ge 4, Terrace Bay - Schreiber News, Wednesday, Janua ry 25, 1984 opinion / j | an event? Need help with Justask.... : By the time that you read this, it will be during "Non-Smoking Week"; a 'national campaign designed to encourage And as promised, I shall be supporting '"'Non- 'hope) thousands of others. As of 12:01 a.m. Sunday, Jan Hopefully as you are reading this, I shall lips. I shall be watched. People in the be keeping their eyes on my habit, and if have indicated, many people will if I have honestly quit. I will that I will give it my best 'not pass a cigarette to these lips. 'not have passed a cigarette to the: stores selling the foul weeds, will it's anything like the past couple of weeks be stopping me on the street, to find out promise you, as I have promised Larry Simons, The Terrace Bay-Schreiber Laurentian Publishing Co. Ltd., Telephone: (807) 825-3747. EDITOR AND MANAGER EDITORIAL ASSISTANT ADVERTISING SALES PRODUCTION MANAGER DEADLINE: Friday NOON: Subscription rates: $}0.00 per: per annum (out-of-town). Registration No. 0867. eléveg Sele © Oe wane Ges < Se athe 6 oe le 06 46 9 eet bnew ecco p bo 6 ee oe ee 08 annum (local); $14.00 Second Class Mail News is published every Wednesday by: Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. POT 2wo. millions of avid smokers to quit. Smoking Week" along with (1 uary 22nd, I shall shot. But don't be surpriseld if I fail. Wish me luck ... and PLEASE, oh please, give me your full support. x s In last week's issue of the "NEWS"' you adopted the idea of a "Citizen a committee to look into the presen 'has of the Year may have noticed that Council '* award. They are setting up tation of this award, and since it was my {dea to establish such an award, I do hope that they will consider my name at the top of the list of committee members. I see so many people in Terrace 'Bay who deserve to receive this prestigious honour, and I hope that I can play an important role in making sure that they are being recognized. If you 'are interested in becoming a part Bay Municipal Office and give them your of saying thanks to the many residents of this town of this committee, various projects, and are given too few thank yous for their efforts. ca s * | [have been busy the past week, attempting to seek out the happenings in 1and around our area. I attended the St. John's Ambulance Safety Oriented Standard First Aid Course which is being conducted for the Terrace Bay Volunteer Fire Department and a couple of diligent employees of the one of learning, but also one Hats off to Ray Mark, the Terrace Bay Rec Centre. The atmosphere was 'of students: enjoying what they were doing. Instructor of this complicated course. He has the patience of a saint. I was also invited to attend the meeting. I was shocked to see so meeting. But the organizers were there, and organize they did. I can't 'comprehend as to why people aren 'meetings. I realize that many of them are again, I am also. However, I was there with bells on, services (to who?). Think about homegrown event through newspapers, ways of spending those Schreiber Winte: few people break. and at the "NEWS", I will be able istance on promoting your groups along 1 Carnival Committee's in attendance at this special 't interested in attending these "'meetinged"' to death, but then ready to offer my the great community spirit of Schreiber, and get out there and support the people who are trying to create a little fun during the winter Now that we have a complete staff on h to afford to spend a little more time on the community end of things around here. I have had a few people into the office asking me to assist them and their organizations with problems that they have been having in regards to publicity, advertising, and writing press Schreiber Recreation Directors are taking names of undergoing this type of problem. 1 'es, or organizations to give you ass with how to create effective advertisin, I will be telling you is how to organize your events, releases. Both the Terrace Bay and persons who are will be available to these clubs, business- g for your pet projects. Basically what how to promote your , tadio, etc. and the most cost efficient precious advertising dollars. If you are interested in then call the Terrace name. It's just another:small way who work like dogs on resolving this type of workshop (free of charge) then just call your Recreation Director and leave your name and phone number. 