TERRACE BAY NEWS APRIL 2, 1975 AY BALL TEAM - back, left to right - rison, Dot Dalzell, Liz Malashewski, lings, Bea Fawcett, Eileen Fourbert eft to right - sSsteffie Dorman, Jean unknown, Dodie Thorsteinson, Jean The bat boy is Terry McInnes. plied to us by Nick Chopty. Miss Carol Louies Daley daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Daley of Terrace Bay has been recuited by the Canadian Armed Forces. Carol will first be at Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, and then to ing. Carol is planning on a career as a Medical Assistant in the army. WOMEN OF THE MOOSE NEWS egular meeting of the Women of the s held on Wednesday, March I9th. of the last meeting were adopted as Recorder Helen Almos. spondence was dealt with which includ- tins from Mooseheart and a letter per- to a wedding to be held on August 23. rs will cater to a luncheon on April h Anne Stachiw as convener. Reports en on the bingo and carnival dance. - e was won by Marjorie Goodmurphy. g adjournment guest speakers Mrs. Rena nd Mr. Jerry Nagorski, Hospital Admin- gave a talk on our new hospital. and answer period followed. A cheque mount of $500.00 was presented to Mr. by Senior Regent Sadie Benko proceeds om a recent bingo and talent night. B.C. for her Basic: Train- nd donuts were served from a table decorated in the Irish theme. > Next meeting to be held on April 2nd. THE LAST OF THE CARNIVAL PHOTOS The following photos on this page, page I5 and page I8 are the last of the Carnival Photos taken. = Photos below of the: parade by Pam Jones. continued page I5 ........ ang THE HAPPY HOOKERS SECOND ANNUAL DISPLAY AND SHOW SATURDAY, APRIL 5TH 2-4 P.M. CHIMO CLUB - SCHREIBER SILVER COLLECTION PROCEEDS TO CHIMO CLUB