USELESS EUSTACE Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, September 11, 1985, page 9 BLOWS OVER, PARDNER! WHY EUSTACE ! a4 SI ay" Tit T'ut Stick SURE Wow! THAT'S SOME HP" WHEN v's RANG AIAG AROUND TILL MAKE foe You GOT THERE | | \T's TOO WET TO ' NW THIS RAIN ON THE ROOF WORK ON THE ROOF! i DONT You Fix Iv? AN WHEN (yr AIN'T ic RAINING axe A, R.E. Belluz Realty Limited Simcoe Plaza, Box 715 . Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2WO 'Office (807) 825-9393 A AS TINY ARIES Mar. 21 - Apr. 19 TRO-DES It's possible that you have caused some hard feelings unknowingly. Don't hesitate to make amends. ' TAURUS If you have the time and the money, it would be an Apr. 20 - May 20 excellent time to get away for a short trip. A good deal of thought should go into your future plans. A crossroad is coming up anda decision will be required. GEMINI May 21 - June 20 Always doing things your way can bring about dis- sention among fellow workers. Don't insist on it. CANCER June 21 - July 22 Real estate transactions seem a bit heavy now. Are you thinking about a new location? LEO July 23 - Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 It's pretty much of the same thing this week.No un- usual events, but that in itself is a relief. You deserve some time to yourself, even if it's only a walk around the block. Clear the cobwebs. LIBRA Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 The time has come to clean up the loose ends in your SCORPIO life. A clean sweep can do wonders. Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 Make the most of this week.Read that book you have SAGITTARIUS wanted to; see that'movie, but don't vegetate. Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 You're in need of advice this week. Older folks will be of help, you have to give them a chance. CAPRICORN Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 You'll be noticed by those who matter. Keep your best foot forward, and you can go far. AQUARIUS Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 Great things can be done. Don't be overly cautious when it comes to voicing your opinion. PISCES Feb. 19 - Mar. 20. PRATTLE & TATTLE PRATTLE, I MUST GO DOWN- TOWN TO SEE ABOUT A COAT. ' WON'T THAT BEAVER COAT BE RUINED ONCE . GETS DIO YOU EVER HEAR OF A BEAVER _CARRYING AN ta] UMBRELLA? -- |. £ A) y You Can't Beat The Classifieds WHY, WHAT SHE DRINKS OUT OF A PA/L/ oa cs 7 a TABLESPOON OF THIS MEDICINE TWICE DAILY. y, t Vi IO) pe v tc OON TOWN TOPICS |/ Oiror tHE UESTION! YOUR Cow MUST TAKE A L_| | ~ -- a Si J NE AMBROSE / 1 THINK LL YEAH, AMBROSE,I L_THINK 1 OP IN AND SOLD My CAFE TOA WOMAN WHOSE HUSBAND | WHILE L GO 1S IN THE ARMY. SHOPPING! /7/ q = 7 , CAFE 4p) TS 7 Ze = 2 N WZ 2 z= Aes OH, GRANNY, WATCH THE PLACE IT'S AMAZIN P IN SUMATRA, MONKEYS GY ARE TRAINED To Pick CY COcONUTS FROM TREES! \7% NATIVES WATCH WHILE THE FMONKEYS DO THE WoRK! GM, bt if / Sow WN YN MeL JN it | "THE NAVATOS OF NEW MEXICO USED TO PURCHASE THEIR WIVES WITH HORSES, THE ANIMALS REQUIRED DEPENDED ON THE GIRL'S LOOKS! E COSTAS MANY AS 12 HORSES / == G ] - 'Dueine His Your, " ABRAHAM LINCOLN WRESTLED + BULLIES AT ONE TIME AND BOWLED "HEM OVER QUICKLY ! fora great night out and the best in new theatre releases 825-3771 AROUND TRE BIG TOE fF WILL KEEP F "HARD LucK AWAY', ACCORDING THE LOBBY who knows movies better VHS & Beta rentals " RENCH DRESSING" | PRACTICALLY LINKNOWN IN FRANCE AND iS OF AMERICAN = 825-9281 * we HERE is nothing more beautiful than a rose bud It is a very easy and simple thing to draw that Is. tf you go about it in this man- ner.--starting with a cone and then adding to it a leaf at a time. When you have your outline drawing completed. take your water colors oF crayons and color your drawing Just For Fun! CROSS WORD Last Week's Answer ACROSS DOWN 20. Ham. 1. Early in- 1. Biblical mer end vaders of kingdom 21. Extent Spain 2. Extra. of 6. Twists out ordinary canvas of shape person 22. Circui. 11. Beginning 3. Bones tous 12. Music drama (anat.) 23. Resting 13. nee Teu- 4. German place ~ ' onic gods empire. 25. Earth --338 ie WielU 14. Be noisily 5. Rivers asa PEERS] Haas festive 6. More goddess 15. Support sick 27. City train 16. Let it stand 7, Egyptian 28. Destructive 36. Serous fluids (print.) _ goddess ant 38. Three-hand 17. Long-eared 8, Of the 30. Exclama. card game rodent clergy tion 39, Otherwise 19. Twilled *9. Excuse 33. ---- and 40. Prophet fabric : 10. Salt Joan 41. Roman di- 21, Little girl 18. Sun god 34. Harmonizes vine law 24. Masurium (abbr.) 1 2 [3 [4 5 VANe 7 {8 |g Yio 25. Hereditary Y factor 2 = 26. Poker 5 a iz stakes 28. Taut UZ 29. Heathen ed Ok YG; image TAZ Z 30. Pronoun YGGuri . Y = + 31. Lair 21 4 <= 23 W724 Y o _ 82, Back talk Wy WY 33. Flit 76 27 YY 2 35. Miss V3 Ponselle 29 V7 3° 3 37. Leader of G GY, the Israelites [Gz ZA 33 34 41. ere Y GOOG ure rise 35 36 7/37 38 [39 [40 42. Type of UY, UY linen tape 41 GZ 42 43. Sharp to the "3 taste 43 // 4 44. Plague Y 45. Wander 45 Goin 46. Fatty G dl compound