PAGE 16 TERRACE BAY NEWS MARCH 6, 1974 : -- RUBY LODGE NEWS LADIES EVENING BOWLING RESULTS ! Mrs. E. Harris N.G. and Mrs. W. Clemens Bad Girls I78; Scooby Doo's I72; Mayfair 153%; P.N.G. as V.G., in the absence of Mrs. G. . Hamilton, presided for the meeting of Ruby Rebekah Lodge 279 on Wednesday, February 27. Mrs. Agnes Evans of Easter Lily Rebekah Lodge 153 Dryden was welcomed as a guest. A donation was given to the Rebekah Assem- bly Educational Foundation Appeal. The Rebekah Degree was conferred on two Candidates. ; Mrs. E. Harness reported that the Property Committee had purchased cups and saucers for the Lodge cupboard. Mrs. Mavis Slater J.P.P. announced that she has been invited to be a Courtesy officer at the International Association of Rebekah Assemblies at their sessions in September in Philadelphia, Penn. Mrs. Glorie Miller will convene the St. Patrick's social following Lodge on March I3. Following the meeting Mrs. Shirley Brown and her committee served a salad plate lunch enjoyed by all present. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING The Terrace Bay Chamber of Commerce held its regular meeting on Thursday, February 2I, with ten members present. " A notice board has been placed in the large window of the Terrace Bay Credit Union Office and the public is hereby asked to make use of it. Notices 6" x 8%" or smaller are request- ed. Plans are being made to honour the parents of Terrace Bay's New Baby of I974, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moore, and a dinner will be held shortly. Memberships totalling 2I have been receiv- ed to date. J Mr. J. Marcella of Normac Industries atten- ded the meeting to request support in their . effort to establish a Tourist Information Cen- tre at the Aguasabon Falls Trailer Park. A letter is to be written supporting this re- quest primarily as a local information centre and secondly as a regional concern. R. Sinotte as a Pro-Tem Committee member, attended a meeting in Thunder Bay of the Sup- erior Northern Route Regional Tourist Council, to form a Travel Association for the District of Thunder Bay. 'Some progress has been made with further meetings being held periodically. The Association should be in operation by April Ist, 1974. 'ski jumping competition and the popular torch- Groaners I52%; Gutter Girls I4I; Hot Dogs I03. Games over 200: IL. Malashewski 241, 244, S. Sadowick 220, B. Barnett 276, F. Knight 211, B. Dejonghe 217, 22I, A. Daley 2I4, R. Halonen .226, 'M. Burton 222, J. Tremblay 243, L. Nesbitt 201, D. Whitton 238, J. Cameron 262, M. Jean 20I, N. Neilon 232, J. Hall 216, E. Boutilier 22I, J. Greenwood 2I7. DRAW WINNERS The lucky winners of vouchers donated by local merchants during Minor Hockey Week were L. Kodila, R. Garneau, R. St. Louis, L. Ballentine, K. Dakin, M. Pedersen and M. Nicol. The draw for the I00 gallons of fuel oil = was won by A. Beaulieu. : We would like to thank the general public for the tremendous support we received during Minor Hockey Week. It was heartening to wit= ness the response the program generated. To x all who contributed in any way to make the program the success it was a sincere thank you. Lynn Walsh, Ways & Means Terrace Bay Minor Hockey Association. SKI CLUB NEWS Skiers are reminded of the change in night skiing hours. Skiing on Wednesday and Friday nights will now be from 6:30 to 9:00 P.M. - The Club is busy preparing for our part in °@ the upcoming Winter Carnival. Events at the hill will be on Sunday evening, March IOth starting at 7 p.m. and will include challenge slalom races, a "hot dog" skiing demonstration, light parade. Skiers should sign up at the club house for the slalom races, jumping com- petition and torchlight parade. Medallions and ribbons will be offered as prizes in the competitive events. 2 All those in the torchlight parade should be on hand for practice at 7 p.m. this Wednes- day and Friday evenings. We are preparing our float for the Carnival parade and we have chosen Terry Paukstys as Miss Terrace Bay Ski Club to represent us in the Carnival Queen Contest. Impossible Dream? My wife had a wonderful dream last night. She dreamed that the Joneses were ying to keep up with us!