Page 8, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, January 9, 1985 Rossport Notes continued from page 2 taught down there on earth that I wish the child to learn and from the throngs that crowd the world, I have selected you. I have look- ed the wide world over in my search for teachers true, now will you give him all your love and not think it a labour in -vain, nor hate me when I call to take him back? '"'Dear Lord, Thy will be done. We will count our joys the child will bring, and risk having grief, we'll shelter him with tenderness and love him while we have him, and be grateful for his stay, but if the Angels call him much sooner than we expected or planned we'll. bear our grief and try to understand "*God's Will Be Done." Our Forests Are we helping to destroy our forests in this great country of ours? Are we assisting to lose our resources, the forests, water and soil. I often think that we are definitely help- ing to destroy the forests and depleting them of the trees, as we cut down fir trees such as balsam, pine and spruce by the thousands to use as a decoration for a couple of weeks at Christmastime. Some people cut down or chop down two trees, drag them to the roadside and generally leave one stuck in the snowbank and take the other home. How many people realize that when matured, these trees supp- ly thousands of cords of timber which are lost in the destroying of young trees. These trees would supply firewood, lumber for buildings, material to make paper and above all employment would be pro- vided for many people. ¢ The forests, water and soil all depend on the trees to prevent soil erosion and low water levels besides all the creatures who use them. It takes years for the trees to react to abuse they receive from man. Forests aren't levelled in a day, just a tree at a time. We learn sometimes when it is too late. Our forests provide a haven for nature lovers who wish to enjoy its natural beauty and quietness--a quiet solitude is very peaceful to most humans as they wander through the forests; besides the forest is a major economic mainstay for we Canadians. insurance Preferred Insurance Rates! * Auto * Home * Life Call for Your Free Quote! Toll Free 1-800-465-3909 31 North Court Street Thunder Bay. Ontario Under proper manage- ment, a forest should be harvested when it reaches near maturity, not destroyed before time most species of trees reach their maturity of 65 to 100 years. In that time period we could enjoy the stands of timber as recreational hunting by camera, the many creatures who inhabit the forests, or some attrac- tive scene of lake, water- fall, wild flowers etc. Never destroy forests leav- ing barren patches. of deserts of sand, rivers and lakes suddenly becoming low and drying up. But our Government has come for- ward to care and feed our forests. It is called silviculture. It is a very im- portant challenge. They raise millions of seedlings in nurseries and plant them in cut-over areas. Industry recognizes the immense potential of a well-managed \resource and its contribu- tion to the economic and social well-being of Canada to be used in mills, thus providing employ- ment. Silviculture establishes new forests and protects mature stands of timber. Mr. and Mrs. Ray T. Kenney have left to spend the winter at their usual site in Brownsville, Texas, U.S.A. Juriss Zdanovskis has left on a business trip to Thunder Bay, Ont. Miss Camilla Todesco, B.A.,M.S.W. of Toronto spent Christmas with her mother Mrs. Anne Todesco. Mike Wannekamik and 'daughter have left to spend the New Year weekend with relatives in Gull Bay. They were accompanied by Hilton Musqush. Peter Gerow was a Thunder Bay visiter the past week. The hall committee are sponsoring a New Years dance in the Rossport Community Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mushqush and Hilton spent Christmas in Nipigon with the Lanigan family. Mrs. Joseph Campbell was a business visiter to Thunder Bay this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gerow and family spent the New Year weekend with their Grandmother, Mrs. Mary Bourdeau at Timmins. a ce January 9 - 12 Ladies winter reg. to 220.00 0% COATS Assorted styles off -regular price Men's winter COATS Assorted styles and sizes reg. to 209.00 50" off regular price CHESTERFIELD SUITES Selected styles 33" off regular price Ladies reg. to 26.98 TOPS Assorted styles Men's fashion TOPS Assorted styles, reg. to 26.98 50" off regular prices MICROWAVES Beaumark, selected styles 3% off regular price Ladies PANTS Selected styles reg. to 24.98 gee Winter BOOTS Men's women's Children's fashion styles 0% off regular prices Hitachi VCR VHS formate, VT30A model 549" Children's winter COATS Assorted sizes and styles 50" off regular price 20" colour TELEVISION 2 to choose from, reg. 549.00 399" Sanyo VCR Beta formate Model 4500, 2 only reg. 519.98 399" Children's PANTS Jeans, cords, casuals, selected 50" off regular price ENTERTAINMENT CENTRES Assorted styles O/_ off 33 Yo regular price Telefunken VCR VHS format model 8230 499" Children's TOPS Assorted sizes and styles RECLINERS Assorted styles, velour, vinyl STEREO STAND Reg. 129.98 ve ) ff ff Blt % Sa TE: 3% euiilds goo price price Customer satisfaction, we guarantee it at the Bay Schreiber : the = | = SS See Hudsons Bay Company