PAGE 12 TERRACE BAY NEWS OCTOBER 20," 1976 NEW OFFICERS INSTALLED INTO LODGE Ruby Rebekah Lodge 279 regular meeting was held on October 13 with Mrs. N. Fummerton N.G. and Mrs. Georgina Davis V.G. presiding. A dinner preceded the meeting when guests includ}: -ed members of the Installation team from Sapphire Rebekah Lodge #309, Thunder Bay. Mrs. Dorothy Buttars D.D.P. was introduced by Mrs. Christina Morris P.N.G. and Mrs. Mav- is Slater P.P. of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario was introduced by Mrs. Eirene Harness. The Noble Grand presented each with a corsage. Annual reports were given by Mrs. Slater Treasurer and Mrs. Helen Wallace Finance Sec- retary. : Mrs. Davis gave the Sick and Visiting re- port. Get well cards and flowers were sent to Mrs. Winnifred McKnight, Louella McColeman, Connie Weaver and Gladys Hamilton. The Installation team installed the follow -ing Officers for the next term: Noble Grand - Mrs. Georgina Davis, Recording Secretary - Beth Macadam, Financial Secretary =- Helen Wallace, Conductor - Eirene Harness, Chaplain, - Jessie McCanna, Musician - Myrtle Gordon, L.S.N.G. = Alice Sparks, Outside Guardian - Christine Morris, Inside Guardian - Helen D'Arcy. Mrs. Buttars presented Mrs. Norma Fummer- ton with a gift on behalf of the Lodge, noting that this was her third time as Noble Grand. Mrs. Fummerton presented Mrs. Buttars with a gift from the members. Miss E. Aaapa and Mrs. Ileene Williamson were appointed Scene Supporters. Following the next meeting there will be .a Penny Auction held with all gifts to be : wrapped. A Pot Luck lunch will be served - celebrating Halloween. Anyone interested in Figure Skating . in Schreiber (Fl = - ~ 4 THURS., x 3 v MEETING: J OCT. Z218T 4 Vi ANGLICAN CHURCH BASEMENT Interested persons please attend. AT 7:30 P.M. CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE REGIONAL MEETING The diocesan regional meeting of the Cath- olic Women's League was held in the Parish Centre in Schreiber on Wednesday evening, Oct- ober 13th. Father F.J. Meyer opened the meeting with the Scripture reading of Christ's prayer at the Last Supper. ao £8 Mrs. Lorette McParland, president of the Schreiber League, (Holy Angels Council) welcom -ed the visitors and members. She then turned the meeting over to Mrs. Norah McGuire, Dioce- san president, who also warmly greeted the crowd attending. : Father A. Greengrass, C.W.L. Spiritual Dir- Director, whose term expires next spring, spoke on the duties assumed in this particular office stressing that it should always be remembered the Church is a community which God has called into being for making Himself known. Mrs. McGuire then asked for conveners' re- ports: Mrs. Carniato, "Resolutions and Commun- ications" said she had attended the Provincial Convention in Hamilton, during July and thor- oughly enjoyed it. She urged members to send topics, for resolutions, in by December 15, at which time they will be examined by a panel to determine if they are worth presenting. She also encouraged members to be concerned about matters in our own area. Mrs. Mary Dashkewytch, "Christian Family Life", read a directive on family life and Christian marriage, saying members should be concerned about family life courses being taught to their children in schools, and made a strong plea for members to pray for vocations to the religious life. ; Mrs. Meader, "Church Life", stressed the im- portance of Family Prayer, maintaining good relationships with other 'religions and .co-oper- ation with other parish organizations. She read two prayers: 'Prayer of Spouses for Each Other' and "Parents' Prayer for Children'. Mrs. Edna Ramsay, "Organization", announced a new Council, 'Our Blessed Lady of Peace" has been formed by women in Hurket, Pearl and Dor- ion. Mrs. Rita Van Brunt, "Communications and Public Relations", sent her report to the president. Mrs. Rita McGrath, "Treasurer's Report" announced there will be an increase of $1.00 in the dues next year, and membership in the Diocese stands at 3237. Mrs. McGuire then presented her report on the Provincial Convention, congratulating Mrs. L. Salini who was appointed Provincial News Letter convener, which supplies three issues a year for 50 cents. To pg. 13 .....