SEPTEMBER 9, 1976 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 13 STUDENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Cont'd from pg. 9 Dr. Parrott said the high volume of pro- cessed applications now being returned to the institutions may cause a backlog in some stu- dent awards offices. "I realize that delays can-be very inconvenient, but I hope students will understand that student awards officers are under a lot of pressure during registra- tion and that some delay is unavoidable] Dr. Parrott said. The Ministry's initial problems in the pro -cessing of applications have now been over- come. Unless their applications contain er- rors, students who applied early should know the results of the assessment of their 'appli- cations by the end of September. OSAP makes loans and grants available to full-time post secondary students who are unable to meet the full cost of their educa- tion. Normally the first $1,000 of assistance is provided in the form of a loan guaranteed by the federal government. Students needing additional assistance receive it from the province as a non-repayable grant. Dr. Parrott said that students who have not found jobs this summer may be eligible for additional loan assistance. They should appeal to the student awards officer at the institution where they register and should provide documentation supporting their ap- peal. More than 106,000 applications were re- ceived by OSAP in 1975-76 and assistance was provided to more than two out of every five students in Ontario. The province's budget for OSAP grants this year is $61 million, up from $49 million in 1975-76. A lot of people call life "The Survival of the Fittest" You know, a lot of people are right. paRTICIPACTION 8 The Canadian movement for personal fitness. A 1 Join national NOTICE ALL RUSTING CAR OWNERS group 4 taking legal action to recover losses from Ford, G.M.C. Chrysler - Write RUST. GROUP Box 164, Station N New Toronto |4, Ont. SL J Wl {ume bn wt nn mia fem» CAA & AAA APPROVED FAMILY RATES Clean Quiet Cody "On Ground Level Only" CABLE & COLOR TV -- ELECTRIC HEAT YEAR ROUND COMMERCIAL RATES HWY 17 NW SCHREIBER. WEST ENTRANCE 824-2501 fii 824-2800 CALL . Fitness. In your heart you know it's right. [I =10 otal Vie] 1) TODAY'S ANSWER - PUZZLE ACROSS 37 Journalist, 1 Irish port James -- 5 Abrade 38 Subse- 11 Molding quently 12 Utensil on a pencil DOWN 14 Hopeful 2 Wolf's look poker 3 Hit it off 15*Little:ln- 310 the know " dians" pop- 5 Mexican 10 Printing 25 Won a foot ulation shawl blunders race 16 Box 6 Hoisting' 16 Beyond 27 Mild cigar receiver device 18 Ascend 29 Where from 7 Military 21 -- Arnaz colliers Jupiter tactic 22 Roofing enter 17 Purplish 8 Fraternize material 31 Pain blue color (2 wds.) 23 Way 32 Inert gas 19 Townsman 9 Gazing 24 -- Antilles 34 "Kitty" 20 French | 2 3 4 [] 6 7 a 9 10 river 21 Actress, -- | 2 Merrill 22 Emily -- 3 \a 23 Shell beads [is I 24 Put on cargo 7 8 19 25 Malt kiln 26 Ending for e? 2! depend 22 23 27 Attractive one 24 25 28 Furtiveness 30 Pale 26 27 B Indian 28 29 = [31 [32 34 Old Indian [33 34 coin 35 New York [35 36 city « 36 Roman 31 ES emperor