Room, commenc- ing March 18 until April 24. Drying Plants Seminar: Eleanor Gould Eleanor will be instruc- ting the participants on how to collect, dry and preserve plants which can be used for flower arranging and decorating purposes. Dur- ing this one day seminar you will also learn the making of a Pot Pourri. Date: Saturday, May 3 from | to 4 p.m. Introduction to Flower Arranging: Eleanor Gould There is a possibility of running two sessions of this popular course. If you have an interest in learning a new creative art give us a call today at the Recreation Office. General Makeup: Aggie Iwanczyk We are still taking registration for this pro- gram which will be presented one evening per week for three weeks for a two hour period each even- ing. Learn your skin type and the proper techniques of applying makeup. Beginner Paper Tole: Rachel. Johnson We have a few more openings in the next session of Paper Tole which will be held April 5, Saturday from 9 to 12,a.m. and | to 4 p.m. Give us a call today if you are interested in this fascinating art. Arena Schedule: The weekend schedule Weekend 1981 Dodge Van Conversion loaded These used uniis MUST GO This week ONLY .... Save a bundle on all these listed NORTH SHORE *10,800 1981 Mazda GLC 4 cylinder, 4 speed *2,800 1978 Ford Half Ton 302 auto *2 800 V8 auto 1978 Mercury Monarch -*2,800 1976 Ford Country Square Wagon MOTORS *800 & MARINE 1976 Chev Half Ton *800 NORTH SHORE MOTORS & MARINE_ NIPIGON, ONTARIO 1-800-465-3309 continues at the arena with the following schedule un- til the end of the season. March 8 - Novice & Atoms Playoffs March 15 to 16 - Atoms Playoffs - Northshore March 30 - Test Day Figure Skating Public Skating ae OE B by Winnie Campbell A Valentine's Day Bake Sale was held in the Chimo Club Room in Schreiber by the ACW. The servers were Mrs. Flora Bryson, Mrs. Almost, Mrs. McKay, and = Nancy McLachie. Tickets on the heart valentine cake were look- ed after by Mrs. Mavis Slater. The cake was made by Sharon Caron. The lucky winner was Mrs. Margaret Tiboni. Thanks to all who donated. Mr. and Mrs. Webber and son Adam have return- ed from visiting relations in Sudbury. Welcome home from the hospital to Mrs. Helen Wallace and Roy Nesbitt. Mrs. Jartrus from Oliver, B.C. is visiting Mrs. Esther Birch and Weekly Schedule: March 5 - 11:00 to 12:00 noon & 1:00 to 2:00 & 7:00 to 8:00-p.m. March 6 - 11:00 to 12:00 noon & 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. March 7 - 1:00 to 2:00 & 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. March 8 - 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. friends. Happy Birthday to Mrs. Dodie Cosgrove. At- tending the party were Ir- ving Cosgrove from Win- nipeg and John from Thunder Bay. Many phone calls from the families and friends were received as well as gifts. The Chimo Club met for their meeting on February 21 with 25 members in at- tendance. President Beth McAdam welcomed the members. Jack Handel fill- ed in as secretary. Mrs. Eva Gordon and Pat Guina read _ the treasurer's report. Mrs. Et- ta Grey read the Cards report. There will be a card games night of whist, crib- bage and bridge. Members are to put their names down at Chimo. There will also be a show at Terrace Bay. There were five bir- thdays: Marg Handel, March 9 - 3:00 to 3:45 p.m. March 10 - 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. March 11 - 11:00 to 12:00 noon & 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. March 12 - 11:00 to 12:00 noon & 1:00 to 2:00 & 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Mike Chepelski, Bob . Fournier, Dora Weaver, and Mildred Darcy, and the lucky winners were Lil Christie, Alice Sparks, Mavis Slater, and Russell McAdam. A dart game was played and won by Marg McKenna. Pat Guina gave the Bingo report. The bingo was won by Emma Molin- ski and the lucky numbers was. won by Maybelle Weberg, Lil Christie, Jessie McAnna, and P. Guina. Shuffleboard was played and won by Freda Gerow. Win Campbell, Beth McAdam, and Jeannie Huard. Bridge winners were P. Guina and Alice Sparks. Lunch was served. The next meeting will be Fri- day, March 21 at 7:30 p.m. 7945 98° FROM WAR AMPS TO CHAMPS Many Canadians rely on The War Amps Key Tags When a lost key set. identified by our confidennally coded tag. 1s dropped into any mailbox, it is sent to The War Amps We returned more than 30,000 lost key sets for homes. cars and safety deposit boxes last_year WHAT DO KEY TAGS HAVE TO DO WITH KIDS? Donations to the Key Tag Service assist the many youngsters in our Child Amputee of Canada is a (CHAMP) Program. CHAMP provides.myo-electric arms and Officer H. Clifford Chadderton sports limbs for children so they can lead active lives with Champ Louis Leduc. AND IN THE FUTURE? wren there are no longer war amputees. we will become The Canadian Amputees Foundation. With your support. our legacy to. assist amputees will continue pNNIVE, Wish to call us? Dial toll free. Area codes 519, 613 705: 1-800-268-8821. All other Rn Sy codes: 1-800-268-8917. Toronto residents: (416) 488-0600. The War Amputetions The War Amps' Chief Executive d on a non-profit basis, under d charitable org: Pp g the control and direction entirely of our own members The War Amps does not receive government funds. Charitable Institution Registration Number: 0286831 09 10 The War Amputations of Canada National Headquarters 2827 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1V O0C4 Chalumeau repertoire) Terrace Bay Schreiber Concert Series proudly presents Wednesday, March 19/86 (string quartet & clarinet - masters of classical and romantic Fort William Male Choir Friday, April 25/86 (internationally know choir presenting a variety of light classical, popular songs, and show tunes) Percussionisticks Wednesday, May 7/86 (an exciting percussion ensemble with repertoire of jazz, ragtime, light classical and calypso) A i IK: All concerts (including Ft. Wm. Male Choir) are free to concert series members. Concert memberships are still available from committee members. Single tickets for Ft. Wm. Choir will be sold prior to concert. For more information call: Anne Wilkes 5-3692 or Alison Stewart 5-9151 or Pam Jones 5-3714.