PAGE 22 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE: X1, 1975 Schreiber Town Topics - Kinettes = continued from'page Ib. .s ss The annual offer of free rides to senior citizens was again most appreciated. Corp. Don Anderson of the local OPP will be asked to speak at the Baby Sitters Course now being sponsored, with Peter Doig, the Fire Chief also giving a lecture and Jan McEwan, R.N. also speaking. Kinettes assisted the Kinsmen during the successful telethon for Cystic Fibrosis and donated $25.00 to the cause. The date for the annual steak fry was set for June I4th, with the place yet to be decid- ed upon. : Sandy Quinton, Ruth Ann Birch and Edith Cosgrove will be in charge of arrangement for the Inter-Club meeting in Schreiber in 1976. LEGION AUXILIARY: The Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 109, held their 28th anniver- sary dinner party and social evening on May 24th. Nine members of 'the Terrace Bay L.A. attended, including their president Mrs. Dor- _othy Koski, who presented a handsome baking dish to the Schreiber Auxiliary. At the head table were Mrs. Jean Crook, president of the Schreiber Auxiliary; Mrs. Lorraine Huard, first vice president; Mrs. Re- na Ross, second vice president; Mrs. Beatrice McCuaig, secretary; Mrs. Avila Richardson, treasurer and Mrs. Dorothy Koski, Terrace Bay - President. Also attending the party, from out of town were Mrs. Etta Gray, Thunder Bay; and Mrs. Marg Doig of Trenton, who was presented with her 25 membership pin. During the evening Mrs. Margaret Sideen of Kakabeka Auxiliary paid a brief visit to offer congratulations. The large luscious cake for the occasion was made by Mrs. Ida Krause. Traditionally, the dinner is served by the Legionnaires, just the men, but Jack Winters being ill, the Leg- ion's only woman member Barbara McLaughlan ac- ted as convener with Mark Doig, Harry Smith, Jack Richardson and Jim as waiters. Following the meal and informal exchange of jokes and amusing anecdotes was enjoyed, with Isabel Delaronde again winning as the best raconteur. The rest of the evening was spent in danc- ing and visiting. ~ Photo next column = Mrs. Jean Crook, left presented 25 year membership pin to Marg Doig. - Photo by Inez McCuaig. PS The Ladies Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion Branch I09 at their May meeting agreed to con- tinue the two one hundred dollar bursaries they annually contribute to grade I2 and I3 students at the Lake Superior High School. Mrs. Jean Crook, president, will present these at the convocation, held this year at the Terrace Bay Campus. Mrs. Avila Richardson, treasurer, reported she had purchased the year's license for draws sponsored by the auxiliary. Mrs. Barbara Smart, reported the May social evenings has been very successful financially. Mrs. Crook will convene the annual Field Day program, with Mesdames Alice Potvin, Chris 'Morris, Gail Welbourne, Charlotte Miller and Brenda Harper volunteering to assist her. There will be the usual parade for children in costume, free treats, followed by races, and the usual games and hot food varieties for sale during the day. CANCER SOCIETY: Hats off to the men in Schreiber again for a job well done and to all who donated towards a worthy cause. The Schreiber Branch of the Canadian Cancer' Society is deeply gratified with the response of the Canvass this year.. The sum of $I372.I9 being collected. : Under campaign chairman of Mrs. Margaret Godin and assisted by Mrs. Winnie Campbell the President. The captains for the campaign were the Mesdames Norah McGuire, Beth Macadam, Mary Kazmierczak, Annie Niemi, Dorothy Rummery. Special thanks to Mrs. Ibey who collected in Rossport, Mrs. Anne Scott at Walker Lake, Bern Jacomb for her help in organizing the kits for the captains. The men who collected: Reg Bailey, Kusik, Stan continued page 23 ee 5s 00 se