PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 23, 1977 1%} LOOKING BACK 25 YEARS AGO - MARCH 20, 1952 Winner of the final event of the Men's Curling Club Trophy for the 1951-52 season, was Nels Allen, congratulations to Nels and his lads: Baillie and Joe Heenan. We extend Don Anderson, Bill and his rink composed of Ole Olsen, Francis Gaulin and Ted Young. Dropped by the wayside in these final games were Olsen on the winners! side and Farrow on the Consolation side These were really exciting games, with the decision coming in the last end of both. It was a wonderful season! Compli- ments are entended to all who co-operated in meking it sc. A miscellaneous shower for Miss Hermine Hebert, bride=- elect of this month, was held in the home of Mrs. Jack Wain- wright, Birch Crescent, on Thursday, March 6th. An evening of singing and dancing was brought to a happy close with the serving of lunch by Misses Myrns Wainwright and Marlene Steen, The Hostess was assisted by Mrs. John Macdonald, YOUR WEEK AHEAD sy ows ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-July 22 ¥ - LEO July 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 Forecast Period: March 27 to April 2 Promote harmony in your associations with a cheerful attitude. Be careful how you say things as they could be misinterpreted. You arrive at a happy solution to that problem you've been pondering over. This i is no time for deception. ; A well deserved honor comes your way in recognition of your hard work in organizing a social or business group. Keep the communication channels open with your employer. You may have to resolve a dif- ficult situation with a subordinate. An "interest in foreign developments is awakened, possibly because of news from a relative or friend in a faraway place. You may find yourself involved in some secret" investigation. -Any clues you can bring forth will be very helpful. \ Mental awareness is stimulated and you can carry out a really astute business deal. Let your opinions be known. An opportunity for career advancement thru a study program is evident. Keep a happy ap- -proach to your work. An invitation to a show or play results in meeting a friend from out of the past, and could lead to a romantic involvement. Home and family bring much happiness. Visitors to your home have information and advice of benefit. A great deal of communication among family and friends results in exchange of new ideas. A vacation trip is fun. Concern over financial situation prompts you to look into more lucrative forms of em- ployment, or maybe a second job. Consolation honours went to Al Cline 20 YEARS AGO - MARCH 21, 1957 Minor Leaque Chairman, Ernie Schock, and Bantam coach Jim MacDonald will travel to the lekehead this week-end with about 20 of Terrace's future Superiors. Those making the trip will be Doug Moore, Eddie Linkewich, Bruce Meso- Donald, Don Farrow, Dennis Bouchie, Ray Arbour, Ken Rennett, Ron Schock, Norm Vezina, Bob Hopper, Peter Cavanaugh, Paul Heenan, Doug MacKay, and Bill Garvin. Mrs, Audrey Smith held a birthdey party for her son Pate rick on his fourth birthdsy, Monday afternoon, March 18th. A birthday party was held Thursday, March 14th to celebrate the third birthday of Leslie Ann Cotton, 15 YEARS AGO - MARCH 22, 1962 STORK CLUB: a son, on March 16th, Born to Mr. and Mrs. G. Holmes of Schreiber, Born to Mr, and Mrs, T. Cenerelli of Schreiber, ea son, on March 18th, Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. Bedard of Schreiber, a son, on March 18th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. B. Ross of Schreiber, a son, on March 17th. IL WEEKEND SPECIALS: White Sugar - 10 1lbs./89¢. Turkey - Grade B - 37¢/1b. York Meat Pies - 4/89¢., Heinz Baby Foods -Veg. and Fruit - 3/29¢, Meat = 2/L5¢, ~ 'Word has been received that the Department of lands & Forests have completed negotiations for the acquisition of three residential lots in Terrace Bay. At the time of writing no details could be obtained on Shes, the actual construction will start. The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce is pleased PvE announce the appoimtment of Mr, Roy Turcotte of Ottawa, Ont. who will be replacing Mr. J. Alexander who is being trans- ° ferred to Bolton, Ontario. 10 YEARS AGO - MARCH 23, 1967 Miss Alice-Jean McKechnie was honoured at a community miscellaneous shower held in the Community Church hall, Assisted by her bridesmaids-to-be, Deborah Boyd and Sharon MacDonald, Alice Jean opened a wonderful array of gifts. Convenors included Mrs. S. Boyd, Mrs. Marg Anderson, Mrs. Cora Be jkiewiocz and Mrs. Alice Farrow. Mesdames MoKechnie and Williams, mother and future mother-in-law of the bride received with her, Rossport Curling Club wound up the curling season with a Centennial mixed bonspiel and social amoung its members, Winning the First event was Dave Mushqush's team with Edith Hubelit, Peter Legault and Joyce Mushqush. 5 YEARS AGO - MARCH 23, 1972 The Golden Hewks, lake Superiors High School's North Shore Secondary School Atheletic Association Basketball ~ Champions captured three trophies this year. Team members are: Carson Fischer, Jim Corrigan, Bill Smilsky, Tony Commisso, Jamie Collinson, Ralph Coe, Marc Trembly, Ken Turner, Roy Huard, Frank Figliomeni, Paul Caccamo and Coach Mr. C. Wilde, THE BAY, Schreiber, Onterio Official Opening - 3 big days, March 23, 24, and 25, Thursday morning starts things off with Free Coffee and Donuts and Free Corsages for first 50 Ladies. 1 YEAR-AGO - MARCH 24, 1976 1976 Winter €arnivel King and Queen chosen were: Chris Petrus and Patricia .Paukstys, The March meeting of the Schreiber Women's Institute was held with Mrs, Winnie Campbell presiding, Ouests were Mrs. Dele Riley and baby Clinton (the New Year's Baby) and Mrs, George Riley. On behalf of the Town Council, Mr, Gauthier presented to Mrs, Dale Riley the silver baby cup. Mrs, Campbell also presented gifts from the members and several town merchants. Mrs. Moore also gave a gift from the Kinettes. v 5: - 4