'Arthur Black In the Christian faith, eac reality of evil, sin, suffering, power of God. So we have the love of of evil held together in tension. Often in order eliminate the tension, not force but persuasion of long- the resurrection. The reality of evil anchor and The Love of God The Reality of Evil h of us comes up against the problem and and death whether it be one child or several thousand people. At the same time our faith affirms the love of God and the God, the power of God, and the reality to "'solve" the problem, to one of these three elements is downplayed. God's power is played down, God's love is questioned, called into question. This is a false "solution" to power and love of God. : Rather, we need to view the situation as a serious drama where there is real tension and real foes which are moving Gabriel Fackre has written, "The love of God is forcefully portrayed in the beginning as the divine vulnerability that risks the abuse of freedom by a covenant partner but patiently and stubbornly pursues a rebel creation."' The power of God is understood in a new way through Christ where power is suffering love, where the cross precedes is taken seriously but willingly accepted and transformed by Jesus on the cross. The weakness of God proves stronger than the power of men. The risen Jesus opens up new hope in the face of real evil for we do not ignore or deny its able to go through it following Christ who has gone Spirit goes with us. It is our understanding of power drama (which is not the wh helps us confront the reality of evil and see that there is movement toward this real problem in the faith, hope, and love found in God. Rev. Brian Bigelow : or the reality of evil is the reality of evil or the toward a real resolution. As presence and reality but are ahead of us and with His 'and love in the Christian story and at the world believes is macho) that Patron saint of Lotofunk -- We have a good word for the feeling you get the morning after -you drink too much. We call it -Hangover. : We have a fine-expression for the feeling mothers often have after they give birth. We call it Post-Natal Depression. Even dopesters have a good 'word for the spacey, not-quite- ' with-it feeling they get the morn- ing after they've smoked one joint too many. They call it "<The Aftergrass'"'. Well, we need a good word for the bleary, listless, hit-by-a- truck mood that has gripped this frigid nation since the late after- noon of Saturday January 14th, 'when officials announced that they had a $14 million winner in Loto 6-49. : eS What thev didn't announce - 'and what is far more significant - is the fact that they also had several million losers. Those are the folks we need a - brand new word for - the losers. i May I suggest ... "Lotofunk"? . Think about it. There are literally millions of people across 'this country who have had their 'dream balloon cruelly pricked. Up 'until January 14th you could 'actually detect holders of Loto \6-49 tickets on the street. They 'had secret little smiles and a faraway look in their eyes. They didn't really listen to anything lyou said. That's because they ;were off in Fantasyland - spend- 'ing the 14 million bucks they were going to win. Now, for all those people who didn't win, it's back to Reality. As 'in mortgage payments, hydro bills and new braces for the kid. Not surprisingly, they're de- pressed. Well if you're suffering from Lotofunk, I can't give you a winning ticket, but I've got a tale that should buck you up. | This is the story of Suky Baevic, ia young electronics technician iwho lived in Hamilton, Ontario. (Back in 1978, Bacvic sold a house he owned in Hamilton and walked laway with $50,000. He was going 'to use the money to buy a house in Toronto, but he happened to iwalk. by a Loto Canada ticket 'booth. Tickets for the next draw 'were going for ten dollars a pop. | Bacvic got to thinking ... what 'if he used the money to buy ... ifive ... tickets? | Five thousand! Hey, he icouldn't lose! Sure! Invest fifty thousand bucks, win a million 'bucks and buy six houses in 'Toronto if he felt like it! | Bacvic was off and running. He 'cleaned out ticket booth after 'ticket booth. He hustled all over 'Southern Ontario, snapping up all 'the Loto Canada tickets he could find. - Finally, he was ready. With five thousand little pieces of paper and an empty wallet. Came the night of the draw and 'Bacvic started checking numbers. 'Tt took him six months to check every ticket against the winning numbers. Here's the good' news: Suky "Bacvic won. , Here's the bad news: he only won $1300. Oh yes, he also won an all-ex- in Canada. . : Unfortunately, by the time he 'got to that particular ticket, the deadline for the trip had expired. So Suky Bacvic took a het loss of $48,700 on his Loto-Canada fling. Plus he picked up a splitting migraine from checking the num- bers on five thousand tickets. | Nobody's seen Suky Bacvic for 'the past few years. He dropped from sight back in 1978. _ But his ex-wife remembers his 'last words. | He vowed that he'd never spend another dollar on a lottery ticket. | pense paid trip for two, anywhere SH aserenreeee