Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, April 13, 1983, page 7 Project May day Project Mayday con- tinues to be the subject of both local interest and some controversy. Last week the NEWS de- cided to find out what the program is all about. We talked with Heather Vandergraaf, Project Mayday's local repre- sentative and Cathie Smith a member of the organizing committee. "Project Mayday is made up of a group of women who got to- gether about a year ago. There has been concern for some time about the problem of battered wo- men on the North Shore, so we decided to take a look at the problem and see if we could do any- thing about it." "The problem of bat- tered women has be- come an important issue right across Canada, it certainly isn't some- thing that is limited to the North Shore. We didn't know the extent of the problem here al- though we knew there was a problem, so we decided to try to conduct a survey, gather as many facts and figures: as we could so that we would know exactly what we are dealing with, and then decide what to do." "The existing agen- cies just are not dealing adequately with the problem, or we wouldn't have the problem. The group applied for a fed- eral government grant to conduct the survey. We received money from Manpower, some $11,300 to pay for the salaries of three workers for three months, and from the Secretary of State and additional grant of $5000."' "'The workers em- ployed by the Project will be contacting all the agencies that deal with wife battering cases, the clergy, the police, doc- tors and hospitals as well as government agencies. In addition we will be asking indivi- dufs to provide us with information through confidential question- naires."' "We are only inter- ested in the statistics about the problem, so no one has to worry about the privacy of any indi- vidual case. We are just interested in the facts and figures. Even the individual questionnaire is filled out anonymous- THE SCHREIBER CLUB FIGURE SKATING Would like to Announce their last GENERAL MEETING Monday, April 25th at 7:30 p.m. in The Schreiber Public School ly and mailed to us."' "Once we have the facts, we will be pre- paring a final Report. The final Report will de- termine the course of action we follow after that. If we confirm that there is a_ significant problem when the report is issued at the end of May, there are several things that we will have to consider doing. Among them are the establishment of an edu- cation program about wife battering, the set- ting up of.a crisis tele- phone to give victims someone to contact, and possibly the establish- ment of a Transition House."' Parting IS... by MARY HUBELIT Remember the fun we had canning the turkey? How we enjoyed having our own home-grown herbs? Did you try to learn to cook dishes of other lands from our friends from _ other lands? I took you on some camping trips you may never have been on be- fore, remember? You were gracious and warm to share my trip to England last year, and I thank you. It is time to move on to other hobbies - gardening, camping, and many more. Don't you think a hobby is better therapy if one has some control over it? We have great plans for the garden this year - a whole new system in- volving solar heating, you might say. So, thanks again - see "When we looked at the way the problem has been most successfully handled in other parts of Ontario and Canada we found that one of the most successful ap- proaches is the use of a Transition House. A Transition House is a place to go that gives the woman time to grow strong and time to real- ize that she is not alone. That people care, and that they can go on, either in the former situ- ation or with some changes."' 'Whether they are suffering verbal or phy- sical abuse, or both these women need time to decide if they can cope with the existing situation or if they want a change. Many do de- cide to stay married, others need to plan what they will do if they leave, especially if they have small children." Asked why the group ~ had decided to call itself Project Mayday, Cathie Smith said, "Mayday is the international dis- tress signal so it seemed like a good name, and we held our first. meet- ing on the first of May 1982." In addition to Cathie Smith, local rep- resentatives on the Committee include Mary Burnett, Linda Olavson, Ann Ray, Mary Cashmore. VETERINARY CLINIC Dr. Benz and Dr. Peterson of the Highview Animal Clinic will be in Terrace Bay Wed. April 20 (One day only) in the Legion Hall for appointments call Pam Jones at 825-3714 SPRING SPECIAL New mobile ashpalt mixing plant coming to Terrace Bay. Giving best prices on driveways, parking lots, tennis courts? streets, etc. New vibrating asphalt spreader, , heavier degrees of asphalt. Positive pave by: A.J. Positano O/A Duval Developments Call locally: 824-2588 Sault Ste. Marie 705-949-2621 Vo ante Cinema Proudly Presents THE GOOD BROTHERS Encore Performance 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Advance Tickets $12.00 At The Door $15.00 Tickets on Sale at: Theater Box Office Any parent with a child who is eligible for enrolment in JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN or KINDERGARTEN is asked to call the school at 824-2553 to pre-register, or complete the form below and send it to the school. (Children cur-2ntly attending Holy Angels School need not re-register. Parents are requested to bring to the school, birth and baptismal certificates. KINDERGARTEN - To be eligible to attend Kindergarten in September, 1983, children must be 5 years old on or before December 31, 1983. (Born in 1978). JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN - To be eligible to attend Junior Kindergarten in September, 1983, children must be 4 years old on or before December 31, 1983. Formal registration will take place on May 25-26, 1983. oR nee SED OE) EE ES NN EER FERED ET OE SEE eae ER ES TR NAME OF CHILD you around. a gf WENO 0, i] Is Sch PS %, Scveber ' , = i i REGISTRATION ~..1.% BIRTHDATE. TELEPHONE NAME OF PARENT. TERRACE BAY CURLING CLUB WINDUP Friday, May 13th Where: Terrace Bay Legion Hall Meal catered to by Faye and Linda Figliomeni When: Cocktails 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Dance - 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Music by: Nick DeShane Cost: Dinner and Dance- $25.00 per couple $12.50 single Details: Limited tickets are available. First Come First Serve : They may be purchased from: Bob Churchley Payment must accompany purchase.