PAGE 4 r TERRACE BAY NEWS ® 25 YEARS AGD - OCTOBER 9, 1952 TOWNSITE TALLY: We've finally been able to corner the Townsite Superintendent long enough to get the latest pro- gress report on the Townsite building program: Storm sewers have now been installed up Kenogami Road with a view to draining Radisson Ave. behind the stores where in the past spring break-up periods, the water has been such a nuisance. In the lakeview subdivision, the contractors, Bilodeau & Heath, and the many subcontractors have made such progress as to allow new houses on Princess Ave, to be occupied at the rate of about four per week. Work on enlarging the ball field for the public School, high school and community will be continued as soon as the steam line between the two schools is completed. A road to the mouth of the river is - being built and iz almost completed. CERAMICS All greenware for sale on Saturday, October 8th from 9:00 to 1:00 p.m. at 137 Birch Crescent, Terrace Bay. THE LAKE SUPERIOR | BOARD OF EDUCATION NIGHT SCHODL COURSES REGISTRATION 1977 LAST CHANCE! To get the following courses under way | next week we require a few more people in Powder Puff Mechanics (Terrace Bay); Photography (Terrace Bay); Sewing (Terrace Bay); Crafts (variety of skills) (Terrace Bay or'Schreiber. N.B. Cross Country Skiing will be re-adver tised later in the season. The following: courses are slated to begin or are already in progress: Conversational French, Power Ball, Physical Fitness (Jr.) Badminton (Jr.) all in Schreiber. For further information please contact: The Principal Adult Education Program Lake Superior High School (Schreiber) After Hours call W.D. Klassen at 824-2512. 20 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER 10, 1957 TOWN IMPROVEMENTS: Hewitson Construction sre in town to do the paving contract. This Fall Simcoe Plaza will be 3 paved, This year Hudson Drive will be completely paved, as he well as some of Radisson Avenue in the Community Church area,' Part of laurier Avenue will be graded and prepared for paving. The curbing work is almost sompleted for this year, Plans are to continue throughout the town witha = ™ surbing and paving program in the ni few years, The Simeoe Plaza shopping area will be a street and shopping X centre to be proud of. The new improved lighting fixtures along with curbing, paving and landscaping, will make it one of the most modern shopping centres in the country. | 15 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER 11, 1962 Terrace Bey Community Church was the sett Saturday Ks evening, September 29th for e double ring ceremony in which Sandra Jane Phillips, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Jack W, Phillips of Terrace Bay, became the bride of John Ross Marsh, son of Mr, and Mrs. Harold N, Marsh of Terrace Bay, a Turquoise and garnet carnations adorned the Altar of Hely Angels Church on October 6th for the marriage of Marilyn 3 - Patricia, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W.J. Moon and Edward Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs, W. Chicoine, all of Schreiber, or STORK CLUB: Born to Mr, and Mrs. A. Power of Schreiber a son on October lst. Born to Mr. and Mrs, R," Smith of ; - Terrace Bay, a daughter on October 2nd. 4d WEEKEND SPECIALS: York Peanut Butter - 16 oz. - 45g, Butter - 2 lbs,/$1,15., Raisins, Seedless California - | 2 1b bag. ~ 59¢. Pork Hooks - 3 lbs, - 894, x 10 YEARS AGO - OCTOBER 12, 1967 i STORK CLUB: Born to Mr. and Mrs, J. Copeman of Schreiber a boy on October 7th. Born to Mr, and Mrs, D, Stewart of Terrace Bay; a girl on October 7th, Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell of Schreiber, a girl on October 2nd. oe Z SCHREIBER HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS COUNCIL: Douglas Stefurak was re-elected president; Greg Morrill, vice president; Helen , Harness, treasurer, Lenors Campbell, secretary. Form * representatives: 9a - Beverly Hamilton and Michael Spadonf, 9b - Lola Scott and Frank Figliomeni, 10s - Dale Sisson and Albert Courtemanche, 10b ~ Estelle Chiccine and Bob Hiller, ~ 1la - Keith Searles and Susan Hawke, 11b - Paul Gauthier and Helen Williamson, 12 Roberta Milani and Brian Hewson, A 13 - Linda Connelly and DfArcy Furlonger 5 YEARS AG - OCTOBER 12, 1972 As of September, 1972, Mrs. J. Chapman has officially been appointed to the Board of the Ontario Municipal Assoc= iation. As District Representative, Mrs. Chapman's area -- - extends from the east border of the City of Thunder Bay straight through to White River, ; X= Mrs. D.Q. Hamilton was hostess for a farewell party i honouring Mrs. Walter (Jackie) Roddis who is leaving for - . a new home in Chapleau where her husband has been irans- ferred by C,P.R. and promoted to Assistant Signal Supervisor. . 1 YEAR AGO - OCTOBER 14, 1976 ce Forbes and Betty Cruickshank are pleased to ennounee the /._ marriage of their son Jack to Dianne Little, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Little of Metcalfas, Ontario. The a marriage took place on September Yth, in Kenmore United Church with Rev, Woolfrey and Father Minvielle officiating. ~ STORK CLUB: Mary Clare and Joe Papineau sre happy to : announce the arrival of their son, Clint Joseph Daniel , born September 25 at Port Arthur General Hospital. Eo