JULY 9, 1975 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE I7 Mrs. W. Clemens gave the report of the District Meeting at Kakabeka Falls on May I4 and a list of new officers for 1975-76. Con- gratulations were extended to Mrs. Todesco who had been reappointed as 2nd vice president and Mrs. Clemens as Convener of Education and Cul- tural Affairs of the North District. Mrs. -Todesco; in her paper on the Tweeds- muir History, gave the history of the islands near Rossport and along the north shore of Lake Superior. Strange names have been given to some of the islands by early fishermen or construction workers. Buildings were construcH ted on Ignace Island which was an early miss- ion founded by the Jesuits. Battle Island was named after a battle between warring Indian tribes and the first light house was built on Lamb Island. Slate Island is named after the type of slate in its structure. Mrs. Campbell will take charge of the dis- tribution of program books when they are ready to be sold at 50¢ each. Social hour followed the meeting. REBEKAH LODGE NEWS: Mrs. Gladys Hamilton N.G. and Mrs. Norma Fummerton V.G. presided for the June 25th meet -ing of Ruby Rebekah Lodge 279. Mrs. Fummerton reported cards and flowers sent to members who are ill. Mrs. Myrtle Gauthier reported ill in Nanaimo hospital. Mrs. Bern Whent, Mrs. Florence Fischer, Mrs. Florence Higgins and Mrs. Jean Fisher sent notes of thanks for cards, flowers and gifts received. Mrs. Gladys Hamilton District Deputy President for District 4I reported that the District meeting will be held in Schreiber on Saturday, July I2th beginning with a luncheon at I p.m. Committee in charge - Mesdames C. Morris, H. Wallace, B. Macadam, L. Harris, M.F. Green, G. Miller, J. Gilmore. The U.N. Pilgrimage for Youth sponsored by the IOOF and Rebekah Lodges will be travelling through Schreiber on July I6th. Bus Tour #I5 will stop for lunch at II a.m. A committee comprising of Mesdames A. Niemi, B. St. Amand, G. Miller, B. Jacomb, H. Wallace, I. William- son, E. Harness, L. Harris with Mrs. G. Hamil- ton Convener will make arrangements. Tickets will be distributed at a later date on a raffle for several pairs of home kn- it socks to be drawn in December. The Noble Grand presented a Farewell gift on behalf of the Lodge to Mrs. Edith Ibey who leaves Rossport shortly to reside in Kenora. The Lodge will recess until Wednesday, September IOth. WOMAN COMMANDEI: Schreiber believes it may have a first in Canada - when Mrs. Marjory Spacek was appointed Commander of the Nipigon North- shore Power Squadron, being installed by Jim Kearn, District Secretary of Winnipeg Until three years ago, women could only aid be associate members - now they can hold executive positions. Mrs. Spacek, wife of Schreiber's doctor, is a native of Bathurst, N.B. and would naturally be assumed, her love of the water, was part of younger years but, no. Her interest in boating began after her marriage to a 'land-lubber' Dr. Spacek being a native of Prague, Czechoslovakia. But, somehow, inbred in the doctor, was a love of the sea, the open water and space, un~- crowded, in forest and woods. And when he mov- ed to Schreiber, the dream came true. Companions to sail with, countless lakes to paddle on, old trails of historic interest to find and portage, old landmarks to locate, at one's own time and one's own pace. Finding the Power Squadron already organiz- ed was an unexpected bonus, much appreciated and enjoyed. Dr. and Mrs. Spacek have two sons, Peter, the older interested in a degree in Forestry, and Ricky in high school, the better known since he has appeared on the Reach for the Top program on T.V. and both enjoying the lure of the bush, the paddle and a sail. PUBLIC SCHOOL GRADUATION: A capacity audience greeting the 49 graduat ---es of the Lake Superior Public School as they proudly marched into the auditorium of the Schreiber Campus to receive their diplomas. D.L. Davey, vice principal of Terrace Bay Campus was M.C. for the evening and the Rev. Rex Dye gave the opening prayer. Carol Weberg and David Tripp shared the honour of describing the tour of Toronto and Ottawa, and other points east enjoyed by the students this Spring. Mrs. Joan Nugent extended the Lake Superior Board of Education's congratulations to the graduates and then was assisted by Tom Pollard in presenting the graduation certificates. Other awards presented were for general eff- iciency to Jeff McKague from the Terrace Bay continued page I8 ...