PAGE I8 TERRACE BAY NEWS OCTOBER 1, 1975 Classified Ads MINIMUM CHARGE $2.00 (25 words and under) $2.25 (if charged) 5¢ PER WORD AFTER 25 URGENT - cleaning woman desired, one, two or three mornings "a week, Phone 825-3234, FOR SALE - I967 Chev Caprice Station Wagon, A-I shape, pow- er steering, power brakes, power windows, Automatic, radio, new tires mounted on rims, Ideal for second car, Priced to sell, Phone 825-3837, FOR SALE -I97I Buick Centurion, rebuilt engine, power win- dows, seats, brakes and steering, built in 8 track stereo, AM-FM radio. Good condition, Mechanical fitness included. $2695.00 firm, Phone 824-2158, FOR SALE - 60 page booklet "Journey to Yesteryear" a Hist- ory of Schreiber by the I974 Youth Group. Obtainable at the Schreiber Public Library for $3.25. FOR SALE - Beatty ironer or press. Goed working condition. Phone 825-3234, FOR SALE - one two piece, 4 cushion chesterfield suite and one hostess rocker, Phone 82U-2574, FOR SALE -one I2¥xI7! dark brown rug, 2 weeks old, Suggest- ed for couple with no children or animals. Asking $300.00 Call 825-9995. FOR SALE - 78x14 belted tire and rim, new; men's ten speed bicycle and skate sharpening machine. Phone 825-383I or come to 473 Princess, FOR SALE - I974 Blazer Truck, Apply to the Canadian Imp- erial Bank of Commerce. FOR SALE - 1972 PORD Louiville Tandom truck. Series 8000. Diesel 225 Cat, Excellent condition. Price $I4,000,00 or best offer, Phone Schreiber 824-2420 or 824-2027, HOUSE POR SALE - 535 Lakeview Drive. Phone 705-560-2604, HOUSE FOR SALE ~ at Rossport, five rooms, all services. Send inquires to P.O. Box 6I, Terrace Bay, Ontario. HOUSE FOR SALE - new, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and full basement. Phone Nick Commisso at 824-2I73, PIANO & THEORY TEACHER AVAILABLE in your own homes. Phone 825-3747 for further information. WANTED TO BUY- Vacation property lot or acreage, patented or lease with or without buildings, on or near lake Superior in the Marathon-Terrace Bay area. Write: Mr. B. Franklin, P.0. Box 94, Marathon, Ont. SALES & SERVICE - Heintzman, Sherlock Manning and Lesage pianos, Hammond Organs, benches, tuning, sales and service. Contact: A. Almos, Morrow Pianos, Box 8, Terrace Bay, Ont. BORM'S ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS: For free estimate call: 8X=2172, AL=ANON - Alanon Family Group, Public Inquires Welcome, Write Box 4I, Schreiber or attend meetings held Mondays at BUSINESS DIRECTORY BIRCH GROVE MOTEL D.A.A. APPROVED ® Group and Family Rates 3I6 Walker Street, ® Daily and Weekly Rates Schreiber, Ontario. 0 Canto tov. = rig tne B2F -2800 - YOUR SHELL OIL AGENT JAMES P. MIKUS SERVING SCHREIBER AND TERRACE BAY PHONE 825-3268 CAMERON K. BURGESS & SON INSURANCE AGENT SIMCOE PLAZA Box 398 825-3370 TERRACE BAY FOR YOUR SAFETY ZIAP°S AUTO GLASS ALL WORK GUARANTEED 145 WINNIPEG ST., SCHREIBER, ONT. PHONE 824-2639 - 825-3335 8:00 p.m. at the Public School Art Room. OPPORTUNITY, EXITING NEW VACATION=-CERTIFICATES- Nothing like them anywhere, Everyone wants one, holder receives four days, 3 nights Accommodation at U.S. Resort YOU Se- lect. $100. Value. Short Resume, $5.00 (refundable) brings sample Certificate, Dealership, FREE DETAILS, Helmut Boettger, : ; 818-16 Ave,, N.VW. Calgary, Canada, APARTMENT FOR RENT = Ist floor, 2 bedrooms, front room, not furn- ished, Phone 824-2844 after 5 p.m, URGENTLY REQUIRED - CAA & AAA APPROVED FAMILY RATES iti bl ick vin SET WELL BACK FROM HIGHWAY sventis a ® ", pr On Ground Level Only' Student enquiries CABLE & COLOR TV - ELECTRIC HEAT weloome, Contact: : YEAR ROUND COMMERCIAL RATES. The Terrace Bay News ap RAL Office, Phone 825- WEST meses 824-2501 IF BUSY 3747 ail' 824-2800 Rh -------------------- a ESSE Cn