TERRACE BAY NEWS Today, higher education is more important than ever before. This is what Ontario is doing to help make it available to everyone. Ontario is the best place in Canada to get a higher education. Why? First, the range and diversity of programs our institutions offer. Second, the Ontario Government programs that help students finance their education. Already, 2 out of 5 students at Ontario colleges and universities are receiving financial aid through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). OSAP assists full-time post-secondary students . with government-financed loans and grants based on need, not on academic achieve- ment. Now, starting with the 1975-76 academic year, there will be two new programs. The Ontario Student Loans Plan is de- signed to help students who are ineligible for aid from OSAP. It will benefit part-time students, some students enrolled in up- grading programs and those taking pro- grams which are shorter, or have different entry standards than required by OSAP regulations. The Ontario Special Bursary Program gives non-repayable grants to people in serious financial need, particularly those who can improve their financial situation by taking one or more courses. It's designed for part-time students who receive 'social assistance, are unemployed, or who have a low family income. If you would like to know what financial assistance is available to you, and how to apply for it, contact the Student Awards Officer at the institution of your choice. Or write to: Inquiry Section Student Awards Branch Ministry of Colleges and Universities Mowat Block, Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1C6 Ministry of Colleges and Universities James Auld, Minister Government of es EN William Davis, Premier MARCH 26, I975