VOL. I9 -NO. 4I OCTOBER 20, I976 AUTOMOBILE COLLISIONS DOWN IN ONTARIO The number of automobile collisions in Ont- ario over the first six months of I976 decreas -ed 7.5% from the number of collisions report- ed during the same period last year, the Hon- ourable John P. MacBeth, Q.C., Solicitor Gen- eral of Ontario, announced. "This decrease in collisions is largely due to the amended speed limits," said Mr. MacBethl Mr. MacBeth revealed the overall number of collisions from February to July of this year was 32,643 as opposed to 35,290 in I975. "These figures are particularly favourable in view of the fact that the number of licens- ed drivers in the province increases every year," he noted. A study of collision rates was conducted on Highway 40I from Windsor to the Quebec border, he said. In the second quarter of this year, the total number of collisions were reduced by 31.2%, from I,726 to .I,I87; fatal collis- ions were reduced by 25%, from 20 to I5; per- sonal injury collisions were reduced from 509 to 326, a 36% drop; and reportable property damage collisions were down 3I.8% from I,027 to. 700. "These tremendous reductions ¢an only be attributed to the new speed limit of 60 mph on this controlled access highway," Mr. Mac- Beth stated. Commissioner H.H. Graham of the Ontario Provincial Police added that a degree of un- willingness' to comply with the new speeding regulations was evident when they first came into effect. This unwillingness was reflected by a 46.2% increase in the number of speeding viclation charges preferred in the first six months of I976 over the number of charges made in the same period in I975. O.P.P. will continue to stringently. enforce speed limits. Photo above shows Mr. Paul Mathew, McCausland Hospital Administrator receiving cheques from Helen Croll, Treasurer and Norma Crockford, Vice President of the Aux- iliary to the McCausland Hospital. These cheques are from the Auxiliary ($I000.00) and the Tuck Shop ($500.00). The Auxiliary is concerned with both the current and the new: Current - redecorating of the children's ward; new curtains in the wards; equipment to upgrade the current fac- ilities (8I500.00 toward the cost of a cardiac monitor). New - $2000.00 donation to the building fund in April. Proceeds for such donations are from things like the Gift and Tuck Shop, Arts and Craft Sales, Bake Sales, Annual Hecspital Ball and Membership Drive. There is a job for everyone in the Auxili- ary, from knitting in your own home to cheer- ing up the sick when on Tuck Shop duty. Pleas be a volunteer. We are in desperate need of knitters. Join the group and become involved., You never know when you may need the hospital.