FEBRUARY 23, 1977 TERRACE BAY NEWS 4 A) Help your Heart... Help your Heart Fund WD PUBLIC MEETING SNOWMOBILE OWNERS AND INTERESTED PERSONS RE REGULATION -OF SNOWMOBILES. There will be a Public Meeting held in the Town Hall on March 7th at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of obtaining the views of the public concerning the operation of snowmobiles in the Township. Council is considering banning snow- mobi les and wishes to point out the serious -ness of the problem and the extent of many complaints received from the citizens of Schreiber. A.J. Gauthier Clerk-Treasurer o> SCHREIBER CURLING CLUB em» ANNUAL MIN M:CUAIG TROPHY MIXED BONSPIEL MARCH 4-5-6 $32 PER RINK FIRST 16 RINKS ACCEPTED CONTACT: RUTH HILLER 824-2788 CHARLOTTE MILLER fe 824-2330 Fill them out! Send them in! Guaranteed Income Supplement application forms were mailed recently to all pensioners now re- ceiving the Supplement. To make sure that your Supplement to the Pension continues beyond March 31st you must reapply. So make sure you fill in your form and return * it in the addressed envelope en- closed with the form, as soon as you possibly can. Health Santé et and Welfare Bien-étre social Canada Canada Marc Lalonde, Minister