Page 8, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, September 11, 1985 Forest crop threatened by insects TORONTO - The forests of Ontario are presently be- ing menaced by. three insect pests - spruce and jackpine budworm and the 'gypsy moth - and if left uncheck- ed they could wipe out much of our forest crop. This warning was con- tained in a speech by I.D. Bird, president of the On- tario Forest Industries Association, Toronto. He spoke to a meeting of the Toronto- Eglinton Rotary Club. He said budworm damage to the northern forest has reached '*epidemic" proportions, and the combined bud- worm infestation now has increased significantly over the 10-million hectares in 1984. luncheon. "The spray program next year will have to be substantial to prevent fur- ther loss of timber which could result in lost jobs and losses to the provincial economy in the billions of dollars," he stated. Mr. Bird also noted that the gypsy moth infestation in southeastern Ontario doubled from 40,000 hec- tares in 1983 to 80,000 hectares in 1984. "This is the most dangerous forest insect of all since it is not selective in the species it attacks, but devours all greenery in its path," he noted. The OFIA official said the forest industry is work- ing with government to up- date spraying policies con- sistent with the crisis fac- SCENES for sale BIRCH MAGIC PHOTOGRAPHY at WHITE SAND LAKE Spend some time in the country and experience the ageless beauty of the North Shore of Lake Superior captured for you by S. JOHNSON HEWSON 824-3155 Professional Photography Portraits, Weddings & Commercial Insure your home Insure your life It's a fact that more homes arelost through the death ot the owner than through fire Insure that your home is completely protected. For lite insurance, call: , Mary Cashmore Terrace Bay, Ontario 825-9152 OF CANADA Get your life in shape. Township of Schreiber FINAL INSTALLMENT 1985 TAXES DUE -- September 15, 1985 ing the forest resources, and also at the operational level to help plan the exten- sive spray operations need- ed next year. Mr. Bird said Ontario's wood production accounts for 14 per cent of Canada's total volume, and on a sales value basis represents 27 per cent of the national total; Annual sales value amounts to $7.4 billion. Tax revenue generated ex- ceeds $1/2-billion annually. Mr. Bird also provided his audience with an update on general business condi- tions in the forest products industry and noted that although there was a slump in all sectors, the long-term outlook is for annual in- creases of 2 per cent in world demand. "*The industry's strategy for survival is cost reduc- tion," he said. Mr. Bird also noted that a major industry concern is the ability of Crown land forests to provide future wood supplies. Crown forests represent about 90 per cent of Ontario's forest land. The OFIA official also listed five main elements in the forest management process: - protection of the forest land base against single-use inroads, such as parks and wilderness areas. - protection of the forest from fire and insects (an- nual fire losses have averaged about 141,000 hectares over the last 25 years). - harvesting the timber crop by industry (last year's Crown land harvest of 18.7 million cubic - metres generated $51-million in royalty payments and area charges to government.) - forest renewal through the forest management agreement policy. (the government and industry are also jointly engaged in producing genetically im- proved trees which will grow faster over a shorter rotation period and better justify the extremely high cost of planting). - tending the new forest after harvest through the use of chemical herbicides against competing grass and shrubs. NOTICE SCHREIBER RINGETTE'S Will hold Registration Thursday SEPTEMBER 19 at 7 p.m. Schreiber Recreation Complex All Girls 17 and Under One sure sign of the passing of summer can be seen at the Ter- race Bay pool (above) which only a couple of weeks ago was a hub of activity. Kimberly-Clark donates $44,542 to Geraldton District Hospital Kimberly-Clark of Canada Limited presented two cheques totalling $44,542 to the Geraldton District Hospital Extended Care Expansion project. The first cheque for $25,000 fulfilled a May, 1984 commitment by the company to _ donate $50,000 to the project over two years. COURTS SQUASH & RACQUETBALL The Terrace Bay Recreation Committee wishes to inform the Public that the Racquetball and Squash courts are available for use dur- ing the following times. Monday to Friday -- 9:45 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday -- 10:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday -- 1:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. 'It will result in general- ly improved health care for all residents of the com- munities of Longlac, Geraldton, Nakina and Aroland and we are proud to have been able to take part in helping to make this a reality,' said A.N. Chisholm, K-C's director of industrial relations. The balance of $19,542 represents the 1984 com- pany portion of a plan to match employee donations, dollor-for-dollar, to a max- imum of $25,000 in each of the years 1984 and. 1985. Mr. Chisholm said all employees were encourag- ed to donate generously to this project, which will house an extended care unit and improvements to sup- port services, laboratory, physiotherapy and home care services. In making the presenta- tion, Mr. Chisholm noted that these were very dif- ficult times for the pulp and paper industry and that un- til there was a marked im- provement in pulp prices, Kimberly-Clark '"would not be able to support wor- thy projects such as the hospital expansion as we have in the past."' He said the company did not see any recovery for the next 12 to 16 months. In 1985, Kimberly- Clark employees had donated $8,069 to the pro- ject in the period up to Ju- ly SI. The current project cost ° is estimated at $4,010,000 of which $1 million is to be raised locally. THANK YOU We would like to thank Brian, Bill, Louis, Janis, Jeannette and Carolea and anyone else who gladly gave their time to-help organize and carry out the stag & doe held in our honor. Also many thanks to those who attended. Much Appreciated Shauna & Jim Come out for a game and bring a friend for the little cost of: e Rental equipment available at the office 2 members on court - $2.00 member & non-member - $4.00 2 non-members -: $6.00 A.J. Gauthier Clerk-Treasurer Box 40 Schreiber, Ontario POT 2S0 WATCH FOR UPCOMING TOURNAMENTS IN BOTH SQUASH: & RACQUETBALL