TERRACE BAY NEWS - MARCH 26, I975 notes = continued is believed to have been made in the f transferring other lands which are 70 to a previous purchaser of some r. Walker's property. This previous on complicating the town's purchase orth of Langworthy Street. It appe- sary for Mr. Walker to go to court to title so the township can take poss- the land it wishes to purchase from r. Council has agreed to underwrite the action in return for re-title and ard, the town's solicitor is proceed- the necessary action. sion was given to both the Ladies Aux f the Canadian Legion and the Disabil ittee to canvass the town. thy communication from Donald Beno, nce policy in connection with water ctivities, describing his company's ver similar policies in other comm- which would seem to indicate a sub- increase in rates of providing for a e on water thawing operations. Mr. osed a form to be signed by househol- iring the service, but this was con- f little value since most of the me nearby residences. ke Superior Board of Education reque- town to repair the sewer line from c¢ School, Schreiber. There is a poss this was done during construction ac- st summer but as Northeast Construc- no suitable heavy equipment in the town will endeavor to rectify the with precautions to ensure the cost ion will be met by the School Board ntractor. s for the new wedidal centre set at er month for the Doctor and $I00.00 for the Medical Health Unit. 1 Accounts totalling $9,369.12 and ration Water Distribution Subsidy .M. Dool, $I430.30 were passed for 1 will investigate an inquiry by an d citizen re the Provincial Govern- Pi plan. orothy Rummery, representative to the McCausland Hospital gave her monthly Jerry Nagorski taking over the posit- ministrator, his duties commencing 20th this year; the Board having re- e Ministry's approval of most of the 1 programs submitted for the new hos- ans have been made to provide tempor- es for the two new doctors, and to eflergencies that might occur. - a TERRACE BAY RECREATION DEPARTMENT WEEKLY REPORT ART COURSES - REGISTER NOW: Please refer to the ad on page 20 for de- tails regarding both an afternoon and evening art course that will be offered to the resi- dents of the community. Both courses are 1 scheduled to start April Ist and 3rd respec- 1 tively; however, because of the short time in- volved in registrations, the College is pre- 3 pared to prolong the commencement of the cour- | ses by one week if necessary. If you are interested in taking one of the two courses, be sure to call 3542 and leave your name and then follow it up with payment as quickly as possible. RECREATION CENTRE CLOSED THIS SUNDAY: The public is reminded that the Recreation complex will be closed all day this coming j Easter Sunday, March 30th. The Recreation Cen- tre will be open on Good Friday, March 28th; however, the Recreation Office will be closed that day. GENERAL EXERCISE PROGRAMME: ¥ A reminder to all males and females I4 to 2 I8 years of age that two open sessions have : | been scheduled for a general exercise programme | involving general exercise, basketball, volley= | g ball, badminton and gymnastics. If registra- tions warrant it, an 8-week programme will be held. Details on registrations will be ann- ounced at the school's when. the students re- & turn after the winter break. The. Recreation Committee is pleased to ann- ounce that St. Martin's Gym will be used for this particular programme. More details in next week's News. SRE ¥ Lk MULTI SPORTS SEMINAR TO BE HELD MAY 24-25TH: The Multi Sport Seminar which was original- ly scheduled for March I5th and I6th has been re-scheduled for May 24th-25th. The postpone- ment of the Seminar was due in a large part to other activities being held at the time. The Recreation Office will be in contact with a . number of local people to determine whether or not they will be able to attend this seminar > in May. In the meantime, anyone interested in i finding out more about the Seminar should sim- { ply call 3542. COMING EVENTS: April II-I2-I3 - Men's Curling Club Open Spiel April I5-I8 = Northwestern Ontario Directors of Recreation Association spring meeting in Terrace 'Bay. Pridevs April I8th - Horticultural Society continued page 23 ee