TERRACE BAY NEWS APRIL I6, i RLY-CLARK PLANS PUBLIC MEETINGS -1ly-Clark of Canada Limited will hold etings in Longlac and Geraldton lat- ionth to review plans for its $240- ljevelopment program to expand its reg- ydlands operations and enlarge its softwood kraft pulp mill at Terrace >nglac meeting will be held in the hadian Legion Hall on Monday, April p.m., and the Geraldton meeting in ldton Composite High School auditorium ay, April 22, at 8:30.p.m, b se of the meetings is to discuss the the expansion program will have on the s of both communities. Puttock, president of Kimberly-Clark a and general manager of the company's forest products division, noted that f an environmental assessment report e overall project are available for nspection at the municipal offices ic libraries of both Longlac and Ger- or review prior to the public meetings eport outlines in detail what effect lands and mill expansion will have on on's wildlife, employment, population, air and water quality, etc. ilar meeting was held earlier this r the residents of Terrace Bay and r. A meeting will also be held for dents of Nakina in the near future. 1ill expansion at Terrace Bay and supp- joodlands in Longlac, Geraldton and reas represents the largest single project in Kimberly-Clark's history. sxpansion program will significantly , the company's work force in the en- jion. The enlarged kraft mill will pro sbs for an additional 150 people, bring 11 employment to 650. The expanded is operations will add another 525 ~urrent woodlands employment is 630. oroject will increase pulp production 5 tons per day to I,250 tons, is sched- r completion in I977. At that time, y-Clark's total wood requirements will 973,000 cords annually. nsure an adequate wood supply, addition ber limits have been granted to the under licence from the Ministry of Resources, providing a combined area 86 square miles of forest. company now plants 800,000 trees annu- its limits in addition to the two trees planted each year by the Minis- Natural Resources. LADIES EVENING LEAGUE Standings as of April IOth: Ist. Strikers 214 Points 2nd. Bad Girls 199 Points 3rd. Skinny Minnies I75% Points 4th. Hot Dogs I74 Points 5th. Mayfair 162 Points 1 6th. Outcasts 109% Points / Games over 200: IL. Malashewski 224, 2I0; I. Fournier 205; S. Sadowick 205, 20I; E. Boutilier 208, 203; M. Jean 274; M. Reid 212; K. Latour 227; L. Black 200; D. Garvin 200; M. Hartman 202; A. Daley 2I5; M. Burns 243; S. Opas 242, 259. LADIES AFTERNOON BOWLING LEAGUE Standings as of April 9th: - Ist. Pendulums II5% Points 2nd. Krazy Kats 104% Points 3rd. High Rollers 95% Points 4th. Hippies 80% Points Congratulations go out to Joan Nugent for her 302 Game. Games over 200: - J. Greenwood 249; E. Boutilier 2I2; H. Hiebert 207; A. Daley 2I3, 224; J. Nugent 302. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION ST. MARTIN SEPARATE SCHOOL Terrace Bay THURSDAY, APRIL 24th 19:00 h (7:00 P.M.) LIBRARY OF ST. MARTIN SCHOOL Forms and information have already been mai led to parents who, according to school records have children eligible fo attend Kindergarten this September. If you have a child who will be 5 years old by March 31st, 1976%*, and you have not yet received these forms, please telephone the school (825-3255) as soon as possible. * Please note the change in birthdate deadline: We will AG acoept ohildren who will be five years old by March { 31st, 1976, provided that room is available in our y kindergarten class this September. We expect a small kindergarten enrollment, but it is difficult to know exactly how many students we will have because of new families coming to town for the Mill expansion. If you have a child who was born in January, February, or March, 1971, please telephone the school for more information on enrolling your child for this September